You're How Old?


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  • 4 weeks later...
  VonNoble said:
What defines a person as old?

And what defines a person as wise?

Is it likely a person age 20 - 25 would be widely viewed as wise?


Good questions.

Im not sure that I can honestly say what defines anyone as old but as for being wise, I would say that the person's actions and words or in some cases the person's silence will either give the impression of wisdom or foolishness depending on the circumstances.

As for the perception of the young, I would say that it isnt likely that any young person below the age of 40 would be seen by the majority of the people as being wise unless extraordinary circumstances were a factor simply because we as a society have been brainwashed over the years to think that only the elderly can have wisdom but whether the majority of the people see it as so or not, that doesnt mean that a young person, even one as young as 6 or 7 couldnt possess wisdom beyond her or his years.

Perhaps even younger.

  moonrider said:
Dumb and dumber? Hahahahah ..very funny... you really shouldn't be teachin' school.... :shift:

Do you actually have a point to make or are you just being a troll ?

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  • 3 years later...
  On 9/17/2008 at 9:09 PM, VonNoble said:

What defines a person as old?

And what defines a person as wise?

Is it likely a person age 20 - 25 would be widely viewed as wise?


Definition of old--when one cannot keep up with the times--especially in thinking and being bogged down in the past. Set within old ways, old paradigms--age has nothing to do with it at all.

Definition of wise--learning from the experiences of others and looking at all angles. Never saying never, for all is possible what the mind can conceive.

Age as wise--yes 20-25, can be, I have known a few definitely very wise--and some 60+ stupid and unwise-- :doh:



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I have yet to stop learning or finding things to question. As I get older I find I have more questions than answers. The more knowledge I obtain the less I know. Thus my eternal search continues. The day I stop learning I assume will be the day I am no longer counted among the living.

I find age to be meaningless at a certain point.

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  On 7/5/2012 at 6:57 AM, Hrodebert said:

I have yet to stop learning or finding things to question. As I get older I find I have more questions than answers. The more knowledge I obtain the less I know. Thus my eternal search continues. The day I stop learning I assume will be the day I am no longer counted among the living.

I find age to be meaningless at a certain point.

Or as Charlie Brown said it, "The more I learn the more I learn how much I have to learn."

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  On 9/17/2008 at 9:09 PM, VonNoble said:
What defines a person as old?
The number of years of the planet.
  On 9/17/2008 at 9:09 PM, VonNoble said:
And what defines a person as wise?
The number or type of life altering experiences survived or conquered.
  On 9/17/2008 at 9:09 PM, VonNoble said:
Is it likely a person age 20 - 25 would be widely viewed as wise?
No. It is not impossible, but it is unlikely, and it is growing more unlikely in our culture. It seems we are purposefully making sure that this does not happen.
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  On 7/5/2012 at 6:57 AM, Hrodebert said:

I have yet to stop learning or finding things to question. As I get older I find I have more questions than answers. The more knowledge I obtain the less I know. Thus my eternal search continues. The day I stop learning I assume will be the day I am no longer counted among the living.

I find age to be meaningless at a certain point.

Ahh--that is why they say ignorance is bliss--however I prefer your way.

But --you are so very, very :derisive: right!!



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What defines a person as old? Attitude, can define one as Old, my son Zach was born an old man (from the 1950's who shakes his cane and yells at kids for being on his lawn) even as a child he wanted to hang out with old men, and today at 30 he still prefers their company as his contemporaries and hangs out at the American Legion with them. While the kids (grandkids, nieces and nephews) are always saying something that places me in the same league with them, that I am allowed or can do something with them but not "the Adults" I honestly believe they also see me as much smaller than I am as they often want me to join them in places I will not fit :derisive:

And what defines a person as wise? Wise to me is someone who is learned, this may be due to life lived and can come early, due to exceptional intellect (IQ brain capacity and desire to know) or later in life when we have time to explore more information, places and people and learn from it all.

Some humans will never be wise, either from lack of intelligence, lack of imagination, lack of a quest for knowledge, stubbornly clinging to the idea that change is bad, no dreams being dreamt, and/or no passions for new things or ideas.

I find the more I learn the more I still need to learn, and how I really know very little in the scope of things, I hope I never loose the quest for more.

Is it likely a person age 20 - 25 would be widely viewed as wise?​ Not often would I view a 20-25 year old wise, but I have done so and can for sure place my DIL in that category, she who showed up in my sons life at only 19 when he already had full custody of his three children from his first marriage, one who was only a year and a half old and deaf and the two older girls (6 and 3 at the time) who were very needy, and she not only took over their care, she loves them as her own, not only learned a new language but learned to teach it, under her care they have all bloomed, as had the forth child who is now two and signs and speaks paragraphs, the kids are now 10, 7, 5 and 2, and all doing so well in all aspects of life, greatly due to their young but wise mother who has yet to reach 25.

I was not wise at 25, I was not very wise at 30 but at 52 I am getting there

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I'm 59. This is not old, but I can see some emerging patterns. I need more sleep than I used to. The pounds come more quickly if I get careless. I pee more often. My BS detector goes off more than it used to. My value in the job market is greatly diminished. My neck makes sounds that it never used to. I feel my knees more. My inclination to join causes is diminishing.

For what ever it's worth, my spiritual understanding is much improved. My understanding of reiki is maturing.

Life. Considering the alternatives.......

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  On 7/12/2012 at 11:53 AM, sarkany said:

Jonathan--think of yourself as wine--the older the better and more expensive. Age is just a number--all is an illusion anyway. Look at it this way, you still have an other 50 to go; much more Reiki still to practice.

blessings and a long life,

S :victory:

Who ever said it was right. "Getting old is not for wimps."

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I think "old" and "wise" are both relative terms. The first time I can remember feeling old was in high school when a little kid called me "Mister." He probably thought I was really wise. I still feel young in spirit, most of the time, but I knew I had crossed a line when I heard Guns N' Roses on the oldies station.

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I remember when I considered my 36 year old teacher `old`--now I consider a 63 year old person young-- :derisive: it is all a matter of perspective. But we have to remember--today many things are possible, and 50 is the new 30; 60 is the new 40. It all depends on one`s outlook on life-- some days my outlook is 18 other days 81 :hhike: we all still have a long way to go --so fasten those seat belts :Jumpy: were in for a bumpy ride. :derisive:

yahooooooooooo as the Universe would say,


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To me it would depend on how old the soul in question is. I happen to have a Lvl 7 old soul. ( You can visit the site to gain a better comprehension on what that statement means. I was giving wise advice to 40yr olds at physical age 15. Anyhow, to me physical age does not matter. What does matter to me is how old the soul is.

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  On 7/13/2012 at 5:13 PM, Asdasiae said:

To me it would depend on how old the soul in question is. I happen to have a Lvl 7 old soul. (http://www.michaelte...l_ages.html#old) You can visit the site to gain a better comprehension on what that statement means. I was giving wise advice to 40yr olds at physical age 15. Anyhow, to me physical age does not matter. What does matter to me is how old the soul is.

how can you tell the age of a "soul"?
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