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Everything posted by BpCorey

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7gV_md-obg
  2. It almost sounds like the one Devine sang in the 80's. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztSY-T81vqw
  3. my rat got tired of the nextdoor dog shoving his fat nose in her cage on the patio one day. he would shove his fat wet nose in her cage anytime he wanted. until she bit him. he don't come over anymore to see her. makes sence, if it annoys you, bite it.
  4. Lesson 1 MEOW - My, you smell just wonderful, mind if I lick you?
  5. Mice are nice, but Rat is where it's at.
  6. I had a rat that lived 8 years. a common petshop rat. I fed her yogurt and carrots. and she liked a nice salad once in a while, with a vinigaratte dressing.
  7. Ry Cooder's All shook up from the movie Cocktails.
  8. Dog are sort of smart. when it's time for his next vacination, say really loud, you are getting the dog and taking him to get shot. and see if you can find the dog anywhere.
  9. Boyce and Hart - Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNUj-AMHUsc
  10. I like that, Use a calm voice. What if they don't undestand english? Do You, Speak English?
  11. Rats are really nice animals. they can eat what you do and most enjoy going places with you. mine like to ride in the car on the dash. I had to get one of those carpet dashtops becuase they couldnt get a good grip on the plastic dash and would shoot back and forth on it during turns. I was afraid one day one of them would just shoot out the open window during a hard turn. I can just hear the conversaion in the car next to me. "honey, Did you just see 2 screaming rats fly by?" It's a bird, no, it's a plane, no, it's 2 very confused rats....
  12. First 2 One Hit Wonders Edison Lighthouse Leapy Lee This was Not the one song he was known for, And for 5 points, Can you name his one hit?
  13. err, ok. http://stbenedictschurch.webs.com/files/romanritual.pdf
  14. thin may be in, but fat is where it's at.
  15. err, not all ULC is ULC, if you can understand that. and any ULC church can teach what courses it wants too.
  16. Any church using ULC in it's name is a ULC church. and there are a lot of ULC churches, but there is only one ULC church hq. this is the main church that all the ULC churches came from. the monastry is a ULCchurch that split off of the main ULC church. so, they are a ULC church but not "the" ulc church. see? it's like catholic churches, I am a catholic priest, but not a Roman Catholic priest. it's that way for the ULC. lots of different ULC churches and lots of catholic churches. all valid but all different too. I cannot take my catholic ordination and tell people I am a roman catholic priest. You are validly ordained with the ULC monastry and a valid minister with that group. i.e. You are a ULC minister. see?
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQEAkg2-Jo8
  18. hi, are you 100% ulc or do you have catholic groups?

    I started with ulc in '84 and then found a catholic path with a independent group.