Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  2. Very good Hrodebert!...mebbe I should be taking lessons from you (except for the Wiki-data! ) since you seem to retain far more than I concerning Pagan History! But getting beyond the Nazi-occultist aspects was what?...just 4-5, 7-8 years ago??...that the Vatican released the very weak apology for the Inquisition and if I remember for some of the atrocities during the Crusades as well. Hey, any really good 7th-10th century Viking warrior could keep a victim alive through the entire process of the "Blood Eagle" whereby your chest ribs were pulled through your back creating the "wings"...not an easy feat and not very pleasant for the victim either...some as gruesome of not more than the tortures of the Inquisition and I do not recall any apology ever being made for such was "War" after all. Early to middle age Christian leaders, warring Pagans and Nazi's are all a part of history's worst as far as I'm concerned. NONE of them had the "right" to do what they did to their victims and just goes to show what a vicious, ugly beast mankind really is. Whenever any war mongering pervert comes to power, Harold the Blue Tooth to Adolf, Constantine to Pope Alexander VI, there is going to be atrocities against our fellow man. It's how they "keep the mass in line". Declaring "war" on the middle class in our contemporary society as the White House has done or attempting wiping out and entire race as Adolf did what difference does the rationale make to those that suffer under such "leadership"? So in answer to your question Fawzo, yes, I firmly believe that the Christian leadership (of the time) should take complete responsibility for contributing to the "Dark Ages" and an apology from today's leadership would at least acknowledge the level of deviant behavior by their predecessors. It won't bring back any of those killed, but it will serve as a lesson to "not do that again". I'm not sure we'll ever be able to save mankind from itself....but hopefully some of the changes necessary to do so will be coming in the very near future. Of course I reference Dec 21, 2012. Blessings of Peace,
  3. Interestingly enough my brother and I both did separate "" traces on our family back in 2009/10 and got quite different results. I used my parents/gparents and ggparents full names and he did only initials....according to come from completely different families! Of the three generations we know very well we got conflicting cities/towns of residency, completely fabricated occupations and while his search traced our family back to only 1750's mine said "no records" prior to 1690's. Since we have a complete family line on my father's side back to 1250's in Norway and around 800's in Sweden on my Mom's side...from family held your money on "Ancestry"....seems almost everyone I know of that used it is connected to some historical figure or another...which is what we all want to hear...yeah? The most famous ancestor I have was some clown named Ogläv...and yes, he really was a clown/jester in the court of King Olof Skötkonung around 1000CE....his wife worked as a scullery maid. Man I tell ya, having "famous" ancestors is something, eh? But at least I know where my sense of humor comes from.... a long line of whacked out Vikings!! I join Hrodebert and really do not wish to pop your bubble either Pastor Dave, but our experience was far less than conclusive using that site. Do what you will the info you received, but I wouldn't take it into the courtroom! Methinks the "evidence" presented would flow like water down the drain. You do know that rumor had it at one time that site is a subsidiary of a company owned and operated by the LDS, yes?...and don't forget they are providing the evidence needed for the "144,000" that will one day "make it to heaven"....seems a bit dubious in my book! According to Richard Pence of rootwebs they are really owned by a non-LDS holding company! And...ahem....if the Scriptures are correct....aren't we all descendants from Adam and Eve? Blessings of Peace,
  4. There is no "perfect system" no matter where one goes or lives....but I think Canada has many things "right" over the States. Socialism is a that most Democratic societies can't imagine. In many ways I wish a "One World Order" would just get it over with and take charge....then we could focus all our ilks and boo's on one issue! Viva la differánce! Viva la Change! Viva la Bounty paper towels!
  5. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  6. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  7. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  8. Welcome to the Forum. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  9. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  10. Welcome to the Forum. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  11. Murph - As a Dad who's been in a similar situation, right now it's only about the kids. You are absolutely Right in keeping your children as your priority at this point in your "transition". Spend your time with your kids loving and caring for them...that they know "Dad" will always be there for them is ever so important during these rough days. Kids don't rationalize the same way adults do so stability for them as best you can muster is the only important thing. I don't think there is a person here that doesn't understand where your priorities should be at the moment...frankly I think we'd all be a bit concerned if the forum was your #1 right now. Celebrate your love with your children, LOVE will help them heal more than you'll ever know....until about 10 years from now! Believe me, we know! Anything that Mark or Ed can't handle, barring complete failure of the forum software, can wait I'm sure. Our prayers of Healing, Caring and Compassion go out to all of you, Al & Kay
  12. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  13. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  14. ...ah when you're done with it....would ya mind to hand me back my mirror!! I hadn't noticed it being gone until reading your response Bro Kaman! Blessings of Peace,
  15. Grateful- Most definitely a c/p job ...get those 3 to cooperate for a pic?? ...... HAHAHahhahaha!!.....
  16. must be your settings Songster
  17. True enough on both responses Salem and Songster. I guess my disappointment comes from her "promising" and I thought we had a better person to person relationship. It also came from her saying "most pet sites are "**" and don't give good info" so I was hoping she'd throw out some 'better tips' than what was there. She's also decided I can't volunteer at her clinic because of "insurance concerns". The standard volunteer application has a waiver in the language and I still have a copy of the one written up when I volunteered in Willow Creek years ago...a four page manifesto as much as waiver! She is really a very good vet and genuinely cares for her 'patients' so I'll keep going there, but if I could work off some of the fees and charges, well, I'd be far more inclined to be more regular with the routine stuff that I have great difficulty affording. I'm beginning to think it has far more to do with me being here at ULC. She attends the United Methodist here in town and that church is one I speak of often that "hates" ULC. I gave her the web address for here so she could see for herself where her words of wisdom would go. Ever since her return from Japan and our couple of meets, there's been a strained, almost unfriendly, relationship though she hasn't come right out and said why. Oh well, life goes on!! Blessings of Peace,
  18. Heartwarming video as well as rescue story. On a sad ♪ though... just last night as Kay and I were watching TV we heard a loud commotion going on outside. The aggressive yapping sounded familiar but not the grumble of "big dog" that was going along with it. Our neighbor "G" and her little "Coco" small terrier/pug mix, were standing in the flower bed and up against the house of our other neighbor while a group (3 gals 2 fellas) was walking a huge Mastif/Pit mix by on a very long leash. The man holding the leash did nothing to pull back the large dog and the gals were laughing. As best we could (been a terrible pain week) we hobbled outside and towards the group asking if "G" and Coco was okay. As soon as the fella saw/heard us he then pulled back on the leash, but the large dog was previously only a few feet from terrified elderly lady (81) and old dog (17). When I called the man on his actions he just turned and laughed stating "Hey, it's a big dog world!" He refused to answer who they were visiting as they certainly weren't old enough to be living in this complex. In the dog's credit, he wasn't acting too badly and we did not witness any aggressive behavior, just the low grumble bark response one would expect from two strange dogs meeting. This is yet another case of a dog having more sensibility than a human. I sat outside until I saw the pick-up with the dog leave and got the license. We'll find out who they visit eventually and get them banned if this is how they choose to act. "G" and Coco have barely healed from the pit-bull attack they endured just a few months ago from people that moved in down the street and unbeknown to the management were running a puppy mill. The breeder pair of females had "gotten loose" and went straight for "G" and her tiny Coco causing a trip to the hospital for both. Due to witness statements the people running the puppy mill were evicted and "G" just got her notice for court a few days ago. If able, I'm going to help her get to court in September and rally the witnesses...I've seen/heard of too many cases like this being dropped because of too little evidence. All too often these rescue pets have more sense than the owners, but in some cases it's both not knowing any better. It's always great to see videos and read of cases where things are working out rather going south like with "G" and the pit bull attack she and her little dog endured. Blessings of Peace,
  19. I gently asked the vet last Friday (helping a neighbor take their pet) if anything was to come of the article promised a year and half ago. She was rather dismissive and said she wouldn't be able to contribute any more than "dozens of pet care sites already posting such information". Ok, I'm glad she finally answered that question, but rather disappointing that it wasn't more of a thought to her.
  20. Our 5 yr old tortie, "MeShell" is a tree sitter and will stay for hours at a time watching the jay and black bird nests in the olive tree that flank our house. Oh what a ruckus! I only wish she'd get along with those fowl critters as well as this one does with her avian friend. Thanks for the post Sarkany, god stuff. Blessings of Peace,
  21. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  22. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al