
Prayer Partner
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Everything posted by mererdog

  1. You're not exactly engendering confidence here, Mister Zlaw1.
  2. I opened the little pull down emoticon window and it did not have the one I wanted, so I hit the "Show All" button. That made all the emoticons in the window get replaced with the word(s?) "nopermission". Now, when I open the emoticon window, I just get the "nopermission". I will restart my browser (Firefox 3.0.13) and see if that fixes it, but wanted to report the bug while it persists. --------------------------- Restarting the browser made the emoticon window work again, until I hit the "show all" button, which produced the "nopermission" message again. I've got the browser set to delete all cookies on a restart, if that helps. And I know murph is busy, so I expect a wait before I get a response.... ---------------------------- And when I hit "add reply" just now, the window filled with emoticons for about 10 seconds before I got redirected.....
  3. [b] test [/b] [i] test [/i] [u] test [/u] [s] test [/s] [font="Comic Sans MS"] test [/font] Hey, it works. Cool.
  4. The courts have repeatedly ruled that atheism and other forms of non-belief have the same legal protections as a religion. As for tolerance... The need to tolerate gays didn't show up on most people's radar until there were enough empty closets.
  5. No one likes a tease, Murph. Well, some people do, but the rest of us don't.
  6. Peter Falk was not old when he played Columbo, so the show is outside the boundaries of the theme.
  7. When was the last time you decided to end a personal relationship?
  8. I can think of at least two drastically different things you could mean by that. Easily a nine point oh on the cryptic scale.

  9. Nobody does profile comments anymore :

  10. Nobody does profile comments anymore :

  11. Nobody does profile comments anymore :(

  12. I have it translated as "As to those who reject Faith, It is the same to them Whether thou warn them Or do not warn them; They will not believe." The footnote for the passage reads "Kafara, kufr, kafir, and derivative forms of the word, imply a deliberate rejection of Faith as opposed to a mistaken idea of Allah or faith, which is not inconsistent with an earnest desire to see the truth. Where there is such desire, the Grace and Mercy of Allah gives guidance. But that guidance is not efficacious when it is deliberately rejected, and the possibility of rejection follows from the grant of free will. The consequence of the rejections is that the spiritual faculties become dead or impervious to better influences. See also n.93, n.3557, and n.3644" Translation and commentary by 'Abdullah Yusef 'Ali Sound a bit more sane?
  13. If you aren't being buried, your funeral services could be arranged no differently than a family reunion or small party (depending on how many people you expect to attend), so any friend or family member you would trust to plan such an event could be put in charge.
  14. I have. Had you said that the destination had changed but the route was different, I would take that to mean that you plan on living your life the same way you always have, and have simply come to expect to achieve a different goal by doing so. As is, you seem to be saying that you plan on changing how you live your life. Since I asked how you plan to change your life, it is as if I asked you how many apples you have and you answered "I do not have grapes. I have apples." Was it a deliberate non-answer to the question asked? I mean, it's cool if it is, I just feel like we got our wires crossed somewhere....
  15. What does this change mean in terms of how you plan to live your life?
  16. Do all alcoholic beverages taste bad?