Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to the forum Gerald. I hope you find this little family of friends to be as warm and welcoming as I have.

    Blessings of Peace,

    Reverend Al

  2. Happy Mom's Day to all the Moms. I'm off to cook my Sweetie a nice steak as per her request. Blessings of Peace, c'ya all tomorrow!

    1. vinnie


      hi by any chance do u know any ministers in or around middletown ny. i'm a ordained pastor i am going on vacation i was told by jesus to be a quest speaker but cannot find church out there or pastors please help me if can god bless you oh yeah i be there on 8-8-2011 to 8-15-2011 visit my family i live down south in Virginia

    2. vinnie


      hi by any chance do u know any ministers in or around middletown ny. i'm a ordained pastor i am going on vacation i was told by jesus to be a quest speaker but cannot find church out there or pastors please help me if can god bless you oh yeah i be there on 8-8-2011 to 8-15-2011 visit my family i live down south in Virginia

  3. Welcome to the forum Noddy!

    I hope you find our little family of friends to be a place of warmth and comfort.

    Jump on in and let us know about your views as new perspectives are always a welcomed addition to our group!

    Blessings of Peace,

    Reverend Al

  4. I sent e-mail about hour ago to the e-mail provided by your profile "click here to e-mail me"...did it go to spam?
  5. Please check your PM's and the e-mail addy you gave when signing up in your profile. I've sent you a response concerning this.
  6. Welcome to the forum Suzan! Wow, you've been ordain for quite some time!

    I sincerely hope you find our little family of friends to be warm and welcoming like I have. We always enjoy hearing new perspectives and look forward to your contributions to the forum.

    Jump on in!

    Blessings of Peace,

    "Reverend Al"

  7. Welcome to the forum hd, hope you find our little family of friends to be the warm and open folks we all have. Hope to see you around the topics! Join in, we always appreciate new perspectives.

    Blessings of Peace,

  8. EinsteinI'mnot- great to see you back! Things have changed a bit, but always good to see returning members!

    Hope you'll join in the boards and check out a lot of new since last you were here.

    Blessings of Peace,

  9. Welcome to the forum! I hope you find our little family of friends to be a place of warmth and understanding.

    Blessings of Peace,

  10. Welcome to the forum! Ihope you find what you're seeking here as many of us have.

    There are numerous topics and archives with info that may be helpful and of course the more we know about you & goals, the better to help with your questions! :)

    Jump on in, there's numerous helps availa for all things.

    Blessings of Peace,

    Reverend Al

  11. Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy our little family of friends here with gusto and fervor as we do.

    Jump on in the topics and share your views, we are always interested in new perspectives!

    Blessings of Peace,

    Reverend Al

  12. Welcome to the forum Zia.

    I hope you find our little family of friends to be a warm, open group that we all enjoy and hope you will too.

    Have a look around and jump on in discussions as you feel the urge!

    Blessings of Peace,

    Reverend Al

  13. Welcome to the forum Healing Hands!

    Is the s/n indicative of nursing or reiki or? I find it interesting. Hope we hear more from you and again welcome to our little family of friends here on the forum.

    Blessings of Peace,

    Reverend Al

  14. Was this from a jail/prison or Evangelical summer camp? Sounds like the "rules" we had at Mission Springs (near Santa Cruz, CA) when I was a kid. Blessings of Peace,
  15. Aloha! No ka oi! Happy b-day...hope ya come back around!

  16. Welcome to the Forum jmp!

    I hope you find our little family of friends to be the warm and open group we have. "Jump" on in and share with us what you believe, we always enjoy new perspectives!

    Blessings of Peace,

  17. When I served our country (USN-1973-1977) Paganism was talked about behind closed hatches and bulkheads. Our Chaplain didn't even recognize the "faith" as he felt it was "old world wives tales bs". Of course, he had no understanding of it. I'm so glad to see things have changed! The only "stupid question" is one that is not asked! But of course, you knew that, right? We look forward to your participation! It's especially the "blah, blah, blah" that most of us abhor in most other formalized beliefs. I know there were times in my Lutheran/Evangelical upbringing that almost every word sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher or mother - ya know, the "Wah wa waaah, wa, wa wahh!" stuff. Since growing past all that I still have difficulty in understanding the noise when a few simple words makes things so clear! Being a previous Sportster, then Soft Tail rider, I here ya loud and clear bro! We can all Do that which is right if we just put our minds to it. That was when I first was given the nickname "Preacher" (Bar Hoppers 1971-1978, Modesto, CA) as I continuously tried to sway the ruffian view to a more socially accepted view, much to my chagrin, but the nickname stuck anyway. In many ways those 7 years runnin' with the boys helped form my views that are still with me today. After the club was disbanded, by order of HA, well ya know, some grew up, some joined the master club, some left the lifestyle like me, but much like boot camp, what one learns in a MC sticks far longer than other formal teachings! Blessed rides bro. Aren't those "hoops" something? My first marriage was a lengthy process and my wife was required to "convert" from RC to Evangelical, which she attended the classes while I was in 'Nam and I think she was ready to throw in the towel due to never made sense to either of us but at 18 and 19 yrs of age, we were still under much influence of parents. Since my Mom wouldn't "allow" (said she wouldn't attend) us to be married at St. Judes, nor was I willing to convert to was a terrible time for two kids who were deeply in love with each other...well at least I thought so! Isn't it amazing that Doing that which is Right has no hoops? Blessings be to echo and we hope to hear more from you! Knowing our place in the Universe is certainly a wonderful thing. When one is called, they are called, period. It doesn't matter what faith, belief or "brand", our heart screams to be allowed to voice itself. As you follow your chosen path, making it "a way of Life" may you find Peace, Happiness and Comfort in knowing the ULC family is always there for you! When I read this Czarina I was thrilled that you noticed your "gift" of having the mindset to counsel. That personal, one on one relationship with others, helping them find their way through this crazy mess of a world is something I fell few mainstream religions focus seems to be more on spreading their 'brand' than to counsel. When my first wife and I started having problems and I approached my family's pastor, he simply threw a book at me and said "Read this and when you've completed the questionnaire in the back, let me know". Ah, say what? I never returned or looked back! Of course, our relationship did end in divorce, which I was totally against, but had we had a good counselor at that time, I'm certain we could have made peace. I've never regretted the divorce since meeting Kay, but in trying to "Do that which is right" and keep a family together, as instructed by the Bible, I still to this day feel let down by the pastor...frankly the way he handled it was not being of 'counsel', it made me feel as if he was too busy to handle my problems. ~~..*..~~ And for all those above I didn't personally respond to, Blessings of Peace to each and everyone of you for having the moxie and fortitude to follow your path of choosing. IMHO, that's the only way to "Do that which is Right"!!....for YOU. Blessings of Peace,
  18. "For each path, there is a traveler and for each traveler there is a path." from a personal discussion with the Shaman Gray Owl, Hupa Nation, 1994 Blessings of Peace,
  19. Blessed Beltaine, Brother! Bless this day, bless our care and may All That There Is be in Unity and Harmony! May the ground be fertile, seed be strong and folk be merry so that the winds and rains of spring bring a productive summer! Wassail! Blessings of Peace,
  20. Rev. Chuck Baker-

    Good to see you back. We all hope things are going well for your area after this year's nature deluge upon the area.

    I hope you find interest in the many area of the forum!

    Blessings of Peace,


  21. Welcome to the forum!

    I hope you find our little family of friends to be what you're looking for and if I can help you get acclimated or settled in, let me know. We always enjoy new perspectives!

    Blessings of Peace,

  22. I think two things have happened here. One is the age old battle between progressiveness into modern translations of ancient texts and secondly what happens when "Rumor Control" gets a hold of an issue. Having such a public protest, especially of/from people who were not in the field or even know the woman just shows bigotry based on rumor and innuendo. It only causes me to wonder how many others are in jails around the world for similar actions/beliefs. I pray the best for her and her family. Blessings of Peace,
  23. Welcome to the ULC forum! May you find warmth and welcome here!

    Blessings of Peace,


  24. Welcome to the forum Rev. Ornelas. As I've been off a couple days, I apologize for the late welcome, but see you have found your way around! I hope you find our little family of friends here to be as warm and welcoming as the rest of us.

    Blessings of Peace,


  25. Welcome to the forum! I hope you find it to be a place of warmth and understanding for your Spiritual needs.

    Blessings of Peace,
