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Everything posted by emalpaiz

  1. May the celbration of Lughnasadh bring many blessings to your life and great joy to your heart. Hermano Luis
  2. Ik pray that your celebration will bring many blessings to you. Hermano Luis
  3. The teachings of Lord Buddha have a very special place in my heart. Thank you! Hermano Luis
  4. I have always believed this. In our human understanding we have given The One different Names, we have understood The One in different ways. So the Rig Veda tells us (see Rig Veda I:164.46). Hermano Luis
  5. If the shrine were big enough, I would enjoy doing walking meditation around the shrine hall. Hermano Luis
  6. Hi icanchangeit:

    It is nice to have you in the Forum. I pray that you will continue to celebrate with us in Understanding, Love, and Compassion (ULC).

    In Divine Friendship,

    Hermano Luis

  7. To my Jewish sisters and brothers, may this celebration of Passover be one of blessings and great joy. Thank you! Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  8. I believe that redemption is a profound state of inner enlightenment that is expressed in our lives as Freedom, Understanding, Love, Compassion, and Joy. This profound state is available to all no matter what our religion might be or if we do not believe in any religion. I strongly believe that no ritual will give us access to it. Hermano Luis
  9. Prayers will be said for Sam. OM Peace Amen! Hermano Luis
  10. The Sanatana Veda Dharma in the Rig Veda states that there is only One Supreme Being (see Rig Veda I:164.46)that is known by different names. Nevertheless popular Hiduism worships both female and male deities. Most Gods have a wife, a Goddess that can be worshiped together with the God or alone: Lord Brahma has Mother Saraswati, Lord Vishnu has Mother Lakshmi, Lord Shiva has Mother Parvatti. Mother Parvatti is also worshipped as the Black Goddess Kali, who is very popular in India. Traditionally in my Sampradaya (spiritual tradition) we worship a Supreme God, but we can call that God Divine Mother or Heavenly Father. Hermano Luis
  11. I also pray that all my sisters and brothers of the ULC have a very Merry Christmas. Hermano Luis
  12. I have a copy of Paramahansa Yogananda's two volune explanations of the Gita. It is an interesting interpretation written before his death in 1952. Self Ralization Fellowship -- the organization founded by Paramahansa Yogananda -- has also produced an abridged version of the commentaries which I have not seen yet. There are numeral commentaries on the Gita by different teachers. Each teacher comments from the perspective of their particular school of thought. I have enjoyed the Gita by letting it speak to me; sometimes I write commentaries that have personal meaning. Hermano Luis
  13. Good choice! The author of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita takes his metaphysial inspiration from the Vedic Upanishads. My English version of the Upanishads is by Eknath Easwaran. Hermano Luis
  14. The war image has created among some Hindus and students of spiritual literature an obstacle, and it is understandable. One has to read beyond the first chapter in order to understand that the Gita is not a book about war. We could call it a book about "Dharma" (social or spiritual duties). I strongly recommend the Gita as translated by Eknath Easwaran; it is a good translation of the Gita with a general introduction and an introduction to each of the 18 chapters. At the end of the book it also has a series of notes about concepts in the Gita. Eknath Easwaran has something to say about the Gita and war in his general introduction to the translation of the Gita: "To those who take this dramatic setting as part of the spiritual instruction and get entangled in the question of the Gita justifying war, Gandhi had a practical answer: just base your life on the Gita sincerely and systematically and see if you find killing or even hurtin others compatible with its teachings." One last thing, I have read the "Art of War" by Sun Tzu, and there is no relatioship between it and the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Hermano Luis
  15. Today is the Gita Jayanti, the celebration of the birth or revelation of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita (the Song of the Lord). The Srimad Bhagavad Gita is an allegorical dialogue between God (Sri Bhagavan Krishna) and Man (Prince Arjuna). The Gita was revealed to mankind in the conversation between Prince Arjuna and Sri Krishna held at the beginning of the great war of the epic poem Mahabharata. The Srimad Bhagavad Gita, or simply the Gita, is not the oldest nor the most authoritative sacred book of Hinduism, but it is the probably the most popular and the most influential book of the Hindu faith. It played an important part in the nineteenth century renaissance of Hinduism in India, and Mahatma Gandhi found inspiration in its pages during his battle for India's independence. In its 700 verses divided into 18 chapters, the Gita expresses the essence of the Hindu religion. The Gita teaches the following: 1. The oneness and universality of God. (The different deities of the Hindu pantheon are nothing but reflection of the One True God beyond all Names and Forms.) 2. The life that flows through us (Atman) is the Life of God. 3. The Law of Karma. 4. Reincarnation or Transmigration of the soul. 5. The Law of Dharma or Duty. 6. Moksha or Spiritual Liberation. The Gita has played an important part in my life. I do not believe that it is superior to any other sacred book, but I consider it to be a very dear friend. For some fifty years it has been a faithful companion and spiritual guide. During moments of great crisis I have turned to the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, and I have found spiritual guidance. Among the many things that the Gita has taught me is that God is not the property of any particular religion and that everyone -- no matter what their religion might be -- can establish a personal relationship with God. Today I bow before the Gita. I offer my respect to the Book that has led be to the Beloved One, and that has taught me that God is One and Universal. "The Lord dwells in the hearts of all creatures" (Srimad Bhagavad Gita 18:61). May all be happy! Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  16. I am sure we all worship the same God. The founding Guru of my spiritual tradition said, "God is the God of all." Hermano Luis
  17. At the Moriviví Hermitage prayers are being said for Ms. Asia Bibi and for all person who suffer persecution for their religious beliefs. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  18. I am for freedom of religion; nevertheless, I have a question. If the woman had been a Hindu, would the West be concerned? Note: I will be saying special prayers for this woman. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  19. May you also have a very happy Hanukkah! Hermano Luis
  20. Welcom Reverend Irma! I hope that you will enjoy the fellowship of the ULC. I read you initial words and they are in harmony with the beliefs of many of the sisters and brothers here. Welcome!

    Hermano Luis

    Moriviví Hermitage