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Everything posted by BpCorey

  1. well, and since it's like that they want to keep the mail-order ministers from setting up business just to marry people. if you are a functioning minister with a active congregation you will have no problem here. also, as a minister I can't run a marriage business on my own.
  2. I did it for the partys! free food and drinks! after the ceremony I always get invited to the party after it.
  3. so, is 6.66 the price of the beast?
  4. this is funny. aii chihuahua....
  5. I also like Blues Traveler, here is Hook. http://youtube.com/watch?v=cjukZs6R6LI p.s. if you have a good ear you can hear that the tune is Pachelbel's Canon in D.
  6. I love them. Here is Fe Fi, the old man died. http://youtube.com/watch?v=xhffITxhMoI
  7. I was going to do a internet radio show once, paid 100.00 for some broadcasting software and everything. nothing much came of it. now I have GodTube, and saving for a web camera with a decent framerate.
  8. a ULC minister has to have a congregation here, whether they meet in a rented place or someones house. even 3 ministers meeting together once a month somewhere.
  9. I suggested this years ago, no one ever was interested.
  10. beats me, I do have some japanese music thou, but it's all from Sailor Moon. I like Kariudo. and the theme from Kingdom Hearts and lots more.
  11. I came across a interesting version of a beatles song. I Want To Hold Your Hand, as japanese bubble gum music. err, this is the poppy bouncy music the young girls like out there. so, have a listen: http://stbenedictcatholic.org/music/hand.mp3
  12. yep, people have been complaining for decades. the marriage business is a racket out here. thats why I had to go thru my catholic ordination, they wouldn't dare say no to the catholic church. great thing is, my ULC studies counted towards my studies for seminary, then 2 years of seminary and poof, I am a catholic priest. my ULC studies cut years off of my seminary studies.
  13. no, the Nv papers say you need a functioning church. i.e. only practising ministers can marry here.
  14. no, I live here and have a NV permit. you just have to have a functioning church here to get one.
  15. This weeks cartoon is here: http://tsgc.dyndns.org/twolf/02.swf
  16. From the late great Chuck Jones of Warner Brothers fame, years before his death, he was expirementing with cartoons in the flash format. and he came up with, Thomas Timberwolf. he finished 13 cartoons, 12 plus a christmas one. and barely 1 or 2 maybe 3 have ever been seen anyware. I have all 13 of the cartoons. I will post a link to one of them ever few days or so on here. so, here is the first one: Presenting, Thomas Timberwolf. http://tsgc.dyndns.org/twolf/01.swf p.s. Thomas's voice is the great Joe Alaskey.
  17. Xanadu - Dont Walk Away this was done by the guy who did the Dragon's Lair and Space Ace video arcade games.
  18. I loved this movie, almost made me cry, here is the theme song: http://stbenedictcatholic.org/music/married.mp3
  19. a never used trailer for one of the movies done with mostly midgets. http://youtube.com/watch?v=sT08xyGJokU