RevRainbow Posted March 2, 2011 Report Share Posted March 2, 2011 Father in Heaven, You have done some awesome judgments in the past and I would like to ask for a favor. The Westboro Baptist Church people have been spreading hate messages and doing it in Your Name. Our Supreme Court says it is okay to do that under the first amendment but I believe Your commandment to Love one another supersedes that. I ask that You make it rain or hail on those people - JUST THOSE PEOPLE - when they are out demonstrating at soldier's funerals, and set their hateful signs on fire by spontaneous combustion! Maybe even cause their buses and cars to break down so they never make it there. Expose their hypocrisy. Deal with them, Lord, that they realize they are so wrong. Please. I ask in the Name of Your Son, Yeshua, Who taught us to Love and showed us that You are Love. Amen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator Cornelius Posted March 2, 2011 Moderator Report Share Posted March 2, 2011 Just playing devil's advocate here. I can appreciate the sentiment but you are singling out a specific group of people based on their beliefs and behavior and condemning them. You are asking god to punish them for who they are. How is this spreading god's love?Isn't what you're doing with this the exact same thing as they are with homosexuals? I hate them myself but in my belief system that is ok.I really was hesitant to post this because I don't really disagree I just thought it needed to be said? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RevRainbow Posted March 2, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 2, 2011 On 3/2/2011 at 6:09 PM, Brother Thorn said: Just playing devil's advocate here. Methinks more that you are playing for a justifiable reasoning for such a prayer. Devil aint got nuthin to do with it.I can appreciate the sentiment but you are singling out a specific group of people based on their beliefs and behavior and condemning them. You are asking god to punish them for who they are. No. I, as a Christian with the SAME basic beliefs as them, have judged their behavior in disrupting funeral services of soldiers and their hatred toward gays to be against those basic beliefs. I do not condemn them as persons but I have judged, as a Christian, and condemned their behavior as wrong. I did not ask God to punish them, but to expose their hypocrisy through obvious signs and deterrents so that they might see their error and repent. This is a "family" matter.How is this spreading god's love?Through chastisement of His (alleged) children. If a child (of God) is headed in the wrong direction and/or does things contrary to God's will, they will be chastened (reprimanded), as any good Father would do. Their actions have blasphemed the Name of God and there needs to be correction, IMO.Isn't what you're doing with this the exact same thing as they are with homosexuals? Nope.I hate them myself but in my belief system that is ok.I don't hate them, I hate what they are doing and, by doing what they do, have tainted the image of what a Christian believer ought to be. As a Christian, I must protest and condemn their behavior.I really was hesitant to post this because I don't really disagree I just thought it needed to be said?No problem. Your asking has produced an answer to why such a prayer. There needs to be clarification and justification for certain actions. I stand by what I have said and will continue to pray in that manner unless my heavenly Father bids me to stop.PS: Don't be surprised if you see it raining on them folks in the near future! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grateful Posted March 2, 2011 Report Share Posted March 2, 2011 I join you in that prayer revrainbow ! they're crazy people; yeah, crazy people protected by the first ammendment unfortunatelyhave you seen the counter protesters who show up and block their signs? some of them are hilarious! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atwater Vitki Posted March 2, 2011 Report Share Posted March 2, 2011 Rev. Rainbow,What a thought! Your approach seems to be better than other "offers" I've heard about for this group ...and I hope you saw the link to the "Ask this one question-video"...posted last week/week before...."Should abortions be illegal?" "YES!" "Then what should the punishment be for mothers that do have an abortion?" "Ah, well ah, ah...hmmm...I've never really thought about that" being the typical answer. My personal opinion of that group, and others of similar "qualities" do they ever SEE what they're doing to their own rank and file by being so zealously on the move against things they don't agree with? I saw a news clip, about a month ago - maybe longer, that Westboro Baptist Church has asked the pastor to "step down" due to his radical approaches and that many in the congregation have left the church, preferring a place that has less "controversy". The "right to life" is a very sensitive topic and both sides do have valid concerns and p.o.v's...however, the Law says abortion is legal, as it "should be" - 100% my opinion- up until the first trimester is over...that seems to be the consensus on 'when life is achieved" by doctors best educated guess. MHO is simply a choice the mother should make after counseling and knowing the truths regarding this practices. Turning it back over to fraudulent, back alley, unscrupulous "doc's" is a death sentence for thousands of mothers, as well as fetus', every year, I'm sure.I'll join you in this prayer as a matter of principle!Blessings of Peace, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mark 45 Posted March 2, 2011 Report Share Posted March 2, 2011 coming form me you may find this strange,but rev rainbow,i can no more tell them what and how to believe anymore than i can you.nor would i try.i do not agree with the inbreeds at westboro,and feel if they want to preach their message of hate(which they have the right to do)they should keep it within the confines of their building.those who want to believe like that can come to them.prayer to me is nothing more than talking to the air.there is noone to hear them.however,if it should happen that a hail storm opens on them,well,so be it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RevRainbow Posted March 2, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 2, 2011 On 3/2/2011 at 9:56 PM, mark 45 said: coming form me you may find this strange,but rev rainbow,i can no more tell them what and how to believe anymore than i can you.nor would i try.I am not telling anyone what to believe. I am outraged, as a Christian, by their manner and attitude of expressing what they believe. They believe that homosexuality is a sin, as some/many Christians do to varying degree. All but the most ignorant and scripturally corrupted Christians would not agree with them, however, that "God hates **." They are extremists who have corrupted the Word of God, not unlike Jim Jones, and they will ultimately be exposed in their hypocrisy. They have dishonored Christianity and the God they claim to worship, IMO.i do not agree with the inbreeds at westboro,and feel if they want to preach their message of hate(which they have the right to do)they should keep it within the confines of their building.those who want to believe like that can come to them.I do not see where anyone has the "right" to preach hate against others. With freedom of speech and expression, comes an obligation to act responsibly. These people are irresponsible and incite folks they do not even know to anger and sorrow. Yelling "fire" in a theater, when there is none, is not exercising free speech, IMO, and thus should not be protected under the First amendment. They verbally assault and ridicule the families of deceased soldiers and cause emotional distress and anguish thus compounding their grief. Then these pompous ignoranuses (yes, I misspelled the word intentionally) go back to their church and eat more of their own vomit.I challenge what they truly believe, as proclaimed Christians, in following their pastor/leader. It should be obvious that their fruit is rotten. They are blinded by the media attention they receive and applaud each other for their efforts. They have become an offensive circus clown act and it is time that they be stripped of their whitewashed faces. This type of insipid behavior by this group of so-called Christians must be condemned by those Christians who are spiritual among us, especially those calling themselves Baptist. prayer to me is nothing more than talking to the air.there is noone to hear them.however,if it should happen that a hail storm opens on them,well,so be it.So be it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Peter Posted March 3, 2011 Report Share Posted March 3, 2011 An interesting variety of responses. I would pray that members of the Westboro church remember the basic teaching to treat others as you would wish to be treated.They might also consider several of Yeshua's comments on hypocrisy, such as Luke 6:41 and Luke 11:39-40. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bro. Hex Posted March 3, 2011 Report Share Posted March 3, 2011 (edited) On 3/2/2011 at 9:23 PM, RevAl said: Rev. Rainbow,What a thought! Your approach seems to be better... I'll join you in this prayer as a matter of principle!Blessings of Peace,Nice posts Revs Al (and Rainbow)!I thoroughly agree that these protesters are repugnant in the extreme.Personally, I do not believe that "we can petition the Lord in prayer"...I mean, we CAN, but I don't believe that is going to "influence the outcome".But I DO believe that "What goes around comes around",and I DO believe that these hateful people are going to reap what they sow.So I think that it is "only a matter of time" before this hateful BEHAVIOR precipitates some equally hateful reaction. It may be some highly offended veteran... it may be a highly outraged relative of the deceased... it may be an enraged member of the "gay community"... It may be someone who just thinks that these people give Christianity a bad name. But somebody is bound to get hurt, and it isn't going to be pretty. And if and when something violent eventually happens to one or more of these funeral protesters, I am not at all sure that 12 jurors can be found who would "find guilty" whoever "does a mischief" to these self-appointed "guardians of American values". They are "sowing hatred"... can anyone really doubt that they are going to reap accordingly? Edited March 3, 2011 by Hexalpa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Michael Sky Posted March 3, 2011 Report Share Posted March 3, 2011 Couldn't this be seen as a lesson for Christians everywhere?It is easy to be outraged by our disagreement with these people's beliefs, but I DO wonder how illumination will come to those who are inundated by such harsh negativity......Do we do them a service by responding in kind? or is our responsibility to raise them from ignorance?Do we honor an obligation as a Christian by shouting louder and harsher, or simply and quietly portraying OUR version of a proper Christian?I believe as Hex said - they will reap what they are sowing - we must beware, for we do the same.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrator murphzlaw1 Posted March 3, 2011 Administrator Report Share Posted March 3, 2011 *sigh* Religious Tolerance is a very important thing. It's great when we can agree on aspects of one's beliefs. It's another when we find them repugnant.Lord knows I am absolutely aghast at the things Westboro Baptist is doing in the name of God, but.....where does one draw the line at asking your deity of choice to hurt people for following their beliefs?First it's for protesting at someone's funeral. Sure, lots of people can get behind that. In fact, there's a group out there that actually wears great big angel wings and shields the mourners from the Westboro Baptist protestors. But what next? "Okay, you set THESE people straight, now there's a guy that STOLE MY PARKIN SPOT! Let's get him next!"I'm not saying, as a person, that you shouldn't distance yourself from people like this, nor should you try to shout them down. I believe, I truly believe, that YOUR religious beliefs, and how YOU portray them, speak more loudly than any form of protest you might incur upon these people. What's the saying? Be the change you want to see in the world.Education is a much more effective tool than standing on the rooftops denouncing what evil people they are. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atwater Vitki Posted March 3, 2011 Report Share Posted March 3, 2011 (edited) Rev. Rainbow sed: Quote "I do not see where anyone has the "right" to preach hate against others. With freedom of speech and expression, comes an obligation to act responsibly. These people are irresponsible and incite folks they do not even know to anger and sorrow. " That is exactly why I said I could support your prayer, in principle, as what they incite in other's emotions, through the pursuit of their own views, is terrible. However, I do also agree with what others said about it being their kharma and their insult to Christianity and should stand on its own merit...or in this case lack of...and "G_d" will do with them as he sees in accordance to their deeds. Oh I'm sure many of us would like to be on that Jury of Peers, but He probably doesn't need our help on that one!And you bring up the one point far too many fail to see when screaming for their 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights...the obligation to act responsible with those Rights! "Responsible", in MHO, is not inciting people nor endangering others lives through wanton disregard for others.Brother Peter sed: Quote "I would pray that members of the Westboro church remember the basic teaching to treat others as you would wish to be treated." It is bothersome to me that this is the first thing Zealots seem to forget. Unfortunately the more people "push them" to see the error of their ways there is a tremendous amount of resistance from their end...even faced with their own truth as spelled out in their own Bible.....(probably highlighted and used as a tool in Sunday School!)Hexalpa sed: Quote "But I DO believe that "What goes around comes around",and I DO believe that these hateful people are going to reap what they sow.So I think that it is "only a matter of time" before this hateful BEHAVIOR precipitates some equally hateful reaction. " The loud, noisy, out there, boisterous ones aren't the one's I worry about in condemning Westboro for their actions. It's the quiet, unseen, unheard one's that we should all be a bit concerned about. We all know of the type and those are usually the truly dangerous ones as no true rebel with a cause is going to telegraph their moves. No, with those types, we won't know what's gonna happen until right after it does happen....and then it's going to be "nobody knew", "no one could imagine such a thing" etc it always seems to be. Murph sed: Quote " I believe, I truly believe, that YOUR religious beliefs, and how YOU portray them, speak more loudly than any form of protest you might incur upon these people. What's the saying? Be the change you want to see in the world." Murph, you are a genuine speaker of Truth ! There is nothing more powerful than those who say what they mean, mean what they say and stick to it regardless of what others may think of their stance. That is truly having a firm conviction of Beliefs. My message to the world has always been "Peace" to which it seems like few others even care and a good number think I'm nutz. But "Peace", wouldn't go very far with this bunch at Westboro, perhaps I should back up my words witha.) ignoring them b.) screaming louder than they do c.) quoting Six Goals/Nine Noble Virtues at them until they "get it" d.) quoting Scripture at them until they "get it" e.) keep signing off with my current sign off....Blessings of Peace,PS: Murph also sed: "now there's a guy that STOLE MY PARKIN SPOT! Let's get him next!" only one answer there.....Towanda!(Still one of my favorite of all times....Fried Green of Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy's BEST... ever!!) Edited March 3, 2011 by RevAl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator Cornelius Posted March 3, 2011 Moderator Report Share Posted March 3, 2011 On 3/3/2011 at 3:12 PM, murphzlaw1 said: *sigh* Religious Tolerance is a very important thing. It's great when we can agree on aspects of one's beliefs. It's another when we find them repugnant.Lord knows I am absolutely aghast at the things Westboro Baptist is doing in the name of God, but.....where does one draw the line at asking your deity of choice to hurt people for following their beliefs?First it's for protesting at someone's funeral. Sure, lots of people can get behind that. In fact, there's a group out there that actually wears great big angel wings and shields the mourners from the Westboro Baptist protestors. But what next? "Okay, you set THESE people straight, now there's a guy that STOLE MY PARKIN SPOT! Let's get him next!"I'm not saying, as a person, that you shouldn't distance yourself from people like this, nor should you try to shout them down. I believe, I truly believe, that YOUR religious beliefs, and how YOU portray them, speak more loudly than any form of protest you might incur upon these people. What's the saying? Be the change you want to see in the world.Education is a much more effective tool than standing on the rooftops denouncing what evil people they are.QFT! Along the lines of what i was trying to express but put more simply and eloquently than I could manage. Excellent post Oh Great Murph .) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RevRainbow Posted March 3, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 3, 2011 On 3/3/2011 at 3:12 PM, murphzlaw1 said: Lord knows I am absolutely aghast at the things Westboro Baptist is doing in the name of God, but.....where does one draw the line at asking your deity of choice to hurt people for following their beliefs?*sigh*I am confused as to why my words have been so twisted and misunderstood.For one last time, I state that it is not hte beliefs, but the behavior in expressing those beliefs that upset me as a fellow Christian.AND,no where did I ask my "deity of choice" to hurt anyone! I apologize for any misunderstanding. Peace. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RabbiO Posted March 3, 2011 Report Share Posted March 3, 2011 On 3/2/2011 at 5:17 PM, RevRainbow said: Father in Heaven, You have done some awesome judgments in the past and I would like to ask for a favor. The Westboro Baptist Church people have been spreading hate messages and doing it in Your Name. Our Supreme Court says it is okay to do that under the first amendment but I believe Your commandment to Love one another supersedes that. I ask that You make it rain or hail on those people - JUST THOSE PEOPLE - when they are out demonstrating at soldier's funerals, and set their hateful signs on fire by spontaneous combustion! Maybe even cause their buses and cars to break down so they never make it there. Expose their hypocrisy. Deal with them, Lord, that they realize they are so wrong. Please. I ask in the Name of Your Son, Yeshua, Who taught us to Love and showed us that You are Love. Amen.My friend,I prefer this simple prayer, adapted from Fiddler on the Roof - "May G-d bless and keep the Westboro Baptist Church --- far away from us!"As you probably are aware, the WBC is not terribly fond of Jews either. (Actually, since the membership of the church is made up primarily of the Phelps family members, I'm not sure that they are fond of too many people.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bro. Hex Posted March 3, 2011 Report Share Posted March 3, 2011 On 3/3/2011 at 3:12 PM, murphzlaw1 said: What's the saying? Be the change you want to see in the world.A very timely reminder.Thanks, Murph Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RevRainbow Posted March 4, 2011 Author Report Share Posted March 4, 2011 On 3/3/2011 at 10:26 PM, RabbiO said: My friend,I prefer this simple prayer, adapted from Fiddler on the Roof - "May G-d bless and keep the Westboro Baptist Church --- far away from us!"As you probably are aware, the WBC is not terribly fond of Jews either. (Actually, since the membership of the church is made up primarily of the Phelps family members, I'm not sure that they are fond of too many people.)Rabbi, thank you for turning my scowl into a smile. I still hope that it rains on them, but maybe not so hard.(gee, I call for a little rain or hail and you would think I asked for fire and brimstone!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Michael Sky Posted March 4, 2011 Report Share Posted March 4, 2011 On 3/4/2011 at 12:10 AM, RevRainbow said: Rabbi, thank you for turning my scowl into a smile. I still hope that it rains on them, but maybe not so hard.(gee, I call for a little rain or hail and you would think I asked for fire and brimstone!)I didn't mean to criticize your feelings..... but Christians the world over have standing orders against judgement.... and " Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. " Romans 12:19and history gives us the impetus to hold that thought close to our Christian Hearts....Many times I have wondered "How does that person consider themselves Christian?" - It is really hard not to.... I need to constantly ( at times ) remind myself to "allow room for God's wrath", and continually put my best effort into portraying MY version of a proper Christian...Rev. Rainbow, of course I am as outraged as you at the things that go on there, but I believe there are folks all over who are receiving a little bit of clarity thanks to the shenanigans these people engage in... My Faith in our Father gives me a sneaky sort of glee to know he is using their bigotry to teach a lesson in humble Forgiveness and Love... They shout their hate at the world and Our Father uses it to instill a sense of Unity and Harmony in those who truly recognize Him....It is not possible that Our Father should have less than total control over what happens there - but I do not claim to understand the manner of his Teaching... I struggle to understand - but I trust.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atwater Vitki Posted March 4, 2011 Report Share Posted March 4, 2011 To me, WBC and primarily Phelps and crew, are expressing their angst in the only way they know how. It certainly doesn't make them "right", but it certainly puts the focus on the "fight". Is the Supreme Court seriously going to rehear this case? Doubtful and improbable as it has been looked at several times and found to be a sound ruling. I think that WBC is simply looking for the publicity and to recruit new least if all the loud, noisy ones are under one roof, it would sure make it easier to keep an eye on 'em!....and "G_d" could get 'em with His squirt gun!...POW! direct shot through the roof of WBC building!!...and if that happens, well Rev Rainbow, I shall nevermore be uncertain about the power of prayer for things we would like to see happen!! Blessings of Peace, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Youch Posted March 5, 2011 Report Share Posted March 5, 2011 On 3/2/2011 at 5:17 PM, RevRainbow said: Father in Heaven, You have done some awesome judgments in the past and I would like to ask for a favor. The Westboro Baptist Church people have been spreading hate messages and doing it in Your Name. Our Supreme Court says it is okay to do that under the first amendment but I believe Your commandment to Love one another supersedes that. I ask that You make it rain or hail on those people - JUST THOSE PEOPLE - when they are out demonstrating at soldier's funerals, and set their hateful signs on fire by spontaneous combustion! Maybe even cause their buses and cars to break down so they never make it there. Expose their hypocrisy. Deal with them, Lord, that they realize they are so wrong. Please. I ask in the Name of Your Son, Yeshua, Who taught us to Love and showed us that You are Love. Amen.Awesome. On 3/2/2011 at 6:09 PM, Brother Thorn said: Just playing devil's advocate here. I can appreciate the sentiment but you are singling out a specific group of people based on their beliefs and behavior and condemning them. You are asking god to punish them for who they are. How is this spreading god's love?Isn't what you're doing with this the exact same thing as they are with homosexuals? I hate them myself but in my belief system that is ok.I really was hesitant to post this because I don't really disagree I just thought it needed to be said?It seems hate speech is not protected by the First Ammendment. Unfortunately, bad manners, meanness and rudeness is, according to the SC. Amazingly really, given that those things in sum amount to hate speech. A delicate situation, to be sure. I think the SC came down on the wrong side, personally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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