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Everything posted by RevRainbow

  1. Same to you, my friend. Things here are okay. Thanks for the high-five.

  2. You have much to offer as a member of this forum. Might I suggest that you provide a link to your website for those who are interested while at the same time, limiting your posts and engaging in conversation with others and providing your viewpoint. You did mention regret for your initial excessive posting and that should be sufficient. In time, I think you will gain respect for your views. Peace.

  3. You can borrow my bible if I can borrow the Brewer's Bible. Man, I almost forgot about the beer! I can get the parts we need from the dispensary with a little bribing...
  4. A penal colony, hey? Of course I would bring my bible, I mean, prisoners are pretty gullible (and a captive audience) and, heck, I could start my own cult, and...if the guards are Marines, it's a double whammy!* * RR is being facetious and does not plan to start his own cult. He does, however, make the point that he has a special understanding of sacred writings and is willing to share with anyone who is gullible open minded about choosing a spiritual leader and financially supporting his endeavors (food rations and cigarettes are also acceptable forms of tribute). Female members will have special privileges based on their willingness to minister to the needs of the clergy (sorry, guys, I'm not gay - not that there is anything wrong with that!) **Please note, that as your spiritual leader, all books you may bring to the colony must first be read and approved and contain my nihil obstinate obstat. Books with photos and/or pictures will be more thoroughly scrutinized. Enjoy your stay and remember...Together we can!
  5. Hmmmm. My celebrity look-a-like was Slim Pickens!
  6. I like the people here (I do!) and the diversity of thought. I also like the free kool-aid but would prefer a different flavor now and then.
  7. May our prayers for peace also come to rest upon you and your house.
  8. And I will bring the beer, my friend.
  9. We call them Depends...depends on whether you need em or not.
  10. Thanks Tank. Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64?
  11. You are missed in the forum, brother. Prayers for a speedy recovery are in progress.
  12. RobinD69 had suffered a stroke on May 21st. I spoke to him yesterday via PM and he said it would be okay to post a prayer request for his recovery and current situation. He says he is at 75 percent right now and appreciates our prayers and concerns. Please remember Robin in your thoughts and prayers.
  13. Sorry I missed this one, but it is profound enough to respond to even if late. A very plausible insight, TR, I like it. 666 denotes imperfection, so I also like Magus' idea of the number being man. Put em all together and whattaya got? Something to ponder (but not to get all wrapped up in). As a side note, 666 was the last three numbers of my divorce decree.
  14. I did write a poem in Bards of the Board (only 3 views) so dont point the finger at me!