Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace,

  2. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace,

  3. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace,

  4. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace,

  5. Welcome to the forum Nick, glad to have you here. Blessings of Peace,

    1. old_nick


      Just noticed this. Thank you very much.

  6. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  7. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  8. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  9. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  10. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  11. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  12. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  13. Welcome to forum! We're glad to have you! We hope that you will find many ways in which to apply information found here to your ideas and chosen path. We always welcome fresh perspectives and understandings of both traditional and non-traditional Beliefs. So let's hear about yours! Blessings of Peace,

  14. Thank you all. It was an very interesting morning the other day, meditating here with To'na walking the medicine wheel in NM...interesting indeed. I hadn't done an outdoor, sunrise meditation in quite some time and must say the energy flows were something to behold. Too relaxing and mellow on one hand, such intense chakra vibrations and Spiritual on the other...very interesting mix for sure. Kay actually slept, for the first time in weeks, for nearly 13 hours straight through. She nodded about 6:15a.m and was out till about 6:45p. It was good to see her do so...and was funny...she knew it was early morning when she nodded and at first thought she'd only been "out a few minutes" when looking at clock, but felt rested... but then it started to get dark right after she awoke. Definitely a several minutes! Was the first humorous moment through all this in quite some time...good laugh watching the confusion then reality set in! That laugh/smile on her was the reward of the whole process, let me tell ya! Blessings of Peace,
  15. multi-whole-grain "Wish" sandwich always works...where ya got two pieces of bread... and wish you had something healthy to put in between. I made an awesome batch of chili the other day and got way carried away....after getting everything from mushrooms to onions, celery to cayenne pepper and back in it, four kinds of beans -pinto, black, kidney and white-fresh tomato, bell pepper, braised extra lean 5% stew beef in 1/2 the pot etc etc(removed 1/2 beans, let simmer another hour with beef)...we had 2 gallons of some danged good stuff...went light on the "hot" as neither of us like 5 alarm...but could have...According to Dr. Oz, we have one of the most beneficial, healthy foods available. Kay's home made corn bread on top woooo-wee! Beans, as I'm sure you are well aware of, are one of those "healthy things" and can be done soooo many ways. Even with just a hot plate and kettle, I use to make some pretty awesome bean goodies in my first studio apt. and it's only gotten better with better facilities. Blessings, Oh, BTW, did y'all know....when soaking the beans overnight, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda per 8 oz of beans, to the soak...(rinse 3x's first, then put to soak, rinse before adding filtered water for cooking)... absolutely ZERO "side effects"...or in this case end effects?
  16. Awesome talent and things have definitely gone on for the better for him. He was one of our Favorites last year. He is a brilliant example of Being who he Is. Blessings of Peace,
  17. It's been several months since the issue concerning the health hazards of incense and scented candles was graciously brought to our attention. It is something we should make ourselves aware of, for even non-users. (click on link above or use address at bottom) It is one of those things that so many of us do without pause for much thought and most certainly a nice fragrance in the air sure beats the opposing issue of "pet smells". Well over these past few months, as it's hit my weary bean, I've done a lot of research on this, talked to our veterinarian, other pet owners and even contacted incense and candle manufacturers as a concerned pet owner. To keep this short, yes indeed, there are numerous health hazards attached to profuse use of both incense and scented candles in regards to your pet and personal health. The main gist of the entire dilemma is quality products. Propylene glycol is one of the big nasties as well as several other chemicals which are used mostly in cheap scented items. Some of more commonly used essential oils in the incense/candle-making process include apricot, orange, basil, frankincense, coriander, cardamom, geranium, jasmine, patchouli, black pepper, rose and sandalwood. Essential oils have their own unique properties and are frequently blended together to make formulas for specific purposes. Also natural herbs are used either in conjunction with or separate of the essential oils. If you make your own or purchase incense, make sure the use of essential oils and organics are used with a very small amount of paraffin (in some cases) for even burning. Other than that no chemicals required! Incense and scented candles are not well regulated. It is disgusting some of the things I ran across that can be mixed in with these products, but for specifics, do your own research as I do not wish to confuse or sway your thinking. Let it suffice to say that everything from trace amounts lead to cadmium, alkalies to barium and even animal feces, human hair and rodent skin has been found in some of the cheap brands and makes. Smoke is smoke and no amount or scent, flavor or color makes any difference, it is all bad for us. Period. We've made some changes and I hope you will too, so I recommend the following: 1. PLENTY of fresh air sources and even an exhaust fan somewhere near where the incense burns 2. "Never" burn more than one stick or cone at a time, unless separated by the house/apt all the way the other end! 3. Allow at least 30 minutes to 1 hour between burnings (if candle, don't let burn for more than 2 hours at a time) 4. I can't stress this enough: Buy only QUALITY PRODUCTS that use only essential oils or organics (herbs) as the base material. Do NOT use products that contain chemicals, resin fillers, bonding agents and so forth. RESEARCH your favorite brands for contents. A good scented product should contain essential oils, non-toxic fiber material (i.e.; coconut husk or grain husk) and/or herbal organic for scent. Period. If the brand you've been using will not list the ingredients, it's probably toxic waste. Yes, among the things I listed above, even pureed garbage from landfills is used in some of the cheap incenses...a powder is a powder to some of these criminal minds. Most of the "commercial" incenses you find at grocery stores and smoke shops are nicely packaged and "look good" but are really poor quality. Any "Natural Food" or Organic product store will have...well... should have a grand selection of high quality incense sticks, cones and powders as well as scented candles. A local aroma-therapist is also a good source for info and purchase. You may only get 6-10 (short) sticks or (small) cones for your $2.00 instead of 20, but you will find: 1. The scent lasts for hours 2. Burns much slower (some of the cheap ones you could use for a fuse! ) 3. Far less smoke Anyway, save your pet and yourself from the hazardous smoke from poorly ventilated homes and cheap scented products. Start with "Natural Incense" in your search and go from there to finding a better product! I've got several bookmarks going for looking into making our own, that way the nuclear waste products can stay out of our air! (Only teasing...or am I? Muhwaahahaha ! Fido and Fluffy, Max and Mittens will really appreciated it! Blessings of Peace, In case link don't work: ref of above link....
  18. A few years ago, like 7-8, we thought we'd seen the last of it as she did a remarkable turn around (after being seen by a Hawaiian kahuna (Shaman) a true miracle. They (doctors) recommended double mastectomy, but after two months following Kapala's care, gone, zip zero all tests negative and follow ups for two years all negative. Then this past June symptoms started rearing the ugly head again. By august and then Sept barrage of tests, it was back in full force. We're not idiots when it comes to health care, but we do believe in the power of words and suggestion and is why I do not write the word. I thank you all for your kind thoughts and To'na, a special thanks for the time you'll spend at the medicine wheel, I shall walk it with you in Spirit tomorrow, sunrise or there abouts yes? We're in the same time zone so I'll just start an hour early to make up for the distance of miles...To'na, you reside Ariz right? I even bought a couple of sage smudges at the open air flea market last month, from the Yokut/Patwin rez, not far from Yosemite. Beautiful thread and bead work. $2/1oz bundle sage/smudge stick (for reg threaded) and $4 with tiny glass beads...whata deal eh? To'na, would you know of (I know there are so many customs) burying the beads that come with some smudge, good luck? Extra power to prayers made during smudging? Is what the fellow, Woti-séal* selling them says. I mistakenly brought back the beads from the first one I purchased thinking "recycle", he wouldn't touch them and told me bad luck to reuse and I should bury them, with a prayer after next smudging. Again, thanks much each and every one, Al * (Dances in Rain) I got to know him beyond his name tag by being a customer for over 4 years now.
  19. We could really use some positive energy and prayers sent Kay's way right now. We've been hit with some devastating news concerning her health a couple weeks ago and is why I've not been on the boards much. We have this situation in our lives to deal with and prognosis isn't all that good. Being "Pink Ribbon" month has a whole new meaning to us as a result. I'd just really appreciate any good thoughts, healing energies and prayers for my wife that she will somehow get through this terrible menace. She is the stability in my life! Thank you, Al
  20. While I can agree very much with what you say, as harboring angst and ill feelings is something I deal with on a daily basis, still after years of "knowing better" I do not agree with "get over yourself". Those words have been crammed down more than one "professional help's" throat, when they've gotten the whole picture of what has been going on. It is NOT all right and okay for someone to just act out and over the top and everyone "has to accept them", not a chance. They are the one that should be "sent" to "help" if they cause so much trouble as obviously if he's causing this for Sancty, he's causing it for Grandmother and rest of the family as well. It is not "right" that everyone walk on eggshells because he refuses to straighten out. This is really what's "wrong" with society today. We pamper and coddle those that "act out/up" instead of spanking them with two by four counseling, a term my ex used all the time..."they don't act right? a 2x4 upside the head will fix it!"...while I abhor violence, there are some cases where it most certainly is warranted. I'd say you and Grandma put your foot down Hakira, he either abides by the rules or gets out. He can take his negativity and meaness elsewhere! Dmesa is right in that "unconditional love" is something you give a sibling, but it's what they do with that love and how they respond to it that matters as well. Don't let him make you mad, make him live up to whatever is expected in the home he's in. If he doesn't follow the rules, bye bye. Blessings of Peace,
  21. So glad to hear ya got him a nice home Sotik, always good news to hear. Dogs especially, but even cats, have long and short term "Memory moments" and yes, a lot of it depends on positive or negative memories of a person or place. Many of the dogs I've sheltered for short periods, when seeing them again are like Br. Devon said; all wags and "what's up? Where ya been!" Happy to see me/us. Only one had a stand offish feeling and after watching the new "owner" could see why, it was us, it was him. Very controlling. Even our little "Herbie" and "Turbo" with us eight months now and no new home...toooo many cats/kittens on boards and posters...four days at one person home and they brought them back...the poor thing has not used a cat-box since being there...all too obvious the little girl traumatized the kitten at 8 weeks in the sand box. Herbie will only use planter box on patio. Put a scoop of "cat sand" in it she'll go use planter out front. All the little girl ever admitted to when we inquired "She wouldn't do what I told her to!" and stomped off. I hope families like that NEVER get animals again...and they too "said/asked all the right things" when they came to get the kittens. We have posted the family name to all shelters and outlets in the area as "No adoption". That little girl reminded me of "Chucky" from the movie. BTW, we still have two cute, adorable kittens "Herbie" and "Turbo"!! if anyone can think of anyone interested. Blessings of Peace,
  22. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace,

  23. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace,

  24. I'd like to take this opportunity to Welcome you to the forum! Thank you for joining and I hope you'll find our little Family of Friends to be a place you come home to on a regular basis. We always enjoy new perspectives and fresh ideas, so let's hear yours! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the forum. Blessings of Peace,