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Everything posted by emalpaiz

  1. I am not a Christian, but I believe in God. I also believe that religion -- all religions -- and science are not contradictory. Religion speaks in the language of allegory with the purpose of awakening our inner life. Science speaks to us about the understanding of our external world and it laws. I believe that God is an Ocean of Life. I can not isolate God in a test tube, but everytime I study any science I feel that there is a profound intelligence behind the workings of the universe. Lately I have been calling that force or intelligence the Cosmic Milieu inspired by the works of the Jesuit Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. (Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was both a palaeontologist and a priest, and his Christian faith was strengthened by his science.) My religion has many myths about creation, about life, about the Gods. I have come to understand that these myths are not simply childish stories, they are trying to teach me about my relationship with the Universe and other sentient beings. Most of the myths and stories have a moral or spiritual lesson. I enjoy religion and science, and I do not find them to be contradictory. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  2. I think that I will simply continue to live by cultivating Self-Knowledge, Understanding, and Loving Compassion. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  3. Very beautiful! But I do not think that I can stand anything bellow 70 degrees F. Hermano Luis
  4. May the Beloved One bless baby Sammy with Health, Strength, and Joy. May Sammy's family grow in Strength and Love. OM Peace Amen! Hermano Luis
  5. I pray to Divine Mother that the understanding and loving compassion will be awakened in the hearts not just of those 50 richest persons, but in the hearts of all. OM Peace Amen! Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  6. May the Beloved One bless Harry with Health and Joy. OM Peace Amen! We will continue to pray for Harry. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  7. Thank you! I have been keeping my sisters and brothers in India in my prayers. That also includes our Western sisters and brothers. OM Peace Amen! Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  8. Prayers will be said for you and your effort. OMM! Hermano Luis
  9. I am already a Senior, and enjoying every moment of it. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  10. Thank you! I will make the effort. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  11. It is nice to know that you will let the Beloved One guide your spiritual path. I am sure that the Blessed One will guide you with Freedom, Understanding, Love, and Compassion. May you always be true to yourself! Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  12. Himitsuko, I found your words beautiful. Mystics are found in every religion or spiritual tradition of the world. True mystics come in different forms and express themselves in different ways. I have found that mystics around the world are like a very small community of like minded people even though they might not share the same religion; nevertheless they share the awareness of an Inner Light that fills them with profound Love. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a mystic and at the same time she went out into the world to do some good. Sri Ramana Maharshi of Arunachala (1879-1950) was also a great mystic, but he spent most of his life in a state of contemplation and teaching those who came to him. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa (136-1886) was a God intoxicated mystic, but he was also a temple priest to Mother Kali and a teacher of universal spirituality. Shyama Charan Lahiri (1828-1895) was a family man, a civil servant, a poet, an educator, and a spiritual teacher; yet he also found time to be a social reformer. There was also the great iconoclast J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) lecturer and educator. I can go on and on mentioning mystics who have influenced the world inspired by their mysticism. I do not see why you can not use the talents that you have cultivated for the benefit of mankind. One thing that sincere mystics have never been is egotistic. All the mystics that I have known have distinguished themselves by a heart of loving kindness, and the ability to share their understanding and talents with others. I pray that you will do the same. Thank you! Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  13. It is good to know that his health continues to improve. May both of you be blessed with Happiness and Health. OM Shantih Shantih Shantih OM! Hermano Luis
  14. It is good to know that your mother is doing well. I will pray for her. May the Beloved One bless her with Joy, Strength, and Health. OM Peace Amen! Hermano Luis
  15. RecieDivine, welcome to the community. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  16. I am praying to Divine Mother for your mother. OM Peace Amen! Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  17. "The weight of the gold which Solomon received every year was 666 talents of gold..." (1 Kings 10:14).
  18. My point of view is very simple, and I am going to let one of the ancient Rishis explain it for me: "When a person dies, it is only the physical dody that dies, that person lives on in a nonphysical body (state), which carries the impressons of his/her past life. It is these impressions that determine his/her nex life" (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV:9). This process of reincarnation stops when the person finally reaches spiritual enlightenment in union with God. Let me make this clear: this is not a scientific theory or postulate, it is a religious belief based on the Hindu Vedanta. This was also believed by Pythagoras, Plato, and many other ancient Pagan philosophers. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  19. So am I. Thank you for your words. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermtage
  20. I am glad that you are finding something positive out of a negative situation. May the Beloved One bless your efforts. OM Peace Amen! Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  21. Even though I am neither a theologian nor a scientist, I strongly recommend that you read the works of Pierre Teiland de Chardin (1881-1955). He was a French Jesuit priest, a true mystic, and a man of science (a paleonthologist). His works led me to understand the true spiritual meaning of evolution, and the value of spiritual life. I have walked a different spirituality than the on chosen by Father Chardin, but I strongly believe that the results have been the same: a strong awareness of my oneness with matter and spirit. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  22. I pray to the Beloved One to bless Rev. Rob with Health, Strength, and Joy. OM Peace Amen! Hermano Luis