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Everything posted by Key

  1. Welcome and blessed be, TobyJ96. Hang around often. Everyone is quite open and nice. It's a good community to be apart of. Or so I consider.
  2. On another note, if those supposed martyrs that crashed the planes were hopeful of obtaining the 72 virgins in paradise, wouldn't that have made them lustful, which is also supposed to be a no no in Islam? Seems a no win situation for them then.
  3. As I know this is an older thread, I still think it merits some thought. If one believes in the spirit realm and its connection to the unconsciousness, then it's possible to foster outside influence of thought. However, the consciousness is always our responsibility due to our aware state. Our minds simply interpret various signs differently in each state. Different brain waves respond to different interceptions of other waves. Hope that some sense to you.
  4. I have ordered Doctor of Metaphysics, and Doctor of Motivation courses, just to get my feet wet. I'm building myself up for the Ph.D. course. Hope to find the experience worthwhile, and possibly enlightening.
  5. Congratulations on the family addition. Well wishes and warm prayers sent your way and theirs.
  6. Completely understand what your saying and the difficulties of working retail. I have worked for over ten years in a growing grocery store chain in many capacities involving customer interaction. You made a correct decision, rather than risk your employment and free bad press the inconsiderate customer would have provided had you not. "Do that which is right" can be difficult even as it sounds easy, indeed. As so was Jesus' command to love all, friends and enemies. Often a thing that is good and just does not come easily. Behavior factors into conflict and resolution so easily as to confuse proper response or decision making. Life tends not to be all "black and white" with a lot of gray matter included. But that shouldn't stop people from being determined to do that which is right in all aspects of it. Blessings and peace.
  7. While not ordained as long, I, too, was away for awhile only to return confused by the fractions. But, as before, found my brothers and sisters ever helpful and encouraging as before. Welcome back, Brother.
  8. Ok, here's my list of artists I've seen: Journey (w/ Steve Perry) Billy Squier Kenny Rogers Crystal Gayle Whitesnake Queensryche Great White Kix Van Halen (w/ Sammy Hagar) Scorpions Metallica Dokken Kingdom Come Ratt Poison Lynch Mob Anthrax Ozzy Osbourne Lita Ford Twisted Sister Iron Maiden Warrant (w/ Jani Lane)
  9. Used to use a Boss distortion and/or flanger occasionally. Then had a DOD chorus which was great for fuller sound. That was when I wasted my time and money on a lot of stuff. Now I play pure, no pedals. Even my equipment got lighter. Just a Fender Strat and small amp, or Yamaha acoustic, alone. I play mainly for meditative release of stress or boredom.
  10. Yes, many are really trying. But that's the problem. They are just trying. Held back by even a sliver of doubt that they can do it. This is why I said the apostles had a strong conviction of faith. They, too, faltered at first. But with Jesus' teachings, and stronger faith, they eventually succeeded.
  11. Interesting. But have to say they had command because they held more conviction of faith in doing it than we do today, otherwise we'd be doing these still today, according to the information you provided. So, we have potential to do more than just ask.
  12. See, I knew I read that. LOL Thanks, Dan. I agree with this, too.
  13. Actually, not so easy. We never know which uncommon language may be spoken out of hundreds used around the world. It may work, but the odds in favor aren't that great.
  14. The speaking of tongues also became a sort of problem in the early churches as no one knew any better about if someone was truly filled with the spirit or just putting up a show. Which is why in one of letters in the New Testament specified that there should be at least one attendee of a service that could interpret whatever a person speaking in tongues is actually saying. Alas, I've heard someone in recent years describe speaking in tongues as using our own language that only the Holy Spirit could understand, as long as the speaking person has a strong purposeful intent or prayer. However, I understand the gift as you stated.
  15. Shhhh!! Old Pickle Breath may be reading this thread. (Gasp) Who's that?
  16. In the words of SRV to another budding guitarist, "Just play, son!"
  17. Thank you, Seeker. I do try. LOL
  18. There will always be issues of credibility. The larger established churches also have suspicions upon them, whether through scandals or structure of their rules and organizations. Remember Christ wasn't choosy with whom he selected to spread His word, and never intended to start a church. Who judges spiritual intent? What criteria would be for the synopsis? "All are called before God, but few are chosen." I think God makes it hard enough. Everyone deserves a shot to develop in faith, even if started as a practical joke.
  19. For me, it is pretty much most of the above. The fellowship, the sharing of information and knowledge, the opportunity to learn through other viewpoints, and the respectful nature of debate. There isn't much judgement of others here, if any. This is the way I feel it should be in a church or fellowship. We should all be brothers and sisters, and treated like it. I also like that my posts might be generic in reference to a subject or topic, but is still understood. I'm among friends and educators. I'd also like to echo thanks to the administrators and moderators of this forum. It is a wonderful place to visit.
  20. Fair has many definitions or intents, To me, the one closest to question in relevance is the presumption of an action, or outcome demonstrating equal treatment, standing, or shares in a group of persons or society. Problem with this definition is perspective. Everyone perceives things through their own reasoning, Either Karma is a bitch, Karma is just, or it is both, if you want to conclude it as fair, others might not. Sociology would determine fair is based on the norms, or unwritten laws of a society. Yet, even that may differ from one culture to another. I fear there is no one answer to the question, it would be fair to say.
  21. Capn Kenny, Welcome. We all make our way in different capacities. Some are pilots, stewards, passengers, or even dock workers. (If I might use that vernacular.) Point is, we here are all doing our part in ways we each feel compelled to perform. There are even some who do not much but to learn. So, no need to be a spiritual leader. Just be. Again, welcome to the ULC.