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Everything posted by SalemWitchChild

  1. So for Halloween I participated in a blog party. Our mission was to create a short story. I decided on a dragon love story for my entry. You can read it on my blog. I hope you enjoy! Dragon Love
  2. Hey murph, This fits you perfectly.
  3. Yay. You are doing awesome! I wish my hubby would quit. You know his doc actually told him not to quit because he could have a psychological break! Now he uses that excuse every time I try to convince him to quit. Anyway, back to you. GO MURPH!
  4. You can do it Murph! Yay for making better choices.
  5. Eventually my goal is to become a published author. I have self published a couple of things. Most of it not for a fee. But I keep writing and some of it is for practice, one story is destined for the publisher. Of course there is my blog too. Salem's Creations Blog - Here I post about various Pagan topics as well as other important things in my life. Beating Down the Devil - A little short romance story I'm working on. When I get stuck on one story I move to another until I can come back to my original piece. This began that way, now its one of my favorites to work on. You can read a portion of it here. Humanly Goddess - This one will be published one day, so you won't be able to read it. But I have a little blurb on what its about here. I suppose I shouldn't post links to my erotica stories, but I have those too. I'm working on a new one for the All Hallow's Grim Blog Party.
  6. I know this has probably been covered before, but just need to ask. To be registered to do marriages in Ohio, I know you have to have a letter of good standing and DH already has that. But so we take it to the county registrar we live in, or the one he will be doing the marriage in? Or is it registration for the whole state not county? Were a little confused about it. DHs brother is getting married in a few months and we need to take care of this.
  7. Older than 6 and a half weeks thats for sure. Papa just bought him that hat but he wasn't feelin it. lol
  8. This website is the perfect website to review your dog food. Good health starts with nutrition and honestly not even your vets give good advice here unless they've done their own research. Many veterinarians get a kickback for pushing Science Diet, Iams, etc... But those brands are not the best brands despite their outrageous prices. Most supermarket brands have a lot more fillers than they do meat. With this website see what exactly your food is lacking, or what it has that makes it more desirable to feed! Personally, I like my dog to eat Taste of the Wild. Its a great food at a good price. And you end up feeding less than you would with supermarket brands.
  9. You need to make a post in the forum before using the private msg system.

  10. Have a wonderful Beltane. Now if this baby would just come out, I'd have a happy one too!
  11. I find it funny when the baby has hiccups. My whole belly starts to jump. lol

  12. We have no idea. Depends on where Dh gets a job and affordable housing. Somewhere between Columbus and Waverly most likely.
  13. Taz is the one in the shelter right now. http://www.petfinder...detail/18382898 Any help is welcome and no I won't be able to take the cats back unfortunately. We expect to have issues just keeping our dog, I don't want to add to the problem of having to find a rental that accepts the cats too. Even if its just to sponsor Taz's adoption would be a great help. Puff is with me, and if you know anyone wanting a cat, PM me.
  14. I haven't aired out all thats gone in in my life over the past few months. You all know I'm pregnant and Wyatt (The baby) is doing fine. But DH lost his job two weeks before Christmas. Bogus reason but I'm sure the owner planned to fire him right when it would do the most damage. We knew when her husband died that he'd be unemployed soon. Just wished it wasn't so soon. Dh has gone back to Ohio. He is staying with family till he can find a job and set up a home for us. I'm staying with my mother. Sierra is with me too. I work but my check is small. I'm trying to support DH and us on a salery that won't even put a dent in it. I have yet to clear out our apartment completely. I've moved what I can with our cars, but I have no truck, and a few large things to move. Unfortunately I haven't friend nor family willing to help with this. Before Lance left my SIL promissed to help. Then my SIL asked my mother if she could keep her dogs, when mom refused (mom has too many dogs as is) SIL withdrew her offer to help with the move. She's a vindictive bitch and karma will get her. I had to give up one cat to the shelter, and I'm looking for a home for my other one. I hate that I had to do that. But good wishes for them finding a home is welcome too. They are on petfinder so hopefully the one in the shelter gets a home first. He's in the most danger as it is a kill shelter. I'm in limbo basically, and any positive thoughts are welcome. Were holding up, but barely. Being separated from Dh is taking its emotional toll on us all.
  15. Everyone have a wonderful Christmas/Yule. We went to a Yule ritual/pot luck with some friends the other day. Had a wonderful time and my DD even participated in the ritual and liked it. Didn't get to see the eclipes though. As for significance of it happening on yule, its actually a very energetic time.
  16. ~ you were given a life..... Twas the night before Christmas when all thru the house Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care In hopes that St. Nick soon would be there. The children all nestled snug in their beds With no thought of the dog filling their head. And mom in her kerchief and I in my cap Knew the dog was cold, but didn't care about that. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash Figuring the dog was free of his chain and into the trash. The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow gave the luster of mid-day to objects below. When what to my wondering eyes should appear But Santa Clause with his eyes full of tears. He unchained the dog once so lively and quick Last year's Christmas present now painfully sick. More rapid than eagles he called the dog's name and the dog ran to him despite all his pain. Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer and Vixen On Comet on Cupid on Donner and Blitzen. To the top of the porch to the top of the wall Let's find this dog a home where he will be loved by all. I knew in an instant there would be no gifts this year For Santa had made one thing quite clear. The gift of a dog is not just for the season We had gotten the dog for all the wrong reasons. In our haste to think of the kids a gift There was one important thing we missed, A dog should be family, and cared for the same You don't give a gift, then put it on a chain. And I heard him explain as he rode out of site, "You weren't given a gift, you were given a life." Author Unknown
  17. For the most part yes. Would I change things if I could? Yes. But I have the most important part I need in my life- my family. And if it meant changing my family to get the other things I want in life, I can happily do without.
  18. Thanks and thanks for the profile comments guys.