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Why is it when ever a new illness comes along you get some religious nutter stating that it is their gods punishment for something. 

A Jewish orthodox member declares that the coronavirus is God's punishment because of gay love. 

A catholic priest declared aids is God's punishment for gays. Even some police officers have said that in the UK.

No one says syphilis is their gods punishment for heterosexuals or TB was gods punishment for breathing. Total madness.

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1 hour ago, Pete said:

Why is it when ever a new illness comes along you get some religious nutter stating that it is their gods punishment for something. 

A Jewish orthodox member declares that the coronavirus is God's punishment because of gay love. 

A catholic priest declared aids is God's punishment for gays. Even some police officers have said that in the UK.

No one says syphilis is their gods punishment for heterosexuals or TB was gods punishment for breathing. Total madness.



These people have a wrathful, homicidal, genocidal and jealous invisible friend.  It's their mentality.  Of course, their invisible friend does what they would do.  Their invisible friend is what they project onto him.  Of course, their invisible friend is as vicious and evil as they are -- hating the same people that they hate.











Edited by Jonathan H. B. Lobl
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It is nonsense of course. They only quote things that can taken their way and disregard all else. That was my point about syphilis and TB. We are fragile creatures and vulnerable to many illnesses and disorders. Everyone gets ill at sometime no matter what they believe. Why people don't laugh at these extreme views I don't know.

Edited by Pete
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4 hours ago, Pete said:

It is nonsense of course. They only quote things that can taken their way and disregard all else. That was my point about syphilis and TB. We are fragile creatures and vulnerable to many illnesses and disorders. Everyone gets ill at sometime no matter what they believe. Why people don't laugh at these extreme views I don't know.


Because Evangelical fear mongering -- like their religious preaching -- is for the reality impaired.




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People are stupid.  They will believe any nonsense if they want to or have sufficient reason to fear it's true.  The reason is because they are experts who's heads are full of information and tidbits, most of which is untrue.  They think this qualifies them, giving special insight into the world.  In reality it blinds them and makes them stupid.

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1 hour ago, cuchulain said:

People are stupid.  They will believe any nonsense if they want to or have sufficient reason to fear it's true.  The reason is because they are experts who's heads are full of information and tidbits, most of which is untrue.  They think this qualifies them, giving special insight into the world.  In reality it blinds them and makes them stupid.


Unfortunately only a relatively small number (around 35% of the population) is enough (of a critical mass) to make reality turn really ugly really fast for all of us...

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2 hours ago, cuchulain said:

People are stupid.  They will believe any nonsense if they want to or have sufficient reason to fear it's true.  The reason is because they are experts who's heads are full of information and tidbits, most of which is untrue.  They think this qualifies them, giving special insight into the world.  In reality it blinds them and makes them stupid.



People don't want to do their own thinking.  They want a strong leader, who will think for them. This is a cultural ideal.  


Psalm 23:  "The Lord is my shepherd......."


There we have it.  Sheep, following their shepherd, to the slaughter.



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I remember a hypnotherapy course I went. The object was to circumvent the conscious mind and its objects and blocks to healing. Hypnotherapy cannot do anything that a person may object too or make people do what is against their will but is in the relaxed state to consider alternatives to their present situation. Outside of the fraudulent showmanship of hypnosis the relaxed state is not to be under the control of one will over another, but to remove blocks to change. The tutor then said one of the most common uses of this technique is when a preacher says "let us pray". Most don't realize they are being hypnotized. That is either intentional or by custom. I note most evangelical churches say hypnosis is sinful. One cannot have someone else using the same techniques it seems.

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31 minutes ago, Pete said:

I remember a hypnotherapy course I went. The object was to circumvent the conscious mind and its objects and blocks to healing. Hypnotherapy cannot do anything that a person may object too or make people do what is against their will but is in the relaxed state to consider alternatives to their present situation. Outside of the fraudulent showmanship of hypnosis the relaxed state is not to be under the control of one will over another, but to remove blocks to change. The tutor then said one of the most common uses of this technique is when a preacher says "let us pray". Most don't realize they are being hypnotized. That is either intentional or by custom. I note most evangelical churches say hypnosis is sinful. One cannot have someone else using the same techniques it seems.



Evangelical Churches?  Are you sure it's not -- "Let us prey." -- ?







Edited by Jonathan H. B. Lobl
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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems there's a couple of megachurches that don't want to close, they seem confident that some god is going to protect them from the virus.  Be interesting now to watch as the death rate rises in obstinate religious communities. Although I haven't seen any comments 'yet' from those christoholics regarding  who's fault the corona virus is, since it came from china it will play to their anti-heathen and xenophobic viewpoints.

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24 minutes ago, damnthing said:

Seems there's a couple of megachurches that don't want to close, they seem confident that some god is going to protect them from the virus.  Be interesting now to watch as the death rate rises in obstinate religious communities. Although I haven't seen any comments 'yet' from those christoholics regarding  who's fault the corona virus is, since it came from china it will play to their anti-heathen and xenophobic viewpoints.


Natural selection / Darwin at work... :coffee:

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1 hour ago, damnthing said:

Seems there's a couple of megachurches that don't want to close, they seem confident that some god is going to protect them from the virus.  Be interesting now to watch as the death rate rises in obstinate religious communities. Although I haven't seen any comments 'yet' from those christoholics regarding  who's fault the corona virus is, since it came from china it will play to their anti-heathen and xenophobic viewpoints.



In fairness, Christians are not the only groups ignoring safety.  There are Jewish groups, still conducting weddings, with hundreds in attendance.  They have much in common.  Starting with a courageous disregard for reality.


Also in fairness, the majority of religious groups have shut down, for the sake of the greater good.  We don't want to tar the moderates, with the same brush as the fanatics.








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What do the Christian Scriptures have to say about washing our hands?  In the time of Covid 19, this is important.  Alas, Jesus discourages the practice.


It's rather a shame.  Even raccoons are smart enough to clean their food and their paws.


The following is courtesy of BibleGateway.Com

Mark 7 New International Version (NIV)

That Which Defiles

The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus 2 and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were defiled, that is, unwashed. (The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands a ceremonial washing, holding to the tradition of the elders. When they come from the marketplace they do not eat unless they wash. And they observe many other traditions, such as the washing of cups, pitchers and kettles.[a])

5 So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, “Why don’t your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?”

He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:

“‘These people honor me with their lips,
    but their hearts are far from me.
They worship me in vain;
    their teachings are merely human rules.’[b]

You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”

And he continued, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe[c] your own traditions! 10 For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’[d] and, ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’[e] 11 But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is Corban (that is, devoted to God)— 12 then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother. 13 Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

14 Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. 15 Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.” [16] [f]

Edited by Jonathan H. B. Lobl
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12 hours ago, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:

Just so.  Alas, the virus can't tell the difference between a true believer -- and an Atheist.  These people endanger us all.




Or... they actually help us all by spreading the virus and reaching group immunity faster... what a nice thought of them to sacrifice their numbers to protect us all... :coffee:

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3 hours ago, RevBogovac said:


Or... they actually help us all by spreading the virus and reaching group immunity faster... what a nice thought of them to sacrifice their numbers to protect us all... :coffee:



I understand that you're joking.  Still -- the point of social distancing, is to "flatten the curve".  To slow the virus spread, so that the medical system is not over whelmed.


You're point is taken.  Some people have the ability to improve the world, just by leaving.


We have all seen it happen in miniature.  We're at a party.  Nobody is having fun.  One irritating person leaves.  Suddenly, it's a good party.







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On 3/27/2020 at 4:30 PM, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:

I understand that you're joking.  Still -- the point of social distancing, is to "flatten the curve".  To slow the virus spread, so that the medical system is not over whelmed.


You're point is taken.  Some people have the ability to improve the world, just by leaving.


We have all seen it happen in miniature.  We're at a party.  Nobody is having fun.  One irritating person leaves.  Suddenly, it's a good party.




Well... yes... but... about that "flattening the curve"; that's a nice "spin" to things, isn't it...? How come "our" (western) governments need to "flatten the curve" by putting our whole society/economy on hold while - for instance - Taiwan succeeds in actually managing the outbreak by extensive testing and targeted quarantine...?


Hint: has something to do with "protecting" patents of firms (like: Roche) that are unable to produce enough testing fluids by themselves (and are simply refusing to provide the recipe so others can start producing it)... 

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2 hours ago, RevBogovac said:


Well... yes... but... about that "flattening the curve"; that's a nice "spin" to things, isn't it...? How come "our" (western) governments need to "flatten the curve" by putting our whole society/economy on hold while - for instance - Taiwan succeeds in actually managing the outbreak by extensive testing and targeted quarantine...?


Hint: has something to do with "protecting" patents of firms (like: Roche) that are unable to produce enough testing fluids by themselves (and are simply refusing to provide the recipe so others can start producing it)... 



I'm not clear on your point.  The primary American government response, was denial.



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