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About santana

  • Birthday 03/01/1977

Helpful Information

  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Location
    olympia wa

Friendly Details

  • Interests
    gardening , working on cars, my kids , going to the gym
  • Doctrine /Affiliation

Other Details

  • Occupation
    tow company owner YAY

santana's Achievements

Honorable Friend

Honorable Friend (6/17)

  1. perfect I will call them tomorrow thank you so much I really appreciate it
  2. in washington ,I think from what she said yesterday they want to come to me ?
  3. my friend asked me to perform her wedding in wa but she is from oregon so should she get a wa license or an oregon marriage license? thank you
  4. Keep it up hopefully your wife will too I didn't like the patches either they made me feel like I had the flu
  5. Hi murph:) I want to say congratulations ! quitting smoking is an amazing venture , I too have battled with it and am quitting for the same reasons , I found that exercising helps tremendously because I have huge amounts of energy and am too tired to smoke and that I can play with my kids without being out of breath and I am praying and hoping you succeed ! the patches are a good tool too as long as you follow all the steps:) good wishes hun !
  6. so very sorry for your loss , prayers going up
  7. Hope everyone has a greaaattttt day !

  8. I owe I owe off to work I go :)

  9. just checking, are you doing alright?

  10. CUYuettttte:) im a dork meant to say cute :0 )
  11. You make me smile Santana ! I am Happy to see you Happy !!

  12. another happy happy day ,happy dance all the way to the car to take the kids to school

  13. another happy happy day ,happy dance all the way to the car to take the kids to school

  14. YAY more sunshine today LOVE IT