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About Qryos

  • Birthday 06/14/1960

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    married 35 years
  • Location
    Nevada, USA

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    ~ Questing For & Questioning Answers ~
  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    Questing & Questioning

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Priceless Being

Priceless Being (14/17)

  1. ~ Hello Belenos Yep, I believe in shards of souls & that elemental energies in their various incarnations are rooted within us all. I could disrupt everyone & mention that Fire is transformative, Earth disruptive, Water erosive & Air conducive to any & all change... Spirit can transcend.
  2. ~ Just simply a church that legalizes the ordination of individuals of whatever denomination... Jeepers y'all, ya wanta go denominating & such, how about starting with politicians before they're nominated? ... I'm not gonna be politi-polluting anything, so don't worry about denominating me!
  3. a dark felted sky dark orange sun setting molten Yosemite burns
  4. dark grey skies gather geese formations vee to home onward comes winter
  5. ~ Yeah, think so. Most religious people believe that other religions are 'wrong' & so don't agree with their practices or what . ~ Intolerance... Is it intolerant to be intolerant of those that are intolerant? Or are you only tolerant to those intolerant as you? I know, I'm being a bother once again. I apologize! Just wondering, since it seems that most religions are based upon the intolerance of a God towards humans acting human, what does that say about humans that ARE tolerant of others?
  6. ~ Honestly, I made important choices before I was responsible enough & had to learn quickly how to to be what I needed to be. I would suggest after the age of 16. Every one needs to be able to focus before trying to define the existence they desire to refine...
  7. From a philosophical point of view ~ So much wisdom & wit posited upon this query... Appears we here generally enjoy the back & forth
  8. ~ Yaaa... I don't know. I just remember that dying. It's all emotional & images & what-not, y'know? Linda & I were married, I was male & we had lots of children, don't remember dying that time. We both remember that. Not much in common this time. { It's difficult to find people that remember a past life with you. { At least for me... But then I shut down myself at 15, too too much! } My husband. I've always gotten a feeling he's a new soul. Would that be possible with reincarnation? Was there a pre-set amount of sparks discharged to go forth & record the existence experiences of lizards & birds & cats & humans, or is there are a periodic spurt of a non-scarred souls to compare a base-line with? Because seriously, he's the clearest I ever met, this life pain, no other.
  9. ~ I do apologize for that... I could be sooo wrong. I do know that I have a distinct aversion to Frank Sinatra's music & movies, pink taffeta & callas, grand pianos & cliffs above the sea. The me now was born in 1960. The me then was, I don't know, 15? He was skinny & pissed-off because I said/did something. It's probably just something that never happened. Y'know, pieces of movies, dreams & what-not... Sorry I mentioned it I apologize.
  10. ~ I have few memories of lives past lived. They were simple. I was very proud to be elevated to a higher pool to wash, white marble needs cleaning. I was a turnip farmer with a wife & 5 children & the Lord rode past. Frank Sinatra killed me. I have vivid memories of dying. Dying is unpleasant. The 'unravelling' is icky. Seriously. Now you're all gonna consider me crazy... That's fine. I'm not sure how to explain this, but Elemental. I was once Fire. Commanded Fire because I needed to. My 'sister' stole my crown. It was bad. It's a shame I still feel though I don't know from when or where. ... Silly thing? I bought myself a tiara & it soothes me. & what we fought over was wood! The damage was horrid. I know, I'm not making much sense, I apologise.
  11. ~ Perhaps ALL things are possible...
  12. ~ In a society, most everyone has interactions with others & so one's actions create reactions among others. Quite often those reactions are negative when one is self-destructive.
  13. ~ Whether ya like it or not, we're like sticky snot... You are stronger than you believe. You can achieve!
  14. ~ Remember the words when all you hear are faint echoes, Remember the vision when all you see are shadows, Remember the fire when all you grasp is ash, Remember the cause. Remember, There is a because. ~ Claire { Qryos }