All I know about Mormonism is that some of the youth they send out door to door need to be a bit more secure in their beliefs....if they are going to represent the LDS. I'll just say that "Tim", very well versed in reciting the Bible and the Book of Mormon and his sidekick came to my house near Eureka many times over a two year period and we had many insightful exchanges regarding the virtuous style of living we both enjoyed. As time went on "Tim" seemed to be asking more questions about my profession and Beliefs in the Nordic Pantheon and was one of the few who truly understood the difference between 'emulation and worship'. Towards the end he'd show me exquisite drawings he had done on the sly of very dark subject matter and well adaptable for tattooing. The long story short.... On "Tim's" 19th birthday he moved out of his Mormon "Mission President" parents house. Yep dad was the leader/pastor of the LDS in Eureka. "Tim" moved in with some friends from his high school and after showing a few proficiencies to me and my other artists and apprentices, began his tattooing apprenticeship the following week. He was instrumental in keeping order in the studio and turned out to be the best manager I've ever had upon completing his apprenticeship as my other trainees had accepted positions elsewhere and I was in the process of opening my 3rd location. He was thrilled to run my Weaverville location, met and eventually married a sassy young mountain gal who'd moved to the area to "get away from Fresno". Though turned away by his family, which he deeply regretted their narrow mindedness, and having only his new bride for comfort, he eventually purchased the Weaverville studio from me shortly before my move to Maui. He currently is working in Las Vegas carrying on the outreach I started in Eureka...running a clean, profitable studio and working with the courts in helping disadvantaged kids get their "gangsta' tattoos" covered so they could find suitable employment as part of their probation and/or parole...very low cost or free depending on circumstance of the youngun'. You can see some examples of "Tim's" work on "Chumlee" and "Big Hoss" of "Pawn Stars" fame on the History, my how great things come from the oddest sources and starts. I absolutely cherish the memories of having been a small part of getting someone like "Tim" to break out on his own and take responsibility for his own life. He and his wife of now 12 years have 3 children of 11, 7 and 5 and they are looking forward to stopping by on their next trip to Fresno to see the wife's family. I'll be sure to take pictures. Oh, and BTW, "Tim" still only has one tattoo, the huge coy and background everyone in the Eureka studio covered his left leg with. "I just never wanted to distract from those memories. It was a new start in life for me." he told me awhile back in e-mail. "Tim" and family currently are members of one of the five Methodist Churches in Las Vegas where his wife runs the day care and he lay ministers in the youth program....sometimes apples don't fall far from the tree, but they land on a hill and roll a little ways away. I am not disappointed at all that he chose to continue his walk with Christ, it's good for him and his family and if anything can teach a young family good values and the virtues of sticking it out through all of Life's turmoil....well a strong Belief can certainly aid in that adventure, regardless of a shaky beginning. Blessings of Peace,