Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  2. I know at least a few of our regulars here live in areas affected by this whopper of a storm. To everyone that has been hit by hurricane Sandy our hearts and prayers go out to each and every one. May you be safe, secure and get through this disaster well. Blessings of Peace, Al & Kay
  3. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  4. This topic has been avoided because it does upset people. However, I believe it's necessary, especially with the Holidays coming and so many people wanting to give the "Gift of Life" of a pet. I don't want to freak people out, but this is a topic that most pet lovers deplore, but are well familiar with. If you should have the stomach for it, yes, that is a warning, you can find out more by clicking the link below. Do not open this link or the links provided unless you're up to it and possibly willing to do something about the problem: As a ULC minister, we are often called upon to counsel people and their problems in Life. Good and well enough. But if you are in a position of helping your neighbor, friend or family member, also look beyond them and into their problems as a whole. If their problems are serious enough that you may seek professional guidance for them by medical professionals, you may also want to check on the health and behavior of any pet they may have*. Larger breeds of dogs for instant are usually fairly friendly types (unless trained as guard or attack dogs of course) and the little breeds are quite often just very protective of “mom” or “dad”. “Lap Yappers” is one term, but their owners love them all the same. Many of the Retriever, Dane, Spaniel, Border Collie, Collie and Labrador breeds are exceptionally friendly. While the reputation precedes many of the Doberman, Shepard, Mastiff, Ridgeback and other aggressive breeds, far more often than not, when trained correctly these are very loyal, well behaved dogs as well. If, in your capacity of Minister, Pastor or other ULC title, you are called upon to counsel or do welfare checks on people, please consider any pets they have as well. Just as the closest of family members are neglected or acted out upon during a person's lapse of good sense, so might their beloved pets. Many of the articles linked above concern the willful cruelties inflicted upon animals. What may be lost in translation is that it's people who are doing the damage. What many psychiatric professionals are finding out is that people who cause harm to people, often started out at an early age being cruel to animals. Blatant abuse is one problem, such as beating or confining an animal, not feeding or giving medical care. But many abuses come in very subtle forms such as neglect. Animal hoarders, whom a person would think is doing the strays a service, many times are not. Simply feeding an animal is not caring for an animal. All too often our role as a licensed officiant stays within those confines, but as I've found out, being a good listener is needed more and more these days. While I haven't performed a wedding in many months, I find myself routinely with several neighbors and helping them dig through the issues surrounding their many social and life crisis problems. Some of those I've expressed here on the forum. Anyway, if you can handle a bit of a downer, click through a few of the articles linked above, and familiarize yourself on some of the more subtle signs of animals abuse. The quicker it is recognized, the quicker you can determine if professional help may be in order for someone you are counseling. Naturally this should be determined on a case by case basis and informing any family member would be your first plan of help, but being armed with a bit of fore knowledge can sure help. I'd hate to see a case where the zealous need to help a person overlooked the needs of their pets as well! Blessings of Peace, *This is what happened in the case I posted about "Stan" and his cats "Bucky" and "Moon". Personal issues I've been dealing with with "Stan" for over 2 years have now lead to the need to help him find homes for his many pets. Fortunately things are in the works for the animal care. A local high school took all the reptiles for their biology! ...not as dissection samples, as visual aides. Two of the yapper dogs have gone to another neighbor and things are in the works for the cats, only 3 small dogs and 2 older cats remain in that home and things are getting to a point of manageable for "Stan" and his gal friend. Sometimes we have to defrock to do what's best for the flock!
  5. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  6. Can you imagine a Victorian Christmas tree, full of ornaments, lace and ribbons... and then on the end of each branch... a lit small candle?? Now we're talking spittin' good 'ol father Fear in the eye with a huge wet one! My old Gild-Drighten told us the origins of that custom, long after Christ-mass trees were moved inside, was started in the late 1840's by a Duke in France. The name fails me right now, but I'll see if I can find it. Supposedly the conversation at one holiday gathering came up that the Duke secretly practiced some form of Paganism or other such non-Christian practice, which was highly subject to objections by the Royal Courts of both France and England. Remember, France and England had been at each others throats for centuries and many treaties of peace and alliances had come and gone...anyway...the term "Lucky Duke", not duck (duck came later as a joke) was given this fellow due to his many brushes with death, near failing financially etc etc....he was lucky beyond belief. Someone of the Royals posited that the Duke must be in alliance with 'the Devil' because no one had such streaks of avoiding death as he did. Falling from his horse on his head, three body guards shot around him and he wasn't scratched, a battle field miracle and so on were his claims of Grace. The Duke, over hearing these words of malice towards him decided to up the ante a bit. He announces to the royal gathering that if what he practiced wasn't in fact good and decent then may "God burn me dead in a horrible fire!" He ordered his servants to adorn the tree with candles and then sent everyone, save the bravest of souls, from the castle (hehehe....out into the frosty cold of winter) and he then sat in a plush chair next to the tree, further exploiting fate by piling many presents around his chair and sipping brandy. There he sat until every candle had burned to the dahlia (small, flat dish that held the candle). So, from that time on it went from the royal court to the commoner over time, that if you were of good moral and character, place candles on your tree and prove it as Fate would tell the world of your goodness. Naturally if your house burned down, well ya had it coming.And please, whether you've good or bad this past year, kids, please don't try this at home....the Duke really wasn't lucky, he was a brash knucklehead! Blessings Be,
  7. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you Rabbi. Blessings of Healing,
  8. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  9. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  10. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

    1. Heartfelt


      Hello Al,

      thank you very much for welcoming me. I hope my english will be good enough for participating in some interesting discussions.


  11. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  12. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  13. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  14. Very clever I'll suggest at our next meeting. We have 2 High Schools here and getting the info out to kids is a great idea. Actually, even elementary age...of course not with "safe sex" routine, but the importance of spay and neuter. Thanks.
  15. There's been a lot of talk on here about adopting and the responsibilities that go along with it and I sure appreciate everyone's input. In some cases, like ours, it's not a question of adoption though...we seem to be a magnet for strays. Out of many, many houses surrounding us that have dogs, cats or dogs and cats, the strays seem to zero in on our place. We know this is because our brood is out telling every kitty they see "Sure, com'on over our place! Our folks will take good care of you!" We've since had a good talkin' to our furry kids! "Jojo" and "Her-Be" are good examples. Their momma showed up on our patio determined to have her babies under our bbq stand/box. I originally built a large roll around wooden crate size box to put an outdoor liter pan inside. Which became a bbq stand as none of our kids would use it. So the momma squirmed her way inside and had her babies...nice, safe and protected area...good on her part. Getting the briquettes and other stuff out with a feral momma inside was yet another silly move I have scars from! As any true pet lover knows, there's no way you can walk away from the pleading eyes of a frightened, hungry kitty or dog. Even where I go scrounge for alum cans behind Save-Mart Grocery, there's a couple of stray dogs that have taken up residence. The stacks of pallets make for easy access to the dumpsters and one of the homeless people there has even made them all a temp shelter. Yes, I always "split" whatever cans I get with the fella that lives there, even though I've only seen him a couple of times in 5 years. The last time I saw him he was surprised someone would leave "Four bucks and change" in a bag for him (= prob 3 # worth of cans). I've seen what seems like hundreds of dollars worth of deli-wrapped sandwiches tossed out by the market in that dumpster so I see why it's a place stray people and animals would gather. Anyway, back on point, even when taking in strays, we have to consider limits. Until we find a home for "Bucky" and as sad as it sounds for "Jojo" and "Her-Be" as well, we simply can not take on any more responsibility of pets. Not only does our lease depend on following community rules, but we can't afford any more. Emergency services are a choke every time they happen now, but somehow we find a way. The shelters are full to the max as I've said, interest in supporting "strays" is at an all time low and despite dedication and earnest caring spirits like our small group of professionals doing what we can, the problem continues to grow. As grateful said above, even if a persons' only gift to a stray or domestic was to get them spayed or neutered, one by one we can all help this plight. A $70-$100 "gift" of a spay/neuter is worth more, in the long run, than 20, even 30 - $10 donations to various pet projects. If everybody acts locally it will, in the end, have an effect globally!! Blessings of Peace,
  16. Pie Rats of the Crib-bean, eh me bucko? An what a scurvy little fellow he be as well! I can see by the size of the loot he be carryin', the large sapphire, he be set for years to come. Blessings of Rodents,
  17. Welcome to the Forum. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  18. Welcome to the Forum. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  19. Welcome to the Forum. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  20. Since the 10th I have brought both Moon and Bucky back to their "owner" several times, one time they were back in our yard before I got home from the store after dropping them off. Moon has been "transferred to other facility" is all "Stan" will say and Bucky has made himself to home here, where quiet and attention rule the house. I am up uncharacteristically early this morning due to Mr. Buck-Buck deciding sleeping on my face would be a good trick. Hehehe....a purr and a peddle, purr and a peddle ON my head and pillow and then wrap around the top of my head like a big gray, fuzzy set of ear muffs! A week ago he was cowering and/or running for the door at the smallest sound or movement....which was also uncharacteristic of him. He truly deserves the best after having it great for his first 4 years of life then total and complete chaos for the last year and a half. I understand the desire for human companionship and have been faced with a similar situation, many years ago, as "Stan" of a girlfriend with dogs (yappy little pee'ers) vs. alone with my cats. I promised the little fluff-balls my never ending care and they got it. Turns out the gal has been through several fellows since then. The last time I saw her I was standing in the laundry room doing yet another load of laundry full of little yapper "gifts". I would also suggest that while you're here reading about this kitty, take the time to gander over at Br. Devon's topic as he brings up a great point about what may be a thrill for humans can be terrifying for pets. Also be absolutely certain about wanting the responsibility of a pet before jumping into the decision. Blessings of Peace,
  21. May she be Blessed by the healing energies of the Creator, Son and Holy Spirit. We send our thought and prayers to you and yours as well in this difficult time. Peace, Al & Kay
  22. In the past, black kitten and puppies have been used by very low moral people (IMHO) for ritualistic sacrifices and why few shelters will adopt them out anywhere near Halloween (Samhain etc) I once had an all black fluffy kitty that went missing a day before Halloween. Incredulously, as I looked through the neighbors fence, the kids had it and well I wont cause nightmares. I got him back, thankfully and I did prosecute the parents for cruelty to animals....a whole $85 ticket in those days. The kids were like 7-8 of all things. Kitty disappeared not long after that, but no proof of wrong by the same people. I'd tell more of the story, but prob not appropriate for this forum. Just don't link to the other forum you mentioned, or if ya like PM Admin (mdtaylor or ed crain or murph) for clarification before your post it. Blessings Be,
  23. Br. Devon I thank you very much for your entire post. I must repeat though two lines: Please... if there is any kindness you can give another living creature, it is this: celebrate your holidays, then after life goes back to normal, welcome your new baby home when you can give it full attention and help it become a valued member of the family. Please... if there is any kindness you can give another living creature, it is this: celebrate your holidays, then after life goes back to normal, welcome your new baby home when you can give it full attention and help it become a valued member of the family. Please... if there is any kindness you can give another living creature, it is this: celebrate your holidays, then after life goes back to normal, welcome your new baby home when you can give it full attention and help it become a valued member of the family. And as well, hopefully all shelters take the same stance as those around here do and no black kittens or puppies are adopted out during the month of October. Horror stories have been in every major newspaper across the country about selfish, ritualizing pin-heads over Sowain and All Hallows Eve. Blessings of Peace,
  24. Welcome to the Forum. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,