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Everything posted by Qryos

  1. ~ I like that a lot! {& yes, a lot will not like it... } Read it again & like it more. Thank you!
  2. ~ Yep... Moments are frozen Yet time is so swift, Each second with you Is a precious gift.
  3. ~ That is so pretty! ... I can never resist the wind...
  4. ~ Wonderful imagery & strong message! Thank you!!!
  5. ~ Just watched. Yep, it's a good one! I like that they're not 'romantic' vampires... But it's a chilly flick, huh?
  6. ~ Thank you Argo Yep, 'Sympathy for the Devil' is a pretty strong song. You give quite a different take on it, appreciated!
  7. ~ It's... A... Wonderful day In the neighborhood... A wonderful day for a neighbour, Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won't you be My neighbour? ... I don't know why! Just because. That's why.
  8. ~ Uh-huh... May work. Best wishes with that plan!
  9. ~ Ahhh... Phillipe mon petite Sweet darlin little punkin snookie-ookums sugar pie! It's OK. You can be a grumpy bastard all ya want. That's fine! Sorry if you're uncomfortable having let slip the fact that you are human & care about others & may even worry. What, you think you're going to be attacked at what you may perceive as a point of 'weakness'? No one was attacking, they were showing concern for you. Like friends do. If that makes you uncomfortable, I'm sure everyone will stop. Just as friends do! We'll carefully leave it at cyber-sexual innuendos & never be personal again, if that makes you more comfortable. That's what friends do.
  10. ~ Oh my... Oh how wonderful & fantastic!!! Bravo! Brava! Magnificent!!! :wub: And so the Tardis travels still as dispayed with vibrant skill to take us all in time and space so we can play within this place! And so my friends recreated this silly place once negated and resurrected now this box where monsters play without those locks! So let the monsters romp and play and all their artistry display with word and song and crafty skill the monster box is active still!
  11. ~ Ahhh Phil! Haven't you ever enjoyed a sunset? A really good one's worth waiting around for. & oh, a grandchild! That's a pile of treasure for sure!!! You're going to die. That's something guaranteed. In the meantime, before that, there's that really good cup of coffee on a patio with Spring blooming about. There's probably going to be a good book or maybe even a few... A really comfortable moment before a fire with a smile on your lips. They may be small moments, but each is unique & once-in-a-lifetime & so why not?
  12. ~ Lovely imagery of yearning... Thank you!
  13. ~ Romp! There's room... {yes, a nod to the 'baby boom' } Why not keep playing a game where no one's going to get any blame? Well, maybe perhaps, my monster box, but there were poems about the locks! & yeah, so they got broken when all got so outspoken but that's the fun of words & such! Ya really can't get too much
  14. ~ I was just wandering down memory lane, & I must say, "This topic was mucho fun!!!" And, well, we do have new folk that didn't get to play with it all, so...
  15. ~ Y'know, I never expected this to be a topic, but it certainly is one now, huh? With 2 gifted writers joining with their art! Thank you both
  16. I scatter them, like bird feed with a nervous laugh not sure how I'll be heard, or will I be noticed at all not sure if I make sense, or just noise easily ignored not sure my thoughts are wise, or just wine playing with my tongue not sure with all these words, strewn about if I can make sense not sure that I should write, or attempt another poem not sure
  17. Sitting within the darkness of ourselves it could be resounding within shadows a truth that may outlast all tomorrows. It may be future-bound to taint the years and so connect and soflty redirect all those unneeded unwanted fears. Living now deeply within may be a truth that stays hidden unproven and not yet brightly envisioned . ~ Yahhh, I know, I diddle.... Sitting within the darkness of ourselves it could be resounding within shadows a truth that may outlast all tomorrows. It may be future-bound to taint the years and so connect and soflty redirect all those unneeded unwanted fears. Living now deeply within may be a truth that stays hidden unproven and not yet brightly envisioned . ... Breaks are important! I know, I'm fussing. Sorry to be a pain here... I really appreciate feed-back!
  18. ~ Very pretty poetry, Thank you! Would I want to live forever? No. Uh-uh. No way. I don't understand people that do.
  19. In blackness the lights are washed away by rain in a sea of tears running slowly broken down empty roads as the sky falls heavy as wool. Another night longer than years of not knowing... Where? When? Why? My child is lost within without an anchor or harbor Where? When? Why? longer than years of not knowing... Another night as the sky falls heavy as wool. down empty roads running slowly broken in a sea of tears or rain the lights are washed away In blackness
  20. snow melts in slow drips dirty down the gutter lane making a bird bath
  21. ~ Glad you like it! Of course this morning I wondered if I over-stepped or something. Stuff does just seem to spill sometimes...