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Everything posted by emalpaiz

  1. I have a very hard time believing in prohets no matter what religion they come from. Hermano Luis
  2. To be honest, I do not know what is going to happen on December 21, 2012. I do not know what is going to happen tomorrow. I know what happened yesterday, because the past has substance, but no relity. I do not know what is goin to happen in the future, for the future has neither substance nor reality. We should learn to live in the here and now, for only in the here and now is there reality and substance. Let us enjoy our present moment. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage.
  3. When you read the Book of Mormon, you realize that Mormons are Christians. They might not be mainstream Christians, but they are Christians in the same way that the early Gnostics were Christians. We might not like their doctrines, but the foundation of their faith is that there is a man-god called Jesus Christ who came to save mankind. I studied with them for a time, and eventually I returned to my religious beliefs, because I found that the Mormons or Latter Day Saints were somewhat narrow minded, and that does not set well with met. But they are Christians. To call them a cult is a mistake, because every religion is a cult. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  4. The Beloved One speaks to us every day in mysterious ways. Not just to people of one religion, but to everyone everywhere; to everyone in every religion, and even to those of no religion. God -- one of my teachers used to say -- is the God of everyone. Hermano Luis
  5. I like to think that I am a nonviolent person (call me a pacifist if you like). I served in the U.S. Armed Forces, and I have been a law enforcement officer for the past 24 years. I use a side arm, and up to now I have not had a need to use it. Should there ever be a time that I have to use it, I will not hesitate. The book that I cherish as my spiritual guide is the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. A book in which God exhorts Prince Arjuna to fight a battle, yet throughout the dialogue we find God speaking of the importance of nonviolence. It was this same book that guided Mahatma Gandhi in his nonviolente battle against the British in India. I strongly believe that there is a way of solving problems without turning to violence. But this is not an ideal worls, and sometime we have to turn to violence when all other means fail. My spiritual goal is to see a culture of nonviolence established in our world. I think that it is the dream of people of many religions. Hermano Luis
  6. May this Ramadan bring inner joy and peace to all our Muslim sisters and brothers. Hermano Luis
  7. Not necessarily! If you notice most of the time I sign my posts "Hermano Luis, Moriviví Hermitage", the "moriviví" is a weed that many people do not like. Every child in Puerto Rico enjoys playing with that weed. That weed is always close to the ground, and many gardeners hate it. When you touch the "moriviví" it crumples up as if dead, and after a while it opens up again. Life is eternal (so I believe), it only needs the right conditions to manifest. That is what the "moriviví", a weed, represents in my life. In the ULC garden, there are no weeds. Each plant has its own beauty; each plant here has a story to tell; and everyone of us has something to learn from each plant. In my garden the "moriviví" is as important as the rose. You bring your special kind of beauty to this garden. Do not stop being you. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  8. The only constant in the universe is change. I like to believe that I have found a secure system of beliefs. Have I? I do not know. I do not know if tomorrow I will change. There is always that possibility. Uncertainty is always with us.. Once I was young, healthy, and strong; now I am older, not so healthy, and not very strong. How will I be tomorrow? I do not know. Hermano Luis
  9. As we read the words of our mystics of the past and present, we must read as if we drink a good cognac. We must not read in a hurry, we must let those words -- like the good congnac -- enter into our being and do their work. Our Gnostic forefathers wrote in a very profound and allegorical manner. Let those words fill us with their spirit, it was, is, and will be the Gnostic way. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  10. We have our local Rabbi (you heard from him), and we have a beautiful blend of doctrines, beliefs, teachings,etc. which makes this a beautiful garden of religions. And you are welcome to its many blessings. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  11. Is that not somewhat dangerous? Who is going to control these genetic experiments and surgery? Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  12. I do not see why not. I was just reading in my ULC Texbook the following, "The Universal Life Church champions above all else Liberty of Thought..." You have great freedom as an ULC minister. Remember the ULC has one essential doctrine, to do that which is right. "Every person has the right to interpret what is right for themselves, as long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others" (The ULC Textbook). Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  13. It is always best to take light meals when one takes the disciplines of meditation. I like to meditate early in the morning, later I take breakfast. I meditate after returning from work, and then I take my evening meal. During retreats in the mountains the discipline is very different, it is similar to the discipline of monastics. The practice of Vipassana or any other contemplative practice is a dedication for life. It has been a blessing in my life. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  14. Vipassana style meditationa are practiced by many contemplative schools in the East. One of the advantages of this type of meditation is that you do not have to subscribe to any belief system. It has helped me slow down the thought process and helped me to express a more compasionate attitude toward myself and others. Hermano Luis
  15. Everyone has an understanding of what a minister-priest should be. I think that it is difficult to define, but somone has mentioned that it is a calling. I have found that it is a calling to develop Understanding, Love, and Compassion in my heart, and helping other to do the same. Not an easy path! I know how difficult in can be, and I know how to help others face those difficulties. I am sure that your spiritual path and ministry will be of service to many. When people laugh at my ministry, I just smile. Many spiritual giants suffered ridicule from their contemporaries. Welcome to our family! Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  16. Today and tomorrow, with the Full Moon of May, many will celebrate the Buddha Purnima. For traditional Buddhists it is the celebration of the birth of Lord Buddha. Some Buddhist countries will celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and death of Lord Buddha. To those of us who follow the universal path of contemplative mystics, it is the celebration of the Cosmic Buddha who has no beginning, middle or end. Tradition tells us that the prince Siddhartha abandoned his kingdom and family in search for a solution to suffering. He became Gautama, the wandering monk, and searched for Truth in many places. It is said that he practiced many spiritual disciplines, but that none showed him the way to erradicate suffering. Tradition says that He sat under a tree and vowed not to get up until He found the solution to His question: why do sentient beings suffer? The monk Gautama sat and meditated for many days until He discovered that all sentient beings suffer because they resist the unavoidable changes of life. All sentient beings suffer old age, illness, and death. It is unavoidable! It is said that Gautama reached a state He called Nirvana or Spiritual Enlightenment and suffering ceased. From that moment on He would be known as Siddhartha Gautama Buddha or simply as Lord Buddha, He Who Has Awakened. Lord Buddha was not a Messiah in the sense of Christianity. He never claimed to be a God, He simply said that He was a man who had found Enlightenment. He taught that everyone could find Enlightenment (Nirvana) through self-effort. He rejected the authority of the priesthoods of His time, He rejected the cast system of the Hindus, and He insisted that the Gods -- like human beings -- have limited understanding. He told everyone that Nirvana was a very profound state that expressed Itself in the life of human beings as Understanding and Loving-Compassion. Everyone can find Enlightenment, for the Ultimate Truth is not subject to any religion, divinities, or priesthoods. Everyone can find that Ultimate Truth within him/herself, and discover the end of all suffering. But He insisted that whoever wanted to reach Nirvana must make his/her effort. Everyone of us is a potential Buddha, all we have to do is go deep within ourselves and bring that Buddha out into the open. May every one find Peace and Enlightenment in this lifetime. Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage
  17. I see a smilarity between most churches and political parties. They are very ambitious, they desire power, and they interfere with the best interests of the population. My understanding of religion is related to Church or political parties. I understand religion to be a search for inner meaning. I do not use my religious understanding for political purpose. Hermano Luis
  18. If I had thirty days left to live, I would continue to live like I have. I would get up early in the morning meditate, read, go to work, write a small essay (which I do every morning). On the return home I would meditate some more, and ejoy watching my family have fun. After all, death is part of life.
  19. I have never been a member of any political party, but I do have a liberal tendency. Probably that is why I have never been a member of any political party. Hermano Luis
  20. Friendship is so important in my spiritual path. I have many Christian friends, yet they have never tried to convert me. I guess we value friendship above religion. Nevertheless we sometimes talk about religion without having the need to impose our views on the other. But when I meet someone who does not know what my religion is, I will not speak about religion. If the subject come up, I will simply listen. Silence is a wonderful companion. Hermano Luis
  21. A Happy New Yeat to you also. Hermano Luis
  22. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all Canadian sisters and brothers.
  23. "Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to re-establish dharma" (Sri Bhagavan Krishna in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita 4:7-8). Today and tomorrow the Hindu world celebrates the Sri Krishna Janmashtamai. I celebrated today in the intimacy of my shrine the manifestation of God as Sri Bhagavan Krishna. The Hindu worlds fills itself with joy in the celebration of the birth of Sri Krishna in the same way that the Christian world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ during the Christmas season. I like to celebrate the Janmashtami in the silence of meditation. The true Avatar of God is found within our hearts, for each and everyone of us is an Avatar of the Divine. Lord Krishna says, "I am the true Self in the heart of every creature" (Guita 10:20). So the celebration of the birth of Sri Krishna is something more than just conmemorating something that happened in the distant path, it is the reminder that we have to awaken that Divine Spark in our hearts so that dharma (virtue) never abandons our world. Sri Krishna is born every day in every newborn child, but soon we condition the child to follow the path of Ego, the path of "I", "me", and "mine". It is then important to re-awaken that Divine Spark in our lives. That is what true religion is all about. I pray that today, tomorrow, and every day, the spirit of Joy that was and is in Sri Bhagavan Krishna will manifest iin the life of my sisters, brothers, and friends in the ULC, Hermano Luis Moriviví Hermitage