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Everything posted by Key

  1. Good story. Better than mine. I've always felt spiritual. Would often go to church with friends as a kid. It felt necessary then. But my faith wasn't satisified by the doctrines of those churches. Thus, felt like an outsider who believed, but didn't know what to do with that belief. While becoming ordained wasn't premeditated, it sparked a renewal of interest in pursuing knowledge of my faith. It seems the ULC has been a great starting point for me. Anyway, welcome back to the fold, my brother.
  2. Lol Proof of live and learn. Thanks for sharing, though. Others will benefit of your experience. Especially now that they know where they can get what they need. Personally, I've often found my "duh" moments to have been the most enlightening, though slightly embarassing.
  3. Self taught with the guitar since age of 7. Tried taking lessons, but never could keep my interest in class. Therefore, can't read sheet music for the life of me. Also, played trombone in grade school band. I barely read sheet music then. Cheated by watching other players movements. LOL I love singing, mostly in private. Been told my voice was good. (By my ex, so excuse me for not believing her.) I write lyrics whenever the mood strikes.
  4. Only the validity of marriage may be recognized among differing states. Sometimes, not. Each state is itself a republic with its own laws on this topic. Though not a lawyer, I have not heard of a state accepting the license of another for marriage. I suggest research or a lawyer to answer your question.
  5. Perhaps it is a religion simply because there are people who believe as they wish freely, with a common focus with which to put it on. Maybe started as a prank, then as people liked the idea of not taking a believe seriously, they made a ritual or church of that idea. Common ideas, however absurd, are how religions are established. Remember, at one time Christianity was perceived as a cult, too.
  6. Sorry to come in on this thread so late. If I may...I have been friends with someone since childhood. We are not always able to connect, but each knows the other is there should we need to reach out to someone. Over 30 years, we have been friends. Through marriages, births, divorces, and deaths. I understand there are things happening beyond my control. Perception is much a part of everything. Questioning a friends motivation or intent can be akin to confrontation, which no one wants. I always give time and chance for my friend to come around when I feel I have been slighted or such. Often I find, I was mistaken in my assumption. Still, friends are able to forgive and share their sympathies and understanding, love and grief. Question you should ask yourself, would you be any better, worse, or the same with the person in your life? Afterall, there is cause and effect with every choice.
  7. Was ordained in 2000. I was browsing the internet, bored and curious. Came across the ULC website. Was intrigued, and particularly like the tenets and ideals practiced. Next thing I know, my hands felt guided over the keyboard and I was ordained. Never regretted it, and felt spiritually uplifted, so to speak. Was away awhile. But am back to see if it's like being in the old neighborhood. Hoping to reconnect.