Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. I suppose we can all ask for our individual needs and for illness and dis-ease etc I suppose that is the right thing to do. Kay and I had almost the worse of any fear (besides what we're already dealing with) come true 2a.m. Saturday morning by very sick individuals with a Home Invasion/Burglary in our home. Gone in less than 3 minutes: her laptop (5yrs old and dying), timer for her meds, a pack of cigs and lighter...she spooked whoever it was by coming into the living room from the hallway and only heard the front screen slam. By the time I got out there from the back bedroom/office, no one, nothing, zero on street, behind houses or in alleyways...GONE! All items were on/by her recliner, she was even online and was out of her chair for maybe 5 minutes to use bathroom. Total value, maybe $100 and to trade for drugs, maybe $20 to some street level dealer. The most insane part...a partial prescription bottle of pain meds sitting next to her cigs on the table between our chairs...10 times more street value than what they took!! The only reason they could have missed it was when bending over to grab cigs, the lamp shade obscured the view enough to block out bottle of meds. (We figured that out re-enacting the crime for the cop ) They stepped in the front door, which was locked, but due to weather had not gotten pushed tight, grabbed and ran. I can't think of anything more aggravating or scary than thieves in one's home in the middle of the night while you're THERE! Then of course there is the feeling of being so violated and intruded on. Through the neighbors, not the cops, we learned there's been several such invasions over the past year by very brazen individuals. It seems it's a pair of fellows. To top off the this horror and add insult to injury, after 12 years of separation, Kay's sister came for the weekend with her 30 year old, Momma's boy, son. Nice visit until after they left only to find out he had taken several "shiny objects". Insignificant things, but after hearing his Auntie describe the invasion that happened just ten hours before they arrived, and then to do such a punk thing....what IS this world coming to. It just shows even family contains the dark side of humanity? The anger and frustration we feel, with everything else going on in our lives, is enough to make me want to demand legislation for instant execution, upon capture, of any thief or low life of any type. "Do the world a favor!" type vigilante justice....BUT....(big but there) no. Wonton vigilantism and personal vengeance is no better than the crimes committed against us, or anyone. It also makes me wish I never got rid of my arsenal, but what good would it have done here? None. In all reality, if I still had all the firearms I use to, chances are I would have had either my .45 or .44 Mag by my chair...and no one needs another one of those loose in the hands of criminals on our streets. The range of emotions one feels after such events is enough to make us want to do crazy things, instead.... I'm asking, as I did a few years ago, that we pray for Peace and Spiritual healing of the world we live in. Kay lost her Uncle Gray, age 84 and one super decent human being, on Wednesday, Nov. 23, then this incident, then her nephew's pettiness all on top of her existing health situation. Any additional prayers for her would be greatly appreciated and I thank the many who have kept her in their thoughts already...I REALLY appreciate it...needless to say all these things happening at once, she feels it's "personal" and no matter what I say....well I'm certain y'all understand! Just thanks is all I can say! By your unselfish thoughts and giving of healing energy it gives Hope which is one of the Great Healers. Blessings of Peace, Al
  2. I know first hand it is a tough one to deal with, but the loving grace of Prayer, Thoughts and Healing Energies do indeed help. You are both in our continued prayers. Blessings of Peace, Al
  3. Welcome Aboard! Nice to have you as a part of our growing Family of Friends here. We hope to hear much more from you in the future, chime in a let us know about your thoughts and beliefs! Blessings of Peace,

  4. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al

  5. Welcome to the forum! Hope to hear more from you in the future! Blessings of Peace, Al

  6. Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. It always does seem to come in groups or waves doesn't it? I'm thinking we'll get through it but Kat sure didn't need the stress on top of everything else. Blessings Be,
  7. Yes, You are allowed to be married while being a ULC Minister or Clergy. For more details and info on ULC Clergy and Congregations: Click Here Blessings of Peace,
  8. Welcome to the Forum Jericho. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  9. First off, THANK YOU to everyone that did respond above. It has truly meant something to both of us. It seems when there is tough or bad luck in a year, it just gets compounded... Our turkey day meal will be Saturday this year due to a rather tenuous reunion between Kay and her will not be much celebration or "thanks" to be given since Kay's favorite uncle was admitted to hospice on Monday and passed away yesterday morning. Uncle Gray was one cherished man to Kay as he was one of the few in her family who genuinely understood her, loved her just for who she was and loved Life itself for all the true Blessings that came along. He will be missed greatly and has now been reunited with his dear Mary who passed five years ago just days after their 67th anniversary. I only wish I had the opportunity to meet him in person as I know what he meant to my wife....somehow 2 minutes on the phone and a letter exchange, just are not the same. My thoughts and prayers are with my wife and her aching heart this Thanksgiving Day.
  10. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  11. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions. It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Blessings of Peace,

  12. Songster, The comfort you find in finding these "messages in dimes" from Danny should never be discounted. We find feathers, from Kay's Crow/Black Foot step-father all the time, machinist tools and file folders wind up in some of the silliest places from my grandfather and father, Kay's "Oma" plays cards with us on a regular basis...anyone who plays Rook knows the non-relevance of the "dummy hand" when only two people play...I'll bet there's not a single person here who can say the dummy hand ever makes a trump play more than on the rare occasion. How about not just when the point hand matters, but being beaten by the dummy hand on more than several full games?????? No one will ever convince us she's not there playing with us! Every time I make my grandmother's banana bread, there seems to be an overwhelming smell of lilac perfume, her favorite, or that (when I use to drink) a near empty bottle of Scotch - which I rarely drank - would be dry as a bone the next uncle had a thing for always taking the "Last Shot for last Call" and Scotch was his preferred "spirits"....pun intended The bottom line is our passed loved ones will often find a way to leave little reminders that as you are continuously thinking of them, so they are of you. Blessings Peace, PS: BTW, you may want to see how many of those dimes are from the year of his birth or check a coin book to see if any rare or collectables are among the "finds" may very well have a surprise in store for you!! PPS: Might I offer up this LINK, you'll find numerous similar stories there! (Top left corner of home page has a list of "Ghost Stories" and "Paranormal Activities" - click there for articles)...oh yes and...THIS Link is very good to explain what you have been experiencing
  13. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  14. That's about right, I've known about those sites for around 5 years and maybe, maaaaybe have gotten to at least read the jacket/dust covers of about 1/2 of the books available! Especially "Sacred" ...if it's in the religious/spiritual category, I'm fairly certain they have it. The only things I've found "bad", IF I could call it that about kobo, is if it's a new release, there's frequently a fee for reading. Only fair though to give the author his/her chance at getting paid for their services. I tell ya, it's been wonderful having a library of so many good reads at the click of a mouse, both of those site should get a kudos and well done for their services to humanity! Blessings of Peace, ...25 years ago I could of made a fortune as a "bar bet"....Bet ya $20 I can put an entire library on my desk, with one hand in my pocket and my other hand on a mouse!
  15. Welcome to the forum! Take a look around, join in on the discussions and let us know a little about yourself in New Members and FAQ's. We are always glad to see new perspectives. We're glad you've chosen our forum to expand your path and understanding! Blessings of Peace,

  16. Perhaps I worded the above wrong or you don't read PM's? How do I get a copy for my Religious Library? Thank you, Blessings of Peace, Al
  17. Stormy, Forgive my failure in not posting sooner. This is terrible and unsettling news for sure and I'm certain you've been around the full spectrum of emotions and thoughts. Your Tabby will of course be on my list of those to pray for as are you. I'm also sending you a PM as for couple other things, Many Blessings of Peace for you and her, heart and mind
  18. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace,

  19. A couple links mentioned above by others Theosophy Society Hands of Light = online, free to read Kobo has numerous books in this category and most are free to read. You only have to register (sign in) and down load adobe reader...if you don't already have that, but you more than likely do! and I'm pretty sure I've sent you this one before "Sacred Texts" nearly all the old and pre-modern writings from all cultures and beliefs These should keep ya busy on a rainy afternoon or several many.... Blessings of Peace, Al
  20. What a kind offer Bishop. A PM has been sent your direction. Blessings of Peace,
  21. Ahhh, Happy, it's so great to read such things. I have to agree wholeheartedly with the above, this does indeed mean that your Ethereal/Physical connection is becoming more tuned in, more heightened and that you are consciously aware of it is absolutely wonderful. Being an empath definitely holds it's own set of baggage, however, I do believe you to be of strong enough character and of good ethics and morals to know when/where/how to draw the line between observing and meddling...good for you. When Kay and I first began discussing our Spiritual Gifts, she recalled that even as a young child she would see people's mouths moving to one set of words, but what she "heard" was something completely different. It can be such a gift and curse at the same time. How you apply this gift to your daily life is important, but please, do not cut yourself off from it IF there happens to be a stumble, or unpleasant experience. In time, with more practice, you should be able to direct your own input and keep it separate from the actual "output" of whomever you happen to be reading. And yes, what you said about being on the cool. When at anyplace public, mall, hospital, airport, bus or train station, park etc etc's is indeed a blast to watch people and create your own little internal dialogue as to what they are doing/going/have been etc. The test of content, is gaining the courage to approach people with what you've picked up on and address it to them. Some people get a bit miffed, others are blown away and many are somewhere in the middle about it. Anyway, Happy, Happy Trails and Trials! So glad to hear things keep stronger and better for ya! WTG!! Blessings of Peace, On a side note...the other night I was at the grocery store and a Mom and a just turned four yr old boy were in line in front of me. I had my shirt sleeves pulled up to my elbows as I was unloading my cart on the check out counter and the little boy looked up at me, then his Mom and asked her "Is that my Daddy?" She gave me a nervous glance and said "No." to the young child but he kept staring at my tattooed arms. "But he looks like my Daddy!" the little guys whispers. Again a nervous smile in my direction. I looked at the Mom and mouthed (absolutely unknown reason to me at the time) "Dad passed?" to which her eyes got rather large as she gave an almost intelligible nod. After getting that confirmation, I bent down and told the little guy..."No, I'm not your Dad, but you do know he's right with you all the time don't you?" "My Mom says he's in heaven so how can he be here?"....hmmm bright little guy!....but through a short conversation in the check out line and then a longer chat outside, I let the little guy know how "Dad" is with him Spiritually all the time....come to find out the man passed when Evan was only 28 months old, but Dad had sleeves of tattoos and was the child's biggest memory of the man that had been killed in Irag. This brings up the issue of our youngest memories as 28 months, he still remembered dad's tattoos and there were probably pictures of the man around the home as well The boy had turned 4 just a week before so only 20 months (1yr 8 mos) had passed since his father was killed and the boy had only been around Dad from the age of 9mos-26mos due to Marine Corps deployments. How young, yet how entrenched the memories and proves to me the value of positive parental influences in young lives. Another point being, I've had similar "feelings" and never said a word to folks because I also have felt the "fight" over beliefs that would get stirred up. So as we mature with our gifts, I also think that we get better in our assessment and willingness to discuss these things with strangers, IF we pay attention. I've also had a couple of times when once the mouth had been opened...oh my my do I wish I never had!! Again, so Happy for ya Happy so continue to be Happy!!! Blessings Be!
  22. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  23. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  24. Orange, red and green, Hang waving in unison, Before the blue sky. Bright and beautiful, Crisp, clean, breezes blowing south, Cat upon the fence. Glory today shows, Creator's magical gift, Wish it would remain. Blessings of Peace, Al Just such a beautiful, wonderful day outside of those days that define "Fall". I'm probably not getting much better at haiku, even after reading a couple of e-books (thank you on the theory and process. So much I don't understand about it! I'd do better at drawing or painting a picture of it, but who knows...enough practice I might get it right one of these times, yes?
  25. ah To`'s been like 50 some odd days for Murph since his last cig!