Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  2. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  3. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  4. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  5. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  6. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  7. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  8. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

    1. saved


      Thank you so much for your welcome. I was raised in a very strict Catholic family,I still to this day keep sacraments out of guilt or fear. I know God has saved my life many times and answered many of my prayers. I would love to hear from anyone interested in talking with me. I am saved.

  9. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  10. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and the chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understanding of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. Blessings of Peace,

  11. Blessings of Peace to each and every one of you here and throughout the forum. Al
  12. Due to a calamity of what some might call “errors”, but I'm more inclined to believe were a necessary direction of thought, I've rediscovered a few things lately. Some are merely forum insights, others are more along the lines of general knowledge and a few are nothing short of a break through in Self evaluation. It's all as it should be according to some particular trains of thought. It has been very calming to know that there are many good folks here that I can truly call “friends”. Many of you have helped me personally through listening to Life's woes, others have also helped the Membership by directing the theology that is expressed here and others have certainly expressed themselves in a personal, heartfelt manner on subjects of importance to them. All of these factors tell me we have a very dynamic group here. Recently, Kay and I have been given some rather disturbing news concerning some health issues. I need not go into detail as we are still awaiting final confirmations from our doctors. At this point only miraculous physical changes would change the prognosis. Our prayers have been answered if one result should come back, we are left to wonder if another. But you know what? All is as it should be regardless of the outcome. Unfortunately, awaiting this sort of information has taken its toll on our emotions and strained usually objective thinking. I have to believe that these last few weeks have all been a part of The Creator's plan for us as well, otherwise I don't think things would have gone as they have. I guess the good part of all this is that I have been forced to confront things in a manner I normally wouldn't. Sometimes it's difficult to see the truth in one's own Self evaluation, and many times “the truth” is not always what it appears to be at first or on the surface. Circumstances have led me to getting several items out from under the buried clutter of my mind. I'm sure everyone knows what I'm referring to in having experiences from our past that get “buried” and we don't like to, nor want to, deal with those issues. We all have experiences that come and go that do not constitute more than momentary thought. Other experiences have such great impact we fumble with them for years before being able to make sense of it. The majority of our experiences simply remain available to our conscious thinking as new issues come up, that are similar in some way, reminding us of the others. I don't necessarily like the manner in which a few of these buried issues have resolved themselves lately as it has required seeing a part of Self I'm not fond of. My wife Kay, having been a friend for 31 years and partner for the past 11, has probably had the most effect on keeping me “grounded” as some say and not falling back into the fellow I once was. I can thank the ULC Church in Modesto for literally being “in my way” one night many years ago as I stumbled home in a drunken stupor. The message on that sign caused the first glances at the need to change. Kay came into my life only a few short years later to keep reminding me of those changes I vowed to keep. As our separate lives took the twists and turns that were necessary for our individual experiences to come full circle, we found ourselves building a whole new relationship while on Maui. This created what has hence become our experiences. She has recently had to face some ugly truths from her past by being reunited with her sister via the inter-net and cleaned up much of that baggage. My hatred of mean spirited, violent people finally got the boot from my thinking in past few days, quite frankly in the past 24 hours. But those issues have not been the real matter at hand for either of us. These, subconscious landmines, were merely obstacles that had to be overcome before other issues could ever be dealt with in a constructive manner. In essence, regardless of what we now face together in the realm of physical issues, we are now both free to tackle together without conscious, and better yet, subconscious distraction. Naturally there is little correlation regarding the specific circumstances or experiences, but our being held captive by certain fears and angst about any past issue could have a dramatic affect on our future physical matters. Being free of all these internal baggage items simply gives us a clean slate and recharged energies to face an uncertain future. We both find it quite amazing how many things of clutter in our minds have all come out in just the past few months and been dealt with in a conclusive manner. Some via the inter-net in forums or groups, some face to face with family members and friends and others in an entirely Spiritual manner. After a long talk this morning we both made a few phone calls and now we're both addressing our “friends” and acquaintances on forums and we have a couple of letters to write. Regardless of direct or indirect input, meaningful or distraction confrontations, good, bad or “other” advice or commentary, I/we have to lump it all together as one major Life experience for the betterment of our well being. It doesn't matter if you, the reader, had a personal part in any topic discussion or not or if I/we had direct exchanges or not, by simply being a part of the equation, you helped other Hu-man Beings find a Light at the end of a dark pathway. So to each and everyone of you, a sincere and heartfelt Thank You! It would have really have been a boring trip without ya! Blessings of Peace,
  13. I am thrilled to see things are going well for some of our newly ordained. This only adds to the validity of our founders vision of doing the right thing to help as many as possible. Blessings of Peace to all,
  14. I apologize for taking so long to answer Umeko. However, you remind me very much of the same type person my wife is in what you wrote. She too has had the oddest encounters with people just coming to her "out of the blue" and often while within a crowd of people. There is a certain energy that you put off, like a beacon for those that need your particular words. Words that may be said by others, but somehow only have the impact that your energy seems to deliver. It's strange to most and can actually put off many people, but do not allow that to distract your purpose. As with Kay, many nay-sayers of her, well let's just call it "ability" for the sake of conversation, seemed troubled because they couldn't break through her energy. This is not a "wrong" or something you are not doing or anything negative. The fact remains in Kay's case, perhaps yours, your connections to people are only for those people that there is an intended message, no one else. Let me ask you these... Do you keep a very small group of friends? Do you feel somehow "disjointed" in crowds? Would you rather have one or two really tight friends than a dozen so called ones? and a dozen more questions down the same line of thinking. These all applied to Kay and what she found was that was her purpose, not to be "little Miss Popular" rather a true and genuine help to those in many forms of distress. Personal to spiritual, religious to secular, school to work, you name the topic, she's had people touched by her words. I genuinely hope that you find your place/purpose in what you do because it is so rewarding Spiritually as I'm sure you're aware of already. Many blessings of Peace,
  15. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  16. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  17. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  18. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  19. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

    1. Rev. Nemo

      Rev. Nemo

      Greeting Vitki-San.

      Thank you for your warm welcome. I must say I plan on lurking for a while, but I'm sure once I'm ready to come out of the Cancer shell, that I'd be more then obliged to contribute.

  20. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  21. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  22. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  23. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,

  24. Welcome to our little family of friends here at the forum! I hope you give us the opportunity to get to know you better and look forward to your contributions to the many discussions, of which a few should catch your interest, maybe? It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives and new ideals to throw in the mix. Many Blessings to You and Yours,