I'm not going to get into the debate regarding the Ancient Magyar /Sumerian and/or Finno-Ugrians connection for a couple of reasons. One there is a huge difference between linguistic connections, cultural connections and genetic connections. And second, for what we know today, based on archaeological evidence and artifact research....anyone alive today, making observations on either side of the controversy, that was not alive then is only making "likely hypotheses, not definitive solutions"...but mostly because it's not integral to the topic. When I researched the material for my Troy to Moses thesis at Uppsala Universitet, 99.99% of my peers thought I was absolutely nutz...yes, I am nutz, but that has nothing to do with researchable interpretations of historical evidences. The Hungarian Runes(1) were one of the many keys to my making the connection regarding the historical Oden and Thor of 3rd and/or 4th cities of Troy (Turkey) in direct relation to the Odhinn (Odin, Oden) and Thor of the Nordic sagas, due to probable migration routes. Interestingly enough, further research in this area by other scholars and academics are beginning to reveal the connections not as wild of a theory as once thought. In fact, U. Prof. Öster Linderberg(a) has advanced this connection quite readily and will be publishing his findings (over 15 yrs. of research) in the near future. Etymology is a major factor in tracing any lineage...look at modern day "Ebonics"(2) and it's correlation to poverty and gang activity as one example...but language and writing systems are still only a part of any culture overall. As they say in real estate...location, location, location is a big part of the rest. As vast as the Ottoman Empire was at one time, there really is no telling how much influence they had on wiping out direct evidences to what would much later become the Hungarian-Sumerian connection. I mean during my studies in Sweden, don't you think I found it just a bit odd to see, Asian, African and Middle Eastern descent peoples speaking perfect Swedish when my entire life I had only been around the atypical white skinned, blond haired, blue eyed Scandinavian??? Many of the younger immigrants, who are now "native Swedes", spoke fluent English as well so conversations were extremely enlightening. However, what will become of their ancestral tongue several generations down the road? It won't be the perfect and beautiful Canton, Nairobi and Arabic their ancestors spoke and 50-100 years from now the Swedish "Ordbok" (dictionary) may just have numerous new entries with foreign origins. Dialects also play an important part... put a blue blood London aristocrat, a bayou Cajun, native Bostonian, "Outback" Australian and a reclusive moonshiner from Kentucky... in the same room and tell me they all speak English?? The point I'm making here, Sarkany and Hrodebert, is the evidence, as we interpret it today, really is a "best guess"....because even the info we use to formulate our hypothesis is based on what?....others subjective "best guess" research!! I refer once again to the professor at Birka(3) who would find an artifact and immediately begin to postulate how it got there, what is was used for etc....while all the other students and even associate scholars would roll their eyes and give a unanimous "Mmmhmm!" Bottom line, there could have been a dozen other reasons for an arrow, shoe, knife blade, bundle of rune staves or piece of jewelry to be where it was found 1000 years later....don't ya think? While I agree there very well could be a connection between the Hungarian and Sumerian languages, let's take all evidences into consideration. I am certain we would find Hungarian dialects that could prove a stronger connection to Sumerian than others, even though those parts of old Hungary may be buried under much of modern day progress. I would not dismiss this etymological connection at all, even though there may be strong cultural and physical evidence to the contrary. Remember, history is written by the victor and only people with large grants dig up the past....in short, their interpretation could well be a bit slanted! Tacticus wrote about the Vikings, Gauls, Druids and many others, based on a momentary observation. How could he possibly have a complete understanding of these peoples' history and ancient rites based on a few glimpses of their day to day life, under captivity? Yet Tacticus is universally accepted as being one the foremost sources of historical fact regarding many of the Germanics....I'm afraid I find great fault with that. Even with all our modern technology and advances in sciences, if we're not very careful to keep an open mind we could easily, once again, fall into another Dark Age. I do agree with one thing about religions in general... and that is the eagerness in which most of the leadership (of any religion) is willing to bury the facts of the past to advance the current belief. Just because something isn't brought forward into current knowledge, doesn't mean it didn't once belong there or was not at one time an integral part of any culture, language or place. Blessings of Peace, (1) http://forums.skadi.net/showthread.php?t=91719 (scroll down a little past ½ way) (2) http://www.bing.com/search?q=Ebonics%2C+poverty%2C+crime&pc=ZUGO&form=ZGAFDF (3) My favorite was his finding an arrow in a secluded area, about 9-10" underground, (roughly 600-650CE) and immediately going off on how the "game animal" would have been there, hunter standing here, the miss went there etc etc...a long story...but the bottom line is is it could have just as easily of been a child playing with the arrow, someone discarding it for any number of reasons, an invader's missed shot etc etc. Rabbits were the only known "game animal" on Birka, after the few deer had been long eradicated (450-500CE) and those were mostly bred in cages. Who would have need to chance losing an arrow (a lot of hard work and expensive in those days) to something readily available out of a cage??...buuuut he was the resident "expert"... (a) http://www.bing.com/search?q=%C3%96ster+Linderberg&pc=ZUGO&form=ZGAFDF