Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. okay, nuffin' understood doe! AANR?...... another absolutely notorious rite? anonymous alcoholics national registry? and answering, not really? for the huh?! Blessings of Peace,
  2. Reverend Bobby,

    I'd like to welcome you to our little family of friends here at the forum. Jump in and get as involved as ya care to! There's many current/hot topics all over the boards as well as a substantial archive of posts back to almost the beginning.

    I hope you'll join us in cerebrating Life and the many facets it holds for each of us!

  3. Just ask last years American Idol out take..."Pants on da ground"...It's a ridiculous look, to me, but the cops like it for sure. None of them get more than a few steps before tripping in their own pants! (This really shows the gang mentality!!) I've been told, it's a throw back to the "Zoot suit days", but waaaaay off ifn's ya axt me. "Zooters" had class - the pic of my Dad, from about 1934 says it all - he was like 12-13 and in his "best"....tooo funny! - yep I know she's gone, but in case anyone else wanted to know- But clothing to me should be optional to a degree. Even though I would love to see Murph in his fishnets and high heels, I could certainly live without that experience. Of course nunya would want to see me in my boxers and cleric collar either.... Blessings of Peace,
  4. Greetings Heyoaka! Welcome to our little family of friends! I hope you find it warn and welcome here as we doo. Jump on in a let us know a little about yourself!


  5. Jump on in and let us know more about you! There are many topic categories to post on and if you need any help, just let me know!

  6. Happiest of Days to ya Kevin. May all your wishes come true, your mind be at ease and your heart be gladdened by friends and family. Blessings of Peace and Contentment on this wonderful day! Blessings Be,
  7. Welcome to the family hedjhawg! May you find happiness and open minds here! Jump on in and let us know a little more about you!

    Blessings of Peace,

  8. Welcome to our little family here jaydee! I hope you find reason to join us, exchange and discuss your views and experiences.

    Blessings of Peace,

  9. Bureaucrats! grrrr Blessings of Peace and Contentment to you baby Joseph!
  10. Our Prayers, Blessings and Healing Energies go to this family. We don't have any kids stuff to send, but is there some way that any other kind of help could be sent their way? One tragedy seems to lead to another in some cases and we direct only the strongest and best energies we can to all of them. Having been through such an ordeal, it always grabs my heart with a big tug! Blessings of Peace,
  11. Sky, I understand your quandary of acquaintances, but for those that were/are close to this family, one thing that can really make an impact is to create a "Loving Remembrances" scrap book. We've done this a couple of times for people that we only "sort of knew", and twice for closer friends, (Dollar store, binder, sleeves, paper etc a LOT for under $10)- with a cover letter on first page: "As this goes around, please add your favorite story, pictures or what have you....etc." Your words... As that scrap book goes around from friend to friend it brings Life to the deceased and fond memories for the surviving family. Six months to a year down the road, depending on the surviving hubby and child's mood, (a close friend should pick the time) give them the book. We still get very warm "thank yous" and letters, cards etc. from one family we did this for 8 years ago. The children of these "acquaintances" are grown now and the eldest daughter, 24, hangs on to that scrap book like it was gold....which it is, to them. If you think that "not" being the closest friend you would feel like you were imposing..?....remember that those closest to this family are grieving and not of the mindset to think of such things, right now. Of the four books we've started, and several other people we've heard about passing this idea around, not once have I heard about negative feedback. Just a thought! Blessings of Peace, (The web-site I saw the idea on had hundreds of positive was actually a funeral home...of which I now have no idea and have new computer since, otherwise I'd send link)
  12. Our sincerest prayers and condolences to you and especially those affected directly. Such tragic events are never easy to "know what to do". Kay and I both will send prayers and meditations their way...and of course yours as well Sister Sky. Blessings of Healing and Sympathies, "RevAl" and Kay - CUH Atwater, CA
  13. - .... .- - / .. ... / .- / .--. --- ... ... .. -... .. .-.. .. - -.--

    I saved it for ya Fawzo


  14. An icy chill runs through my spine, tantalizing, encouraging me to move forward with an engaged surge of enlightened energy for those that place comparative analysis and commonality in sacred texts above all else. If you never posted another word, which I certainly hope is not what happens, you have left a legacy, in the quote above, that should be chiseled into the threshold of the Pearly Gates my friend!! That is if St. Peter hasn't already seen to it!!! (emph. added)Now those of Pentecostal and Fundamentalism beliefs are certainly free to believe in such, but IMHO, these are the very people that drove me away from the church of my parents. I vividly remember sermons, as a kid, by a Pastor that was about as personable as, and had the expressions of, granite. Only during his damning sermons of others, whether their beliefs or actions did you see any personality what-so-ever in him. As all the old Swedes said on a routine basis, "There is no grin in the Rosen!" (Pastor Rosengren) He gleefully went in a tirade about the Beatles being banded from TV and made sure he nodded at every teenager seated in the sanctuary. He raved about the death of James Dean as getting what he deserved (I heard the tape recording about age 10-11, as my Dad, Assoc. Pastor, taped every sermon) and cautioned the congregation not to let the likes of Liz Taylor give any woman a notion about divorce. I know there were many other sermons, but those were the one's that quickly came to mind here and now. I think one other thing that needs to be mentioned about Jonah, and probably why the story is not used more often, is the parallel to many people of contemporary Christian Beliefs. What you pointed out Rev. Rainbow, all the quibble and squabble over his personal discomforts and seemingly not giving a hoot about those in Nineveh (He(a)ven in - backwards!) If a "kvetch" is a whiny complainer, then I surely see a whole bunch of 'em out and about!(1) The story of Jonah implores us to put our personal feelings of angst, and most importantly our opinions of others aside, and to be a living example of what would bring non-believers to G_d, not make them run like hell from Him. Not that being in a whale was any fun, but how minor compared to the real ilks of this Earth. I'm certain there are many people in Yemen, Libya and other Middle Eastern countries, that though a bit musty and damp, would find the whale belly far superior to where they are today, this moment. I am ever content and happy with my personal Beliefs and have no desire to change a single thing. I feel confident I am good husband, charitable neighbor, a person of high morals and ethics, a decent steward of our planet and all around happy person who only wants the same for others. Sure I have my pisses and grumps about things like most others, but hey, isn't that what most forums are for? However, having said that, had I more people set an example, like Rev. Rainbow points out; the positive aspects of following Christ's message, instead of the angry, physically brutal and mentally damning examples I grew up with, who knows, maybe my title of "Reverend" would not have the a.k.a of 'Vitki' (runic priest) attached to it! It just seems to me that growing up Lutheran/Evangelical, one meets more Jonah's than he knows what to do with - maybe the whale was just for safe keeping and in G_d's thinking, out of sight, out of mind!?!? Blessings of Peace, (1) If I lived in the city that one "kvetch", here in Atwater thinks we should have, (and he's at every city council meeting), we'd all be in bed by 7:30p, up at 4a for 2 hours of Bible and prayers, before going to a job we absolutely hate, (once a week shower is sufficient due to city water prices - yuck!) driving on roads that only 3rd 4th world countries have, in an overpriced car that is in ruins (1986 Ford Mustang with 157,000 mi. - he hasn't gotten "value out his $4,300 investment"), where the public school system is 110% responsible for our current "imbecilic teen problem", non-recyclers and 'wasters' are the reason for California's bankrupted economical state of affairs, and who's grocery stores are part of a global conspiracy towards starvation AND the council should look into getting better, padded seating donated by some anonymous person or store ....and that's just the opener...I won't bore you with his specific demands or two 3" binders full of "problems" each meeting! (As for גימטריהI I have only one thing to say; 1728!)
  15. I'm sorry I'm months late in seeing this and I've heard you're probably gone already Loriana, but no, not all of us feel the way Mr. Jenkins does.

    I'd be more than happy to help you answer your questions, according to the NT, not just the POV posted above. I do not believe you've been given the greatest of advice on this subject!

    Blessings of Pe...

  16. A little of both actually ! What the picture did not show was the large cables that are implanted directly into the frontal lobe through the viking's helmet...a good metallic ground always works best! On a serious note, almost in entirety, the majority of rune monuments say things regarding dedications, memorials and/or recount a warrior's victories. There are a few, only three that survived (many more destroyed but are ref'd in ancient books and sagas) that seemed to be either on, or near, lay-lines and/or other physical earth anomalies, that had the express intent of opening one's higher mind - insightful/inspirational thinking - etc through meditation or forms of galdor, voicing/incantations/mantras, and/or seiðr majik. The only clear account we have of this is a short "note" from one of the old sages and Master Rune Carver, Øpir, in poem, of how/where to sit, concentrate and performs one's Workings. Since the Vikings were thought to be "barbarians in nature", especially in their contemporary period, it's difficult to picture the academic realms of runaristing (rune writing) and the importance of these inscriptions. Like today, we often forget that all branches of the military have chaplains, yet are trained as warriors and are expected to perform like any other soldier or sailor on the battlefield. Even though the overwhelming majority of Vikings were warriors, they too had priests, academics, secretaries, poets and rünovitki's ("warlocks"/magicians - closest terminology that fits) but little is known about many of these positions and what qualified them or how they were treated/promoted/accepted other than a few vague references. Blessings of Peace,
  17. Hail hypereal!

    Welcome to the ULC forums even though I see you've been a part of the ULC family for quite some time.

    I hope you find a home here, as many of us have, and I look forward to hearing more from you. Being a bit on the controversial edge needs a bit of support here!

    Blessings of Peace, Enlightenment and Contentment,


  18. URRAGH!! The above www addy is for "Operation Baghdad Pups", a service of the SPCA of America, Intl'. It brings all the logistics together for our US Military Servicemen to send the stray pets they find in the war zones to loving families at home. The site will give details, but in short, the strays they find are mostly cats and dogs, however a horse and a small monkey have also been a part of good Works. What the program offers is: All the normal veterinarian approved health checks, vaccines and tests Detailing if the pet is going to the service-person's home or to a foster facility or adoption center. The SPCA also has a sign up center if you wish to adopt one of these loving, scared and lost pets. There is a full time staff dedicated to every little piece of this enormous operation that literally takes hundreds of people to accomplish. Not just the care of the animals, but air line travel, safety and comfort, temporary housing, license and documentation etc etc....the whole nine yards of bureaucratic red-tape! As a vet, for our vets and in support of the many brave men and women doing their part for Democracy throughout the world, that also find a place in their heart to watch over our spiritual companions, I give my complete support, many prayers and sincerest thanks for their dedication to Life here on planet Giana/Terra Firma/Mother Earth I hope you'll join us in support of this Program. Of course monetary donations does the "most", but opening up your home, volunteering as a foster/temp shelter during the pets travels, online help and so on. There are many, many ways in which you can volunteer or donate to this tremendous cause. It made me almost seeing this on Animal Planet today (orig broadcast last year from date) due to a heartfelt "thank you" to all the staff that pulled this off. So, if this story and/or addy has been posted before, sorry for the redundancy, but hey, it is just another way we can support our troops, regardless of our political views regarding why this program even needs to exist. Besides all the ugly about it, you have no idea how important those little critters are to our service personnel. Our little "20", (found sleeping on 20mm ammo boxes) just a plain little gray tabby that was sent from the Ethers to six teen-aged buddies who were scared out of their minds, away from home for the first time and dealing with War. It is virtually impossible to describe how much that little cat kept our minds and focus beyond the horrors...a pin point of "home energy" wrapped in a fuzz ball and personality of a tiger. Blessings of Peace,
  19. Viking "new idea generator".... Blessings of Peace, Wassail!
  20. Stupid commercials, insane comments overheard at stores, idiotic displays of humanism, there are just a few of the many, many things that can spark and idea, connect dots or explain things to me that I otherwise probably wouldn't even think about or have failed to notice through traditional methods. Just the other day, a "Target™" stores commercial sparked a thought of something, we in the rune-world, have held as a conundrum for many years. In the commercial, there is a large set of granite steps that leads up to a massive building. Only from the right perspective, as one climbs the steps, does the "Target™" trademark Circle (that looks like a target) come into perfect view. At Annunshug's Mound, one of the last pagan Viking kings (and largest of all burial mounds) there is a stepped pyramid looking mound, with a large central area like a valley. We know that when it was built, there was an observation gazebo about 300 yards in front of the main view of the mound. There use to be something in the middle of the recess that "lined up" and was visible only from the observation area. The carvings, picto-graphs and rune that adorn the inside of the "valley/recess parts" have a large, blank area, that when viewed from the old gazebo would have filled in the "picture". The mound was desecrated by the new "Christian King" and whatever was originally erected to "fill in the space" is gone, since around 1200 CE. Well, that silly "Target™" commercial sparked my thinking, I ran off immediately to study, and viola! - I may have just come up with the "what" was once standing in front of the other depictions. (I know, it's very difficult to give you a "picture via words", but that's probably not of much interest to others anyway) I'm compiling my "report" now, including the pictures of another "sparked" thought...from several years back...and bingo, they lined up/filled in perfectly! I will be sending my findings to our International Gild in the next few days. Hopefully I may just be on to something and can answer a huge question for the thousands of members studying this monument. The purpose of my posting this is not to wow you with research, rather teased my curiosity about "how" people figure things out. As ministers, pastors, rabbis and yes, even pagan priests, it just got me to query as to how others find their inspiration. Do your "new ideas" come from only reading one holy/sacred text? Do you research throughout all info available, sacred and secular? Do you find inspiration in the craziest of places? etc etc etc.... Anyway, as usual, just the crazy Viking revealing his curious, often demented mind and wondering how others are inspired!! What is the most unusual source of inspiration you've ever had regarding your Beliefs or any idea you've worked on? Blessings of Peace, .
  21. ummm...ah....hmm...ah....umm...hmmmm I'm certain she is not the only with hubby's goodies hanging from a trellis! Where were these things when Tracy Lords and Pamela Anderson were "stars"? Garden of Eden back drop, Adam laying exhausted on sheep skin, but then BOING! off the patio comes the toys...and not the one's Fawzo made from the same leather as "kosher toys"! Puts a whole new meaning to organic-ism! Too funny! Blessings of Peace,
  22. Absolutely! Our three "furry kids" are better behaved than our people kids. Kay and I have had "pets", or rather they've had us, since childhood. I couldn't even count how many over the years, but "always" fits. I only remember a very short period of when I didn't have something furry in the house...(beside the dust balls under the couch and tables!) My 1yr pic is with a cat "Jiggers", my 2 yr pic is with our dog "Dino", 3 year pic is...well you get the idea. My Sister tells me that having one of the pets with me was the only way they could get a picture with a smile until about age 10!
  23. Well, I'm here because two of my old favorites are the only thing in the bar, for now. Tangueray and tonic and Moosehead. However, having been sober now for 20+ years, minus a couple of month relapse due to divorce, (of course that's my rationale!) it boils down to the people, who, with a little sage, tarragon and poultry spice naturally taste like....oh wait...there's that Cult Thing coming out again. But most definitely the stimulating debates, interesting topics and did I mention the boiled people? Blessings of Peace, PS: Funny, been hangin' out over 2 years and first time I saw this topic...funny what ya find when ya get out of yur rut!
  24. Welcome to the ULC forums there "Firsttime"! Hope you enjoy reading and hanging out, it really is a great tool for new ministers to check and balance their ideas.

    I hope to hear more from you.

    Blessings of Peace,


  25. Well, I'm a new fan of his too for several reasons...his enthusiasm being #1, that is of interest and use to my daughter another. I guess a list isn't important, shall I just say I repeat your sentiments about Mr. Torrence. My daughter learned sign in about the third grade. We didn't pay much attention to her "funny little hand things" until one day she brought her friend from school and all the pieces came together. Her friend was deaf, unbeknownst to us until of course meeting her. Anyway Sara, my daughter has taken off from there and is now teaching ASL and ISL (international?) and since we all "talk with our hands" she's taken that to an incredible level. It's strange to us that her interests are so imprinted while what she's not into she can disregard. Straight A's in ASL when she was "officially" learning, while D's even F's in math, science etc... 7 years and she has yet to complete her AA degree (due to fails) but is on a collegiate level of signing...even her teachers are amazed and question "why". She works for the same division of the County that I did years ago and is officially their Community Sign Officer. She continuously in "trouble" for being late to work, not doing her assigned tasks etc, but when it comes to her ASL community interaction, even her supervisor is blown away by her ability...guess it all just goes to show the "normal" is totally in the eye and mind of the person. Poor girl can't balance a check book, but has made friends and impressed bosses with her natural gift of sign...blows us all away. She even signs for her production at her drama classes and gives that same enthusiasm that Steve does. I sent Sara all the youtube links and the facebook for steve and hope she hooks up! That would be a wonderful thing for her. Well all this has certainly piqued my interests and off to do some more research! Blessings of Peace,