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Whatever it takes to coordinate with others to facilitate a totally New Paradigm of peace on earth and the prosperity of abundant life.
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Exalted Being (13/17)
My Brother!!!
I am so happy to hear from You!!!
I think about You every day fearing I may have lost You!
I Pray You are well and so happy when I see this post from You!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro Nest,
Please contact me. I am concerned about You!
Praying all is well w/You!
Religion And Science Are Opposed....
nestingwave replied to Youch's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
Yes. And when the perception of both unfolds to a greater and greater extent -- they will be seen as one thing -- totally indispensable to each other for the complete picture -- appreciation -- and understanding of the how and why of the Multiverse. namaste -
hehehe -- all of the above -- and more! Simple recognition of that fact -- and the reasons behind it -- are a great step forward. Because -- for now we know only in part. Conserted efforts can sometimes be counterproductive. Just -- letting go -- and taking it as it comes seems to work better. I think we will know whatever we need to know. It does take a lot of patience -- and faith. namaste
Hello brother At-The-Water. David Icke has a particular point-of-view which is due to his individual unique life experiences -- just as we all do. A part of it, of course, is how he has put together that which he has heard from other researchers and read in their books. He is a scholar in that respect. Are his interpretation without bias? Of course not. Yes --the mission he has chosen is to shed light on many things. Thousands of others are doing the same thing in these days -- each in their own individual way -- as this world emerges from its long night of darkness. In my view -- none of the "messengers" are dependent upon either your or my "support." Of course -- whatever we do -- no "gurus" or "ET priests." heheheh. Of course -- if out of appreciation someone wishes (or is able) to send him a check, I'm sure that is a blessing to him -- but no one should feel obligated to send such messengers anything since the important message is NOT coming from them -- but is being conveyed (transmitted) through him and has to pass through the media of his own limited concepts. This is true of course, of all such people with an "eye opening" message concerning the New Paradigm. Supporting the basic ET message does not mean supporting every word that Icke or Greer or Richard Dolan or anyone else says. After all -- whatever they say is from their own narrow viewpoint. The ETs want each of us to find out things directly -- not by heresay nor by someone else's interpretation. That is certainly not to diminish such a variety of experiences from so many different people. Plus -- David Icke is angry and outraged at having been deceived and ripped off by theives -- murderers -- and criminals posing as the world's PTB. This is something all of us who make these discoveries experience, eh? This is one of the main items which we must reconcile because 1) it does not help our understanding of the situation, 2) it raises our bloodpressure 3) it causes us to immediately play an "us" and "them" game which does not even exist and 4) we fail to understand what is really going on. The evil PTBs are a necessary part of the catalyst to drive us into a much better way and -- we fully allowed them through our complacency and moral ambiguity. The message of ET contact is far too big for any one person to understand anything but a very small aspect -- and that's why the ETs themselves are spreading information far and wide through many different people who have had direct contact with them and recall it The people's of the world "get" the revelation as they are ready and prepared to "get" it -- according to how ready they are to receive what -- and folks like David Icke help. But -- each of these messengers only have a very small and limited portion of the overall picture which is absolutely huge beyond comprehension. namaste
And thank you Suzanne for your very kind words. No -- however -- as we all awaken from our long slumber of fortgetfulness -- and return to our once full consciousness -- we will all learn whatever we individually need to know for our chosen individual paths. We will finally become fully aware of 1) who we really are 2) what we are 3) why we came here and 4) where our real home is. It is where our heart is. And it draws us like a magnet. The multi-sensory apparatus (far more than five) -- existing in our human bioforms -- allows us to perceive -- translate -- decode -- decipher -- interpret - and grok the energy patterns with which we individually interface through our vectored intention. In other words -- whatever we fervently and excitedly focus upon. We earthlings are now going to step into our new (5D) reality. 4D is a short and compressed transition stage which many of us are already experiencing to some small extent. This is what the so-called "shift" is all about. Something entirely new (and hitherto completely unknown on this planet) is about to emerge in spite of the fact that the turmoil is increasing. It has to as the entire old paradigm disintegrates. All who have been born upon earth during this time have made a decision to directly participate in this unique mission and have embarked upon a grand adventure of adventures by choosing to physically incarnate into this very difficult 3D earth-plane. We have been engaged in a long and very important investigation -- a Divine Mission really -- an inquiry for which each and every one of us willingly and enthusiastically volunteered. Our entire holographic plane of existence -- i.e. this virtual reality bubble which we refer to as "3D" -- is a very carefully designed and entirely unique (one-of-a-kind) cosmic investigation into the very nature of consciousness itself. And this has been undertaken by us on behalf of all beings -- not just earth humans. That's why every eye in the Universe is upon planet earth right now. Planet earth is not an insignificant tiny speck of dust out on the edge of a minor swirling Milky Way spiral in the vast ocean we call "space" -- as some continue to insist. The purpose of this inquiry aligns fully with the Prime Universal Divine Purpose which is to uplift and further the perfection of every being in the entire Multiverse -- every dimension -- every density -- every world of time and space -- and even those etheric worlds of very high oscillation which are totally beyond time and space. All is fully interconnected. When one suffers -- all suffer. When one rejoices -- all rejoice. Our mission is also a co-ordinated conference -- and is the inter- communication of many individual talents and perspectives in order to further uplift and perfect all Life and its many expressions. This aligns with the Ultimate Thought. And too -- it has been of the most extreme importance -- and is driven -- empowered -- and very very carefully overseen by physical angels which (we refer to as ETs) in order to celebrate -- appreciate -- praise -- and clarify to all beings -- the very Universal Thought and Intention which I have been discussing. Although -- at times -- it is very difficult for us to believe -- there are actually no "victims" here whatsoever. The "evil" presence upon our world -- which the ancient gnostics called the " Hypostasis of the Archons" -- has also ultimately served the Prime Divine Purpose by acting as a strong catalyst to propel us even further towards a clearer and deeper understanding of the aforementioned Divine Purpose. The selfish minons who serve the Archontic Control Structure (and continually inflict untold suffering upon other beings) haven't the slightest idea that their selfishness -- greed -- and violence is unexpectedly acting as a strong motivating catalyst to those who love peace -- justice -- and the Divine Intention. Their selfishness totally blinds them -- no matter how "intelligent" they may appear to be. Although their only outward motive is to wield force in order to acquire resources and gain power over other beings -- their actions are ultimately only working against them -- and for our overall mission. We all (each and every one of us) originally volunteered for this long excursion into the artificially induced forgetfulness about who and what we are -- where we came from -- and why we are here. We have been told that this is the way evolution works. No -- this is the way de-evolution works. We have been lied to. We originally volunteered to take the plunge into dark forgetfulness and experience a carefully observed process of re-awakening (with angelic oversight) which is forever recorded and documented in earth's Akashic record. There -- it can be accessed by any being who wants to better understand this dawning of consciousness from our long dark night of almost total amnesia -- with a little help from our ET friends of course -- but -- with a bare minimum of direct intervention. This is in order to not interfere with the process of our own discovery. But -- as this Divine Mission now shuts down -- having achieved an amount of success never expected -- the direct intervention will continually increase. This is because it is essential for our re-orientation into the New Earth. (5D) The ones who elected not to incarnate here are our space-family -- who chose not to participate personally in the "field work" of this inquiry which uses 3D as the "setting" -- as we did -- but instead -- they chose to watch over this investigation and protect us with their utmost care -- as we carry out the "field work." All of us will soon become aware of this. You see -- in reality -- we are just like "them" -- in fact -- we ARE them in the Universal oneness -- but -- we are all specialists in our individual "departments." Mine is "communications." The results of this inquiry -- which has gone on now for thousands of years and is now finally drawing to a close -- are now beginning to manifest. The "Divine Mission" we undertook long ago is now reaching its final conclusion. The ancients called that final conclusion "the end of days" because all the time-lines collapse into one singularity -- one time-line -- earth's "golden age." That is now totally inevitable because a sufficient number of us are all yearning -- reaching -- and vectoring our intentions upon it with a strong vision of the better way. Our innermost being fully knows that it is the only right place for us to be -- and the only right thing for us to do. And once we fully self-interface with our already existing core intention -- all the things we have waited for and longed for -- will fully manifest for the highest possible good of all concerned. namaste
Yes! Thank you dear brother. Eternal = forever. Omnipresent = every place and every time simultaneously -- including way out beyond space and time. And -- LIFE did manifest. That is -- it did become consciously known and appreciated -- not only upon our Mother Earth -- but upon a wide variety of multifaceted worlds all across the far-flung Multiverse.with which we are now about to grok and energetically interface. As this Eternal and Omnipresent LIFE manifested and became consciously known across the cosmos -- its innermost propelling dynamic which is driving it incessantly into its constant frequency shifts -- energy transductions -- and transformations of density -- brought along with it the highest and most important revelation -- and when we simply discover what it is and assent to it -- literally ALL THINGS BECOME POSSIBLE. We are now beginning to discover precisely what that innermost propelling dynamic of LIFE ITSELF is. The ETs confirm the veracity of it It is the Ultimate Thought of the Supreme Creator -- the Divine Intention -- which resides at the very center of the First Source of all-that-is -- and is the propelling dynamic of LIFE ITSELF. What is it? Every particle -- every frequency -- every magnetic field -- and all else --clear down to the quantum and sub-quantum levels -- conspires together constantly to uplift -- perfect -- and release the full potential of LIFE ITSELF through all its manifestations. To put it another way -- THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE -- AND EVERY ELEMENT WITHIN IT -- IS ONE GIGANTIC "CONSPIRACY" ON BEHALF OF LIFE ITSELF -- ALL LIFE -- IN ALL ITS MULTIFARIOUS MANIFESTATIONS ACROSS THE MULTIVERSE. THIS IS THE ETERNAL PURPOSE. THIS IS THE DIVINE PLAN AND INTENTION. THIS IS THE ULTIMATE ALIGNMENT! AND -- iT IS QUITE SIMPLE. ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS RECOGNIZE THIS UNIVERSAL TRUTH AND THEN ALIGN OURSELVES WITH IT BY SIMPLY ASSENTING TO IT. THIS SETS OUR INDIVIDUAL LIFE INTO ALIGNMENT WITH THE DIVINE PLAN AND WITH THAT -- LITERALLY ALL THINGS BECOME POSSIBLE BECAUSE ALL THAT WE DO THEN HAS THE INCREDIBLE POWER OF THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE BEHIND IT BACKING UP AND SUPPORTING OUR ACTIONS. THEN -- OUR "ACTIONS" HAVE REALLY BECOME ALIGNED WITH THE UNIVERSAL THOUGHT AND THAT INNERMOST COSMIC INTENSION. NAMASTE
Hi Suzanne -- methinks I heard someone call?. Here is some of my highly limited perspective in seven or eight paragraphs. It is true that I am pretty obsessed with this entire subject -- so use your best discernment and intuition and only consider what I have to say as one possible interpretation. I think most folks will be highly skeptical -- as they should be -- about anything which they have not directly experienced for themselves -- regardless of who says it. To tell you the truth there ARE no "experts" about anything to do with this subject no matter who claims what. This entire experience is highly subjective and is dependent upon ones individual interpretation of what they experienced since we are venturing into a totally different realm. My long obsession with this subject comes from two things. 1) having been beamed aboard a triangular shaped hovering space-craft during an encounter which lasted at least six or seven hours and 2) spending the next 45 years trying to research every bit of information I could find in order to unravel and elucidate my experience of that one night -- which was very very strange indeed. If I had been totally alone -- I would certainly doubt my sanity -- however -- a friend was there beside me -- and -- as it turned out -- it was him -- not me -- that "they" originally intended to deal with because -- as he suddenly remembered that night -- he had already been involved with their program concerning earth humans for some time. I was a complete novice -- an innocent and ignorant bystander -- and at that time (1967) I had heard little and thought little about UFOs -- much less ETIs. That "program" which the ET's used that night is far more than genetic engineering and involves teaching certain candidates an entirely new (to us) and different way of thinking designed to prepare us to eventually become a normal Galactic Civilization and be able to interact with various cosmic frequencies. Although you may have not heard of this before -- it is (and has been) going on all across our world for a long time with many others in many different lands -- but especially for the last century. ET's are interdimensional -- transdimensional -- and multidimensional and they have nearly instantaneous time-travel and horizontal energetic teleportation as well -- which is like time-travel only on the same time-line. Now -- here is something very difficult for 3D humans to understand. Their use of craft is for OUR sake rather than for them as a means of conveyance. They do not need such "conveyance" across space since they travel non-locally and transdimensionally. They come to us as living metaphors which we call "space-craft" and in order to communicate with us without totally freaking us out they must "downstep" the presence of themselves into a form and metaphor we are capable of not only seeing -- but a form we can relate to without undue fear and hysteria. Out of our minds -- They pick out our concept of the need for a "physical conveyance" across space and then materialize a "craft" which -- although often incredible looking -- conincides and matches the concepts and expectations of our 3D human imagination. That is why there are so many many different kinds of ships -- so many sizes and shapes of "craft." They can materialize into any shape -- color -- size and form. It can be much smaller on the outside than it is on the inside -- completely contrary to our 3D "reality." You have to understand that when we finally learn how to consciously materialize thought-forms by changing the energy density -- which is where all of us are headed -- we too will naturally do the very same thing. We already have the endemic built-in hardware in our human bioforms (bodies.) This hidden and folded up ability is what some of our more foolish 'scientists" have called "junk DNA" because it is a complete mystery to them and so -- they dismiss it as "junk." But -- there is no "junk" in Nature. Also -- our experience that night of being beamed up into the space-craft was only the very last part of our conscious encounter which -- prior to that -- had been many hours of probing by many frequencies of light energy which were sometimes arranged (like spelled-out) geometric light patterns in the sky -- communicating a visual written message in a language which we understood sub-consciously -- which was what I can only call a massive "download" of information. It was to become gradually unfolded into our conscious minds over a long time..That was 45 years ago. And -- what was this "download" of information about? That is certainly not easy to describe. On one level -- it was very personalized information about our own individual unique perspectives -- which we had already learned through our native cultural and social consensus realities (up until that moment) and the emphasis was upon the interconnectedness -- the relatedness -- and the energetic synthesis of various compartments of our minds -- including our emotions -- and how they all related and resonated together and functioned according to our personal reality matrix -- and why. It was about learning how to energetically shift dimensions and the reality perspectives that accompany each of them. This was the very beginning of a mental process which has been going on within me ever since. This is very practical information to obtain concerning interspecies cosmic communication between Galactic neighbors -- since every "world" out there exists on a slightly or greatly different frequency of vibration. There are many layers of vibrational occilation beyond our earth 3D view. When we look at another planet and say -- "well, that planet is dead and could not have any life" -- .we are not realizing that we are only witnessing three dimensions of the five, six, seven or nine frequencies which are actually there but outside our 3D range of perception. So -- from the perspective of three dimensions our view of the entire rest of the universe is very limited. There is a whole lot more going on out there than we perceive in our present state of conscious awareness. Later -- I discovered that the purpose of the "light language" we were experiencing was in order for us to begin to learn how to think holonomically rather than linearly -- and such communication was already taking place massively all over planet earth -- mainly with the civilian populations -- since the military was only interested in gaining technology for their power hungry masters and, of course --advanced weaponry. The huge scale of this is not known because the various contactees experience memory loss during their "missing time." However -- some do indeed retain their memory of it in order that knowledge about this ongoing ET communication will be spread by those telling the stories of what happened to them. Actually -- militaries from various countries in the world -- including the U.S. -- have aggressively fired upon these visitors with particle beam weapons and done so without reason nor provocation and have occasionally been able to bring one down -- or so the reported legends go. That is according to military "leaked" information which may be a total fabrication. The military wants to appear to have some semblance of control over this phenomena -- in order to better maintain their dignity and respect as "National Defenders." It is really quite frightening to them to be confronted with a force upon whom no one can enforce a "no fly zone." In reality -- the military does not have the slightest control over the UFO/ETI phenomena. GEAR SHIFT OR -- both Eddie and myself have completely misinterpreted this experience. Yes -- that is -- and will always remain a possibility which I cannot deny. That uncertainty is a pre-planned part of ET contact -- or else -- unknowingly --Eddie and I were part of a highly classified and highly deceptive MILAB. namaste
This is a great post Rev Rattlesnake. I too find these type of synchronicities happening in my own life. This, I think, can only be called the Grace of Almighty God. It is a direct connection with The Source that supplies -- feeds -- nourishes -- ones inner need -- and it seems to happen spontaneously -- especially when one is experiencing a great and profound happening and has an intense inner seeking for satisfying answers.. namaste
Blessed is he who does not expect anything -- for he shall never be disappointed. However -- my innermost life intention is for peace on earth and goodwill toward men -- the end of war and poverty -- and the creation of a thriving Galactic Civilization where two seemingly contrary things exist at the same moment: 1) the understanding of Universal Oneness. 2) the understanding of total Individual personal sovereignty. These two seemingly contrary things are resolved through the recognition that each human being is a totally uinique (one-of-a-kind) expression -- snowflake -- aspect -- personality -- point of view and yet exists in the One Universal Source Field where each and everything and each and every person is totally entertwined and fully interconnected -- and yet totally distinct and unique. This understanding of the Universe brings a richness and respect for individual human rights -- liberty -- freedom -- and great appreciation for our undeniable interconnectivity. Such an understanding and acknowledgement makes it common behavior to do unto others as you would have them do unto you because of the recognition that I AM you and you ARE me. We are differing aspects of each other emerging from the very SAME SOURCE. If I kill you --- I am killing part of myself --- murder is really suicide -- if I bless you -- I am blessing the further extension of myself because the reality is that ALL IS ONE MIND ONE THOUGHT ONE PURPOSE and yet there is an infinite variety of expressions pointing toward that infinite ONE. This is a totally New Paradigm -- a very different view of the nature of reality -- and an entirely new way of thinking which many of us see emerging in the immediate future. December 21st 2012? This is not a unique "date" but a significant "marker" indicating a process which has already long begun -- and it accelerates until fulfilled. This is physically due to our solar system having entered an entirely new and highly energetic region of space which is converging into direct alignment with the black holes at our Galactic core. These intense (and never before experienced) radiations are changing our physical matter (carbon 12 into carbon 7) including our DNA/consciousness which results in a punctuated equilibrium of rapid consciousness expansion. And -- somewhere along the line we meet up with our Galactic neighbors. Things really take off and accelerate from there. Many of us feel that landmark disclosure -- and the long hidden information which goes along with it -- to be very near. This is only the very beginning of our larger functioning in the Multiverse -- and our acceptance (and taking on) of our true responsibility -- and our intended reason for manifesting corporal 3D existence here in the first place. No -- this is NOT political "collectivism" -- but just the opposite -- it is the full acknowledgement of the value of the individual creative expression and the full appreciation of it -- coupled with a genuine understanding. of the prime nature of reality -- which is complete ONENESS and FULL ENERGETIC INTERCONNECTIVITY. Some of you already have no problem talking to animals. Think about that. We are moving into telepathic communication. It is the way advanced Galactic Civilizations throughout the Multiverse already function and interact. This is where we too are headed. namaste.
Words From The Wise...your Favorites
nestingwave replied to Ex Nihilo's topic in Creative Expression & Cultural Arts
"Blessed is he who does not expect anything----for he shall never be disappointed." ~ Alexander Pope namaste -
Hello Constantine and a warm welcome to you. What does it mean to me to be a "minister?" Well----the very first thing is for me to remove the veils from my own eyes. This is a necessary ongoing process----otherwise my words and life example remain stale and unfulfilled. The second thing is to carry out the mission for which I incarnated. That is----to offer any unconditional love----life----light which I become capable of shinning into this world----no matter how small. This is all for the sake of coordinating with my extended family (both on and off world) to facilitate the imminent and completely unprecedented global consciousness transformation into a completely new paradigm----Newtime. The third thing is for me to listen carefully to my inner guides and learn to stay open in order to brighten the daily path for myself----but also for any other being----great----small----good----bad which synchronistically comes into my energy field. I have found that there is no such thing as "coincidence." Interconnectivity is the undeniable fact of the Universal Life. We are one. namaste
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hey, I enjoyed your post in the open pulpit about the rice experiment - really cool!