Dorian Gray

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Everything posted by Dorian Gray

  1. how do you lose a cellphone in your bra?
  2. The United States Air Force is a young 61!
  3. only that color for which the receiver of the truth filters it through (ex rose colored glasses)
  4. Here is an example. Where I work (my office) I am the boss, with 3 times the time in the service as my subordinates at 28 and have 2 brand new butter bars sitting in to "learn" what we do. They all refer to me as "the old man" or "the old Sarge" at 28. They are all under 22 and have been in less then 3 years where I am 28 and have been in 10 and "half way to retirement". Now compare that to working in civilian company, I would likely be still on the "young" side of the fence while also being on the lower end of the experiance chain. In conjuction with being "old" I also have a wide range of experience that makes me "go to" guy for how to get things done and for "sage" advice. Even the butterbars will pull me a side and ask me for a "mentorship session" to help them grow in to thier new positions. They legally outrank me, but both already realise that I have far my years of practical experience that can not be taught in a college, even a service academy. Now all that said, it really just illustrates that old and wise are truly subjective.
  5. It's subjective depending on the group judging (for both old and wise) as well as the subject (for wise).
  6. I watched a couple of episodes. Some of it reminds me of quite a few people I was deployed with.
  7. how about one that happened over 1000 years before Christ was born?
  8. ironically a teen novel series (it was the best the airport had to offer) Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead
  9. not as butterflies and moonbeams as the title implies...
  10. The,00.html Judas Strain by James Rollins
  11. Well, that is a hard question to answer. Here is why, within some organizations the colors DO have meaning with the most common of them being that Black is the "standard" Purple is for Bishops and other colors are "acceptable." This is not a hard and fast rule and does vary from denom to demon and even church to church within a denom.
  12. I will become a Senior when I make E8 (Senior Master Sgt)
  13. because if not, you would stop my paycheck from kevin...
  14. Happy birthday Honey!!! (yellowrose is the wifey)
  16. are we talking just straight up chocolate or a candy bar containing chocolate.
  17. generally for the majority of my day is some type of uniform.