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Everything posted by RevRainbow

  1. Don't you have to be dead first (or is that just for Catholics)?
  2. Back in the late fifties I was the Brahma Llama Ding Dong.
  3. I wish I was a saint But dang, I really ain’t When I think of all the sin And trouble that I’m in. I try and do my best, But fail every test To prove I am a saint, When dang, I really ain’t! So Im a gonna fight And try with all my might, Through Grace, and never faint; To reach the day I am a saint.
  4. Just throwing in a line from the Book of Job: "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?" -God
  5. Just finished The Kite runner by Khaled Hosseini. Excellent with many twists and turns that you will enjoy. Afghanistan before, during and after the Russians and Taliban. Riveting. Enlightening. Recommend. You may see yourself and/or someone you know in the characters. Am now reading Black Rain by Masuji Ibuse. It's about Hiroshima, actually the people, before, during and after the bomb. Hard book to put down and not finish in one sitting. If you have ever read "Hiroshima" by John Hersey, it fills in many gaps.
  6. Thank you for the kind comment, sHOE. I agree with the analogy. The anti-Christ, IMO, will be a charismatic deliverer, a messiah from the Dark Side (if you will). Fawzo: You are correct, most were fooled just as they will be fooled with the anti-Christ. It does say that if, possible, even the "elect" can be fooled. Let me clarify my defenition of "fooled:" it means to allow oneself to be deceived by adhering to false beliefs when confronted by truth.
  7. While I currently believe that the anti-Christ is a real individual, and Christ will return physically to this earth, I have great trouble of spirit in accepting interpretations of prophecy such as the above, not because it does not merit study, but because I do believe (as Shaw-n points out) that it can be and, in cases is, harmful. Christians should be looking for the return of Christ, not the coming of the anti-Christ. There are, in prophecy, signs to watch for and then we are told by Jesus, to "...look up for our redemption draws nigh." I take issue with the above interpretations due to a single phrase I have seen and heard misconstrued time and time again, that if such-and-such happens to us, then we "were never saved to begin with." How easily Christians can judge and caste out their own who disagree with their reasoning by a statement such as this. There is far too much spiritual ignorance among humanity. Over the centuries, prophecy has continually been misunderstood and applied to the age in question. Now, because of the world situation, we are shifting blame to the Muslims. My fear is that many evangelicals as well as other mis-educated Christians, will begin a spiritual hate campaign against the Muslim world just as they have against Catholics, Jews and, lets add homosexuals to the list also. To me this is frightening. It is the evil WITHIN a system or group or denomination that is suspect, not the individuals. There are evil doers within the Christian world as well as the Muslim, within the Vatican as well as the White House. But not everyone within these places or teachings is evil. Not every Cretan is going into the Lake of Fire. The vagueness of prophecy allows us to interpret it in relation to our generation, I myself have applied the fall of Babylon to the WTC, noting similarities. It makes for interesting conversation BUT because of the spiritual lack of Divine intelligence, we become self-righteous and apply evil to scapegoats according to our own pleasure. In our spiritual ignorance we then decide to "help" God and hasten his judgments by carrying out our own penalties against the alleged enemies of Christ. To select, and charge any group with the stigma of being anti-Christ, allows us to transfer the hate we have to that group in all (assumed) godly righteousness. Let us for a moment, substitute the word "Muslim" in the post to "Catholic, Jew or homosexual," -as I pointed out has been done in the past - and I think my point is emphatically made. If we choose to label our enemies, then are we, as Christians, not to love them also? IF the Catholic Church is the apostate church (as some believe), it does not mean that ALL Catholics are evil and going to perdition. Group labelling is erroneous and, in itself, evil. We catagorize and, assign traits to an entire group: racially, religiously, politically, and yet we have not learned of the fallacy of doing so. Even the Muslim world has its divisions both culturally and custom wise. Hate directed to, or practiced among, any group is quite easy to accomplish and, as pertains to God, prophecy can be the method used to arm us with the wielded sword of "justice." There are some, perhaps many in the evangelical circle, and you know I speak truth, gentle reader, that are proclaiming President Obama as the anti-Christ. How dare they! The man has enough hate directed at him because of his ethnicity and skin color. If the man restores this nation and economy, then the credit will be given to Satan and we shall look for the abominations to come! If he becomes a charismatic effective leader, inspiring many and gaining trust of other countries, we will, again, ascribe the success to the concept that he is an instrument of Satan. How pathetic and disturbingly harmful. And, if the president is praying and seeking God in these matters and is being led by the Spirit, then those who who applied the designation of anti-Christ to Him have blasphemed the Holy Spirit, which, in my understanding is the unforgivable sin (ascribing to Satan the works of God)! So watch out, Christian! Rumors, especially spiritual ones, are desperately harmful to the soul. If any truth resonates in your being as pertains to 2012, then you should be preparing yourself and checking to see if your lamp is lit in preparation. Taste your own fruit to see if it is bitter or sweet. Judge yourself and, better still, ask God to search your heart and if there be any evil thought or way therein, to deal with it. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and give no place to those who disrupt the peace of God within your being, sowing fear and discord, apprehension and hate. As Christians, we must follow Christ's commandment that we love God and love each other, all men, including our enemies. Prophecy will supply us with signs of Our Lord's return and it will be Him and He alone who will "destroy His enemies." That is not our job. Our job is to be a light unto the nations, proclaiming the truth of the gospel through our deeds and actions - in love. When we use prophecy to judge and condemn whole groups of people we are not shining a light, but throwing a blanket of darkness over the earth, becoming the instruments of Satan ourselves by promoting this hate, blaspheming the Name of God through our self-righteousness and distributing rotten fruit which is borne from a dead tree with roots in Hell.
  8. Dont forget to add "in your opinion." which is what this is. Welcome to the forum.
  9. It's kinda interesting, being in my mid 60's, how I now view life. Today, I enjoy and celebrate my life and try to make it count for blessing others. When I die, which I do not fear, I will be transformed into my next state of being (hopefully, and most assuredly, according to my beliefs). If I make it, God willing, to 2012, it will be exciting to be part of either the end, or the new beginning. As far as the "end," it matters little to me personally since I have already exceeded the lifespan I thought I would have. God has blessed me and I find no reason to fear what is to come. Today is a day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Peace.
  10. A prayer for a successful operation and full recovery.
  11. Does not Paul (not McCartney), say that there is neither male or female in Christ?
  12. This was the one sentence that impressed me in your post and also validates your/my journey. There was a day when I specifically prayed to "God," and I use quotes because up until that day, the God I knew God was the God of the Catholics. But it was that same prayer that I prayed, totally disenchanted with my religion, that God show me the way and the truth, regardless of my own impressions and beliefs. I wanted to "know God." I renew that prayer every time I am faced with confusion in spiritual matters (which is quite often). And you are right, TR, there aint no nightmares, no falling away, but rather more peace and more truth (which is why I also left the "Fundamentalists," ) because you and I became as little children and trusted God to take our hand and lead us, rather than follow blind leaders who cause us also to fall into the pit with them. How you wound up where you are and I where I am...dunno the answer to that one, other than I learned that God is not just the God of Catholics...or Protestants...or fundies, et al, but THE God of All. If we pray in earnest for truth and seek it, fearing not what others say, but trust in Him and His guidance, we WILL wind up where He intends us to be, for He has directed our paths. And, yes, some will be catholics, some fundies and some...who knows. But their heart and soul will be with God, for they sought Truth and the Truth has made them Free. Fear not, children, but seek after your heavenly Father, asking Him to guide you, and you shall not be disappointed. Amen.
  13. Oh, what the heck, keep going! It helps give (me) perspective to your POV's on this stuff. You aint the only one pissed off with religious hypocrisy. Somebody named Jeshua also was, long before... exceptin' there were no Christians around at that time (Methinks He would've gotten on their case also!).
  14. Getting back to the thread...No, I haven't personally experienced what I would term persecution because of my faith.
  15. I will pray that God touches the hearts of people who can help in this regard (Hmm, wonder if that includes you and me!).