Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. No matter how much time goes by, some of our loving pets are forever in our "Now". Blessings be to "Bear" and all the other "Bears" out there. I do hope what is thought by some is true, that our loved pets await us in Heaven as well. Blessings of Peace,
  2. Due to this warning in the Newsletter, we now have this hanging over our heads in trying to find homes for Her-Be and Turbo...we simply could not survive knowing that had happened to them. It would crush us. I e-mailed Mary Jo at our local shelter the other day asking to be kept abreast of this situation and she e-mailed back saying that one perpetrator (a young couple) had been caught early this week. (Newsletter came about 2 weeks ago) Evidently a license number on a car was taken by the people adopting out puppies in Turlock, just 10 mi North of here. The investigators are being hung up by "who" took the pics, "who" did the cruelty etc etc, just because these people got the puppy doesn't mean they did the crime!!! Legalities!!! ARRRRGGGHH!! They may be stuck with only charging the couple with "accessory animal cruelty" a small fine and no jail time as they are zipped lipped about the whole incident. Criminals at every level are winning and it just makes me so angry. I truly think that even "accessory" should be treated the same .... I mean they do in murder cases so why not here? This has been a "sore spot" with me since I was 8 yrs old, my very first, full on fist fight was with a ten yr old over hurting a kitten. I was so mad I won! Not happy about this at all....I'm afraid I would be going to jail if I caught one of these little punks, laughing at the legal system and at people "hung up on animal rights" as one said during the police interview..."it's just a da**ed dog!" were two quotes in the PD report. Mary Jo has a copy of the full incident and she is helping the adopting out family represent their case...which is all tentative and "hung up" on legalities. As the couple male 20 and female 19, are not talking as to who, where, when etc. and legally the family gave up all rights to the puppy when letting it go etc etc....OH!!! This just sickens me talking about it, I better quit! I think I speak for all of us here that this sort of crime is just so horrific that it is beyond our comprehension and ability to control emotions. How about "Just a stupid Hu-man! Execute it!" ?? Blessings of Peace,
  3. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

    1. Chris M.

      Chris M.

      Many thanks for the welcome.

  4. Welcome to the forum! We hope to hear more from you and would like to have you check out the boards and topics at your liesure. It's always good to see new perspectives. Blessings of Peace, Al

  5. This is sickening....and no, I can't go look either. I was caught completely off guard though, by the "Newsletter" one of our local shelters puts out. It was a WARNING about Craig's List, people coming to "adopt" your pet, mostly kittens and puppies. In almost all cases a rather well dressed gal or two would show up to get the pet, have a nice conversation and leave with the giver thinking they had done "good". There was an insistence by the gals getting the puppy or kitten for e-mail addy as to "give updates". A few days later the giving person would open an e-mail to horrific pictures of their puppy or kitten being fed to large snakes, being torn apart by fighting dogs and some even worse (if you can possibly imagine) All of these were signed with a big "Happy Face" and have a nice day! There are some sick individuals out there. Hopefully in ALL of these cases Law Enforcement can track down these $%!*#!% perpetrators through e-mail or phone or? I don't know, of course it will be difficult, but yes whether it's explosives, or these other horrific ends, the people who do such things need some instant and equivalent justice! Blessings of Peace,
  6. It has been a rough year for sure, one that I could easily hit "rewind" on if I had a choice. It's my Kay I worry the most about as to top off everything else, her sister and 30 yr old nephew came down Sat/Sun for the first visit in 12 years...and what does the "reformed" nephew do? Takes Kay's nightlight...a $2 mini-flashlight she uses for finding meds in the middle of the night!!! After hearing we had just been home invaded 12 hours before they got here and then for him to do that??? It's NOT the stupid little gizmo, it's the Principle of the matter! He has Warburg Syndrome, OCD and ADD, but still no excuse for bad behavior though he uses his "condition" like a "Stay out of trouble card". And after a dozen e-mails, chats on-line and a letter all with Kay's sis telling her how much her "boy" had grown into a "man"...ggrrrrrr! Oh I long to return to those days! I always had a good time in base barracks or onboard the Oki, never could justify living off base until I got married and wife wouldn't put up with so many noses up her business. We lived onbase for 2 months and then got a nice little duplex 20 mins from base. Unfortunately it's not for the "Albute" rush, it's for the opening of airway/lungs especially for crack to give a harder hitting/faster high. They take 2-3 good pulls off the inhaler then hit the crack pipe, supposedly gives a real wham-bam of a toke. A full inhaler of Albuterol can go for as much as $50 on the street. Saw that on one of the cop shows. A few months ago, an article in our local paper was about kids having to keep their asthma inhalers in the nurse's office because of being "robbed" of their inhaler medications. Other students hikacking the Albuterol and...oh I forget now... the "other" one..."Pre..." "phe.." from asthmatic kids....all for a "better high" that could seriously injure or kill a asthmatic, if they needed it and didn't have it to use. I find it amazing how "my high" is more important than "your health" to these %#!*%&$^ street trash. It's a mentality like that, or should I say lack of?, that just sends me over the top of sanity. Blessings of Peace,
  7. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  8. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  9. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  10. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  11. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  12. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  13. Thank you everyone for your thoughts...let's just keep all of our prayers going towards Peace on this crazy Blue Bubble in space. Our story is no different that thousands of other people in Central Calif and across the nation. As we get closer to Christmas, it unfortunately will only get worse, after all, we wouldn't want thieves to not have a good Christmas now would we? <add sarcasm tone) I'm installing new locks and other security devices and helping our neighbor do the same. Blessings of Peace,