Dorian Gray

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About Dorian Gray

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  • Gender
  • Marital Status
    married to yellowrose
  • Location
    where else but hell?

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  • Interests
    ummm stuff...yeah stuff. Stuff like:,
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    My Own and ULC of course

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  • Occupation
    United States Air Force
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Mythic Legend

Mythic Legend (17/17)

  1. Glad see you back with us, I hate that any church has done that to you. As Panpareil pointed out, there are lots of parallels to be draw between your story and that of Kirby Hensley. That is what has drawn and keeps many of us coming back to our home here with the ULC.
  2. It was likely part of a major version or patch upgrade to the software. Your name has been in place for over a decade, but if you were to try to change it the current rules would be forced on you. My name has been in place for nearly 9 years. Looks to be around September of 2012 + maybe a few months is when the change occurred.
  3. Unless you renounce your ordination with the Monastery (and informed them to remove your record) then you are still ordained with them.
  4. Which is likely what the Legal Aid folks will advise them.
  5. Koki has the right track for the start. Here is another option to talk to about trying to become the legal power of attorney.
  6. The most important bit of info, you left out...where are you located. All advice (and it is simply that. If you want something more authoritative, get with a lawyer licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction) is based on the location in which you intend to operate.
  7. When a State does, it is generally challenged and found unconstitutionally.
  8. No state can require anything educational requirement of any religious group to be a minister. That who church and state thing.
  9. The degrees are valid and legal and you can call yourself Dr. Your Name Here. However, you may get chuckled at by those with traditional PhD, ThD, EdD, etc since they are not from a Regionally or at least Nationally (the lesser of the two) accredited school.
  10. When looked at from a purely scientific filter, it is no more silly than any other religion. There is a fairly convincing argument (9 proofs specifically) that Google is God.
  11. Atwater, That is much the same type of story as my wife. She would rather work, but with their various issues..she has "good days" and "bad days". It took 3 years and a federal judge before she got SSDI. For myself, I am already sitting at 90% VA disability rating (while still on Active Duty mind you) and I haven't even had everything evaluated yet.
  12. As a young active duty A1C-SSgt, My family received WIC (a form of welfare) Even now, I am just now making enough money to actually pay taxes and not have everything that was withheld returned as a SNCO.