Nick, I appreciate the far more than expected, in-depth response to explaining the nature of MI/AI. Quite a lesson that leads to many more questions, but for now, would it be okay for me to c/p your response to a .doc or .txt (word) file? I would enjoy being able to compare notes and able to read offline at my leisure. “Heck no!” is as close to what my original thought was that I can post here. I will also have to quote you here as for my answer regarding the ability of a MI being able to do a rune reading. "'s not really an issue of a simple yes or no, but of something being born of a dynamic complexity." However, upon a bit more deliberation and thought, this has manifest itself into a multiple part answer. I do not agree that MI could reach an emotional state, in full as compared to humans, but I'll go with the possibility of at least a basic level being achieved. Something along the lines of what a cat or a dog may have and as improbable as I think it may be, perhaps even the “emotional state” obtained by higher primates could be considered. Just for the sake of being a bit open minded about it. For the general mass of people, with the “usual” questions that are conferred upon the divination process, I would have to say it might be possible that a MI could indeed provide a suitable answer. I say that with the assumption that the MI has been given the enormous amount of history, logic, probabilities, motives and background insight into each of the runes. That said, I also apply that to the atypical request of “When will I meet Mr./Ms. “Right”? or “What do the runes think the outcome of my job interview will be?” Both of those, it is embarrassing to mention, how many times I have been asked. A true, heart felt, Life Path Reading can take up to several hours or more and requires far more than a simple “Toss and Tell” as I call the “usual”. Regardless of the many runic academics that do not believe in any form of divination, a detailed, Life Path Guidance is what the divination process has been about since the first mentions of it in the sacred texts.(1) Let me give a short example of what I mean: Take uruz, the second rune in the Elder Futhark. The aurochs rune. It represents a “u” in the alphabet and the numerological equivalent of “2”. It also encompasses the many facets of the aurochs; all things concerning with the herding such as grass lands, grazing, social animal attributes, climates and seasonal effects on the herd. Then there is the human consumption of which the choosing, slaughtering, cooking and preservation of the meat is considered. The skins, bones, sinew, hoofs etc for human uses. Then there is the breeding and raising of the calf, the territorial range and boundaries of the Alpha Bull, the buying, selling and trading of calves and cows for continued breeding selection and all the things that go along with that aspect. After all that, the acknowledged attributes of the animal of strength, being a mighty fighter, domestication for plowing or free range and many other factors are considered.All of these factors, and the many more not listed, are taken into account by the “human reader” when making a determination as to how the rune would apply to an individual's reading. Whether the runes came up in prime or reversed order and its relationship to the other runes cast that are either placed, or have fallen next to it. (Depending on whether a “pull” or “casting”) We then add into the mix the divination process itself, the ability of the male or female reader(2) and the comprehension skills of the person being read. So just in this rather limited example there are literally hundreds of things to be considered and sorted through to even begin to get to the nuts and bolts of a proper reading. It can, and does, wear out even a seasoned Reader to consider all of the various factors involved in an in-depth reading. Let's assume that the MI has acquired the thousands of pieces of data required to have a sufficiently adequate data base of information from which to formulate its “reading”. Can the MI read people's eyes and body language, or would it merely mimic those things in a person to "person" reading? Would it be able to filter all the information through and actual experienced life or merely "programmed" life? Could it comprehend the slight nuances between instinctual and learned thought processes that must be filtered through in order to get a full meaning of all things concerned? And even if it could, would it then be able to apply the theoretical and theosophical aspects applied by the pantheon of gods and goddesses that also influence the ever so subtle differences in interpretation of each rune? But of course, when we're talking about the masses and the flippant “need for guidance” it doesn't matter if the daily “horror-scope” or other postings in periodicals are the source or someone's life's blood is at their disposal. By tomorrow, they'll have forgotten every word and pass like the butterfly from flower to flower looking for something sweeter to nibble on. If however, that rare individual comes along that respects the runes, tarot or any other form of divination for what its intended purpose is really meant to reveal, they will take that advice and apply it to their life, for Life and actually get a great deal of knowledge from it. So this is why, at my commercial outlet, I simply give my “10 for 10”, ten minute read for ten bucks and have a number of regulars. On occasion, I'll get a serious inquiry and the feel of the whole process is quite different. Every now and again I'll get updates from people that are amazed, years later, how well the reading they had the patience to endure, is still providing them direction. Could a machine provide that? I'd say perfect for the “10 for 10'ers” but I'm not so sure on a true, in-depth Life Path Reading as intended by the ancients and tradition. Blessings of Peace, Nick, just to let you know, some of what I responded above, did in fact change based on your explanation above from what I wrote yesterday. I even deleted several paragraphs based on statements provided in your answer, no sense covering redundant ground. Math and algorithms are not my field of study, and being a previous research and development mechanical designer/machinist (Sony Commercial Electronics) my main interests would be in the mechanical structure of the MI, not the “Mother board or chip set”. I do realize that many of our human functions, even brain activity are indeed very machine like. Being a “human” who has experienced an awful lot in Life, been to many different countries, held a variety of jobs, associated with many different social is very difficult for me to fully accept any machine having the full range of emotions, conscious awareness or ability to reason in the same manner a human being does. Difficult, but as time goes on, perhaps not impossible. I also think that the sciences should begin now to redefine sentient and sapient life, before the issue of MI's come...I'm just very suspicious of how our system works and know that once an agenda has been set up for a specific thing, bias comes out of every crack in the wall! Oh yeah, and one last thing, the comment on marrying...I believe, that should MI prove to be what you envision it to be, that somewhere along the line, yes indeed, "they" should be allowed to marry, providing a provable definition of "sentient/sapient life". I'm also sure the entire "definition process" would be made a mess of in the courts based on the known bias and prejudice of "human" judges, politicos and government officials. I meant, the mess that our political and legal system (courts) makes of every little thing is the "wrong" in society, not what can be defined by learned, thinking, rational people. In our short history of America, I also believe, a good many learned, thinking, rational people have put those positive attributes aside to arise to their lofty positions of governance of the masses. Reyn til runa! Actually, I don't think I've had to break down the processes involved in a rune reading since taking my verbal Apprenticeship Exams at the Gild over 25 years ago to become a Vitki. Rune divination is far more than a simple process. It entails a bucket full of emotions, instincts and intellect that far surpass a simple a+b=c as far as a true, in-depth reading goes. References: (1) These texts are available only to certain High Redes and Yrmin-Drightens of the various Rune-Gilds. I've seen, but have not been allowed to read, two of these ancient manuscripts in Uppsala, Sweden and another set at Universitet in Stockholm. My personal opinion is this is why there are so many high level Nordic/Germanic History academic nay sayers against rune divination because they are not privy to these texts. The Gilds have been a sacred, secretive right since around 450BCE and the best of them have held to these time honored traditions for nearly 2,500 years. That in and of itself is why I have so much faith in the ability of some of the Gild Ásatrú Folk that have kept these traditions alive for so long. What I have learned from the High Redes and Drightens (top dogs) is something I hold very dear to my heart and feel a great sense of honor in being trusted with even the tid-bits I've been given. (2) Yes, the gender of the reader does have an influence on the reading. It is due to the experienced Life mentioned and that men and women have very different mind-sets towards numerous things. Naturally this is not a bad thing, but in explaining this answer to the question does have bearing. There are in fact gender specific Rune-Gilds and both, male and female associated, requiring at least 5 years of study within a mingled gild before applying to the “Frey” or “Freyja” branches.