Dorian Gray

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Everything posted by Dorian Gray

  1. Rev. Skutnick, yep you missed something you didnt read the terms of service before you signed up otherwise you would know you dont qualify for the service yet.
  2. but of course...its all about the ben's....
  3. if by even, you mean filing a telecommunications harassment suit..then yes..
  4. that was literally one of the stupidist things i have ever seen...I think i might have lost brain cells watching that....
  5. its directed by the stoner dude from PCU...
  6. the only outfit i know about is the midevil princess halloween one...
  7. outfits? what outfits? i know nothing of any outfits...
  8. good good, add it to the collection
  9. i wanna see it just cuz i think Nicole Kidman is hot
  10. murph likes the ones where men cross dress... i want to see rent just to see what all the fuss is about
  11. Seriously talk to an attorney...when it comes to your home, nothing less will do..
  12. Mine is one of the less noble to start, I did it because I could. Afterwards I became far more serious and involved in several aspects of the chruch.
  13. well if ya got the $ i know of a lab you can send it to to get EVERYTHING off...
  14. either kind Cherie...just like my post said. Mark, do you need a new HP or just a new HD?
  15. who is buying me a the new HP...either kind will me for shipping address..
  16. I took my eldest to see it today (yes i know its not out yet they had an advanced free showing on base). It was "cute" if ya ever seen the other herbie movies it pretty much follows suit... oh and if you see look for the two scene where the boom mic is here the beginning (a couple shots) and one towards the end.
  17. well they are a bit nutz...taking on the empire and stuff
  18. i dont think 3PO have programming enough for deception
  19. good man. i was shocked that AAFES didnt try to get copy of it right away. i know as a kid, for really big movies AAFES and NEX did.
  20. Viq are mind wipes like baby wipe or like clorox wipes?