Peaceful methods


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John,Pete,(cuch) you to should be ashamed of yourselves,exspecially with your names,a consistent reminder of faith,love authority an forgiveness,an instead you decided,putdowns,accusation and namecalling,witch is unbecoming of an gentalmen,an a clergy member.

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This whole convo is an unjustified emotional connection, you should go an re read from the beginning, I only used one verse,example of --God's possible motions- an I accessed  the situation an from the beginning with criticism, to wear a 10 year Little girl down an when I showed the weaknesses of wanting to be excepted ,instead of kindness more critical talk ..then you tried the tactics of manipulation/tricks with wording ,to future install hoping that your pressure would so you can claim your glory of victory, then proceed in to name callin where then like fools you congratulated each other as if you achieved what you thawt,was a win you then departed after last couple of insulting lines then cold shoulder then the little  ten year old hanging  on your cold calculating,,word an hour later committed suicide, an her parents wouldn't have never thawt that she would have gotten that from does that make you feel preacher men huh? 

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I could let you three go,but forgiveness was a main goal for the savior, when I received the message I was tasked with authority,so I'm thinking that you were not ordained by hand only on the net I got many options, you stated not faithful ,need proof so you guys can't fall back on the father son or anything in the spiritual realm,witch means your abusing privileges ment for clergy, thus means your perpetrating in acts of clergy to perform as you see fit,as to obtain  personal gain -personal merits witch means any direction can be played,even jail time in some cases, if I asked the public what they think ,about cyberbulling.upon a hypathical 10 year lil,girl your minister word convinced to kill her self what would they say?other clergy member will chant until your throu to the streets an shamed.perhaps I let it go ..if you can answer three questions between member's of the same house

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 entry 2: if you reflect on the pages 1-7- in the perfect example of dismayed emotional connection this is the break- (dismayed) -distress over something unexpected; (emotional)- anything to do with feelings;(connection)i- a relationship in witch a person, thing ,or idea is linked or associated with something eles) ,with this I've been tackling issues,an I was listening to some children laughing as the watch their  tablet when out of of nowhere one of the lil girl began to cry uncontrollably, as she throu her to the ground throu her pain, she said I wanna die as her mom rushed to her aid,-I asked if she was alright? an come to find out her girlfriends went to the movies an then they told her her ill boyfriend don't like her. No more,watching that  reaction  was eye opening ,thinking as a parent I ask my own youngest for a insight an shaking,in a head in discussed he asked if I could help within the battle  aginist bullying? then he let me know how far it goes. from system to system as he invited  to a party where 5 ,,,I met his squad an In,this party they all told me there stories about being bullied. I decided then to except oral contract to contribute an I decided to see if I could find clergy ideas, bout this issue when I got something better,billy's that hide behind a ministers,face mask.knowing the tactics,of virtues with the implications of spiritual methods of progression I attracted them,with proper wording :To attract war speak only of peace, if your hungry,tell all the peaple that your belly is full ,an they brang food,so in this knowledge, they had to come an they acted as I knew the would  first the main bully ,came with attitude of never good enough.this subject use the abuseful mentality that made to break a person in to making a mistake then using that mistake as fuel as well as proof that your less than,.after first subject is considered to be comfortable in a dominating position..

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Where in this case  second subject:  is the pleaser,this subject looks at main subject as an idolized character wanting the approval from main subject he looks for point of pain of emotional instability then proceeds,to add more an more pressure add in on the domination factor furthering helplessness til a emotional regression leading more into a depression.the 3rd subject : The instigator  this subject addin forced rush of nagitivity ,usually a tag along that wants exceptance,..these three men judged wrong, 

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  On 12/2/2019 at 10:42 AM, Pete said:

Dan, I have pointed out that there is no Archeology proof Jesus existed, the so called historical proofs have been faked, and as the story of Jesus was written after the prophesies all this points too is the story was written to cooinside with OT writings.  The OT writing are totally understood differently by the Jews who wrote them to the distortion that christendom later prescribed them. In short you have nothing of substance except biblocist dogma.

Peaceful solutions here is to live and let live but that involves respecting our differences.  Something Dan won't do and will keep coming back. They other thing is quoting  scripture does not add substance to someone who doubts the scripture and sees it as nonsense. It is meaningless as proof of anything but repetitive dogma.



Archeology isn't proof per se,  but it is evidence that the cities existed and that people mentioned also existed at the time. When landmarks and historical figures are real and accurate, it lends credibility that the authors recording said events were not fabricating a fairy tale. Imo, it requires more belief to spin it off as something faked.


You can certainly write-off fulfilled prophecies as a hoax, but I choose to believe them because it would have required one hell of a collaborated effort to pull off the greatest scam in history. Plus, how do you explain the prophecy in Daniel 7? There is absolutely no way that this future prophecy predicting the rise & fall of 4 ruling kingdoms could have been arranged to coincide with future events ( Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, & Rome).  Quite a coincidence eh? Not to mention Christ predicting that he would rise from his grave in 3 days. Even with Roman soldiers guarding the tomb, there's no body. And the predicted destruction of the temple, Rome obviously destroyed it to coincide with prophecy too eh?


Prophecy also predicted the Jews would reject Christ (Isaiah 6:9-10). Christ reiterated it (John 12:40, Matthew 13:14) and so did Paul (Acts28:26). Its no accident that they are blinded to this day, so it was written and so it is.. When you have so many prophecies come to pass and none that have failed or been proven false, the accumulative coincidences can certainly be construed and weighed as solid evidence by anyone with common sense.. Consider Isaiah's prophecy of King Cyrus of Persia in chapter 45, not only predicting it his reign 150 years in advance, but referring to him by name! Seems all of that biblical dogma has a remarkable record of accidental accuracy. 


There's comes a point where biblical stories and prophecies would fall apart if they were fabricated lies. But that hasn't happened for some unexplained reason. I guess its just very difficult, if not impossible to cast doubt on the truth. It makes no difference whether others take it or leave it, I'm just here stating my reasons for believing it.

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  On 12/3/2019 at 11:28 AM, RevBogovac said:


Isn't that the opposite of what your bible commands (in Genesis 1:28 and 9:1)?


Bye Dan!






Those verses aren't relevant, they are simply commands to physically multiply. This verse is more applicable to my remark; "If anyone will not listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet" (Matthew 10:14 paraphrased).. Meaning that I simply testify why what I profess to believe is true, but I'm not trying to force my faith onto others...... I couldn't even if I wanted to, its an individual choice everyone must make for themselves. You guys are really into that Bye Bye emoji. :bye: 

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  On 12/3/2019 at 11:25 AM, Dan56 said:


Archeology isn't proof per se,  but it is evidence that the cities existed and that people mentioned also existed at the time. When landmarks and historical figures are real and accurate, it lends credibility that the authors recording said events were not fabricating a fairy tale. Imo, it requires more belief to spin it off as something faked.


You can certainly write-off fulfilled prophecies as a hoax, but I choose to believe them because it would have required one hell of a collaborated effort to pull off the greatest scam in history. Plus, how do you explain the prophecy in Daniel 7? There is absolutely no way that this future prophecy predicting the rise & fall of 4 ruling kingdoms could have been arranged to coincide with future events ( Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, & Rome).  Quite a coincidence eh? Not to mention Christ predicting that he would rise from his grave in 3 days. Even with Roman soldiers guarding the tomb, there's no body. And the predicted destruction of the temple, Rome obviously destroyed it to coincide with prophecy too eh?


Prophecy also predicted the Jews would reject Christ (Isaiah 6:9-10). Christ reiterated it (John 12:40, Matthew 13:14) and so did Paul (Acts28:26). Its no accident that they are blinded to this day, so it was written and so it is.. When you have so many prophecies come to pass and none that have failed or been proven false, the accumulative coincidences can certainly be construed and weighed as solid evidence by anyone with common sense.. Consider Isaiah's prophecy of King Cyrus of Persia in chapter 45, not only predicting it his reign 150 years in advance, but referring to him by name! Seems all of that biblical dogma has a remarkable record of accidental accuracy. 


There's comes a point where biblical stories and prophecies would fall apart if they were fabricated lies. But that hasn't happened for some unexplained reason. I guess its just very difficult, if not impossible to cast doubt on the truth. It makes no difference whether others take it or leave it, I'm just here stating my reasons for believing it.


Well for me they are just stories. Your just giving your own interpretation.  Archeology is still arguing where the temple was and where was David's court. There is no trace or other evidence that Sodom  and Gomorrah ever existed. There is no evidence that Jesus existed or that there was a registry of births that they had to go too. There are so many gaps. All the fundies do is twist the story until it fits something.  The possibility that the story could be wrong never enters their heads.

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  On 12/3/2019 at 12:46 PM, Pete said:

Well for me they are just stories. Your just giving your own interpretation.  Archeology is still arguing where the temple was and where was David's court. There is no trace or other evidence that Sodom  and Gomorrah ever existed. There is no evidence that Jesus existed or that there was a registry of births that they had to go too. There are so many gaps. All the fundies do is twist the story until it fits something.  The possibility that the story could be wrong never enters their heads.



No, the Temple mount still exist and clearly shows where it stood. And Daniel's prophecy isn't just a story, it accurately predicted the 4 kingdoms in advance.. Isaiah died long before the forenamed King Cyrus was born. None of this is interpretation, but historical fact. Sodom & Gomorrah were literally destroyed with fire & brimstone, so of course there's no trace or remnant of the buildings. Point being, there's no twisting scripture to validate something like Daniel's prophecy, it says what it says, there are no gaps, the kingdoms he revealed by interpreting Nebuchadnezzar's dream were point blank accurate and each came into power in the order that Daniel predicted. The story can't be wrong because history has proven it right. 

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With the tech of to day their uncovering everything they found Sodom and Gomorrah foundation outline an they. Know how the insanity happened as well as amotams sank by God hands ,boat an uncovered 88 of the false worshipped idols,an they were taken to a privatize museum  owned in the most haunted city in the world by Damian hurst

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The Planet of the Apes movies, have their action take place in New York City.  I recognized the Statue of Liberty, The New York City subway system and Grand Central Station.


New York City is also Batman's home base.  They call it Gotham, which is New York City's nickname.


Spider Man is portrayed in his movies, in New York City.


Some of Men in Black and Ghost Busters also happen, in New York City.


Where I'm going with this should be obvious.  New York City is real.  The rest is fantasy fiction.



Edited by Jonathan H. B. Lobl
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I.know how you can get all the proof you need. Even thou i think you should probably heed.,  with the use of this knowledge ,comes at an unforgivable price, before you go use in what I'm gonna to tell you to say, you better stop an think twice, maybe take a moment to pray,

,for again as warning  whence after use of this wisdom-used in conviction i half to say,..not heaven nor hell will allow you to stay..

                  Now that said,from anicant biblical text canonized in the council of hippo year (383)  than agian by pope innocent year (405) this trespass extends to.before these dates -spoke from the mouth of God held by all universes as the only trespass aginist all who stand an hear it,--clear out your heart,mind, soul use 100 percent conviction,  a place where 3 in faith, drawn together in thy,name, clear out throat make your voice as loud as you possibly  can, so from hell all the way up through the earth up to heaven so they all can hear it ,make clear your voice an blasphemy the holy spirit ....


Edited by Cml
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You make many assumptions about us.  

I am not Christian.  Seems kinda obvious, but I thought I would clarify.  I say I don't believe you.  That's not cyberbullying.  It's a statement in rebuttal to what you said.

This is my last post to you.  Not because you are clever or superior as you try to pretend, but because you have no proof or valid point.  Good luck with your search for the Antichrist and all that.

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Look here I don't care what religion you are, came to me with the assumption as well as act as a child when not getting what you want,did you ask me anything about me nope,you all took over my forum of trying to figure out your issues until you finally became a sermon,none of you at all has put anything useful on anything important,in on any changes to better the world, you beg for proof but refuse to Look in to it,as for Christian either your born a Christian or your not,that's why your reactions are as they be,did you know that real Christians of the savior tribe know that our proof comes with in the works we do,not only that we don't do our work to be saved,we do them for the grace of an the rest brought distress  to my processes of safety, did you know the savior didn't.take to kindly to religious sorts,an stood aginist it?or he fought religion in favor of female civil rights.did you know this ?? I'm working on try to figure out how to prevent with peace bad,such as the shooting  that kill two little boy in a schools parking lot in California,an you brang religious affairs ,if your gonna behere,you come with wisdom cause anything eles is not cared less  upon,got now being that your a cyber bully I thawt about it all night an as a real officiant not ordained off the net but by hand I'm gonna let the children chose so if I was you I'd get an Xbox an an a PlayStation cause your gonna be cyberly,charged for the crime of cyberbulling.upon your found guilty you may by fine up to 5000 credits awarded to offended party's throu the electronic montary transfer, 

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Because the  children chosen from all around the world that act as ,governmening officials your have the right to defend yourself,in conflict ,to will be judged according to the emails, wording




The trial will be fair

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