Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Positive energy flows out to all, breathe in, breathe out, give the Cosmos a Shout!

  2. Harold Camping of Family Radio passed away yesterday at the age of 92. His radio ministry reached millions around the globe. This is the place my nephew worked for until a year ago. Blessings Be, Rev Camping, rest well. The entire article is here:
  3. Posts by Jordan Podeswa are simple need to look we are taking care of deleting all as soon as admin sees report

  4. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

    1. RevCook


      I am always looking to expand my knowledge.

  5. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

  6. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

  7. Hmmm...funny you should bring this up now. Day before yesterday (Dec. 13) was my father's birthday. He passed passed away Dec 28, 2009. I did my usual "ritual" regarding my memorial of his life and nothing eventful occurred while doing that. However, several hours later, my wife and I were playing Scrabble™ online and during our second round I got the "electric sizzle" up the back of my spine and neck...I literally figured I would look back and see her standing there, but no one. But that's a tad on the paranormal side. Was it my Dad's spirit? Who's to say, but I'd like to think it was. As far as singing/humming/whistling a tune...I can only think of one incident, many years ago while fishing along the Trinity River in No. Calif. I had a silly tune stuck in my head and found myself whistling and or humming it over and over... and over...and...well y'all know how it goes. When I got back to the road where several vehicles were parked, a fellow comes up the trail whistling (very well I might add) the same tune. When I asked him about he said "Don't know, I was down by Turner Flat and it just popped into my head and now I can't get it out of my head for nothin'!" A couple hours earlier I was near the same spot. Though we didn't see each other then (this area is very over grown and shrubby) it's quite possible he heard one of my less in-tune renditions.?.?. The tingle up the neck has happened to me, and I'm sure many others, many times in my life. The worst though was in Viet Nam as it always meant impending doom. The most positive and enlightening have been during paranormal investigations and one's I genuinely look forward to. In 2000 while I was studying in Sweden, I had an occurrence while sitting at "Seigert's Risting", the largest of all runic inscriptions (aprox 20' x 40') along an old creek bed. Besides the "tingle" I absolutely "felt/heard" being surrounded by the clank and clatter of what sounded like old wagons, animals and people in a group walking. One of the highlights of my trip. Blessings of Peace,
  8. Geesh, them Sabbath fellas are sure getting oooold! I remember passing out half way through "Smoke on the Water" at the Cow Palace, ca. '70-'71 only to wake up being thrown from the back of the my friend's pickup as we careened off the 132 on the way home....I was the only one not seriously injured...yay JD!!. Johan Hegg, though I don't follow Amon Amarth, I knew I had seen him somewhere before, but couldn't place where. One of the members of our hof sent the trailer for upcoming? Northmen - A Viking Saga. I've searched our local cable but don't find a airing date as of yet. Valli, not the same name of brother "Vili" of Odhinn as you're well aware, but have to wonder of there wasn't an inference. Well, now having you proven yourself a "metal-head"...jeesh bro Norseman, no wonder your such a "bra kille*" and no, I don't mean the vegetable! Blessings Be, * "great guy" - Swedish
  9. Beautifully stated! A truly inspirational piece of writing, thanks for moving it to this topic so folks can share their thoughts. Blessings of Peace,
  10. +1 +1 +1 +1 What they all said! As well, I certainly hope that our little family of friends here can keep giving you the inspiration and support everyone needs from time to time. We are all seeking our personal Truths and struggle each day to remain who and what we are due to family and societal influences. Like the cartoon character Garfield once said: "It's not easy being me!" Blessings of Peace,
  11. Though I am not a follower of the Hindu religion, I do refer to the Bhagavad Gita on a regular basis. Due to it's length, it has taken me many years to merely chisel a small portion off of it in a comparative analysis to other religious texts. However, from what I have learned so far, the message contained therein does correlate with most other religious teachings, in principle, as to how we should treat each other and why our Spiritual quest is a long and arduous journey in the search for our personal truth. One of my favorite reading sites is Sacred Texts for just about any religious, esoteric, spiritual or even many paranormal books in print. The Gita can be found HERE. Blessings of Peace,
  12. Welcome to the ULC forum! We're glad you could join us! It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives, regardless which Spiritual Path suits your needs. It is our sincerest desire that you find comfort, support and understanding through our many diverse views and discussions. Blessings of Peace, Al

  13. Welcome to the ULC forum! We're glad you could join us! It's always a pleasure to meet new people, thus new perspectives, regardless which Spiritual Path suits your needs. It is our sincerest desire that you find comfort, support and understanding through our many diverse views and discussions. Blessings of Peace, Al

  14. If you haven't already...I think everyone should read Scott's amazing tribute/question....

  15. I am assuming you mean this one → No I haven't and don't know about others. Blessings Be,
  16. In watching many of the Memorial programs the last few days, it is obvious he touched millions of people's minds and hearts. I'm sure his inspiration will lead generations to come. His wisdom had no boundary or color, his message was heard by every heart. His suffering* felt by all, yet rarely did he ever speak of it. An amazing individual. Blessings of Peace, Blessed Spirit (* I'm specifically referring to his many years of incarceration)
  17. Welcome to the forum! We're pleased you decided to join our growing family of friends and ever so look forward to getting to know you. We're always happy to have new perspectives that give us all something to ponder. Blessings of Peace, Al

  18. Welcome to the forum! We're pleased you decided to join our growing family of friends and ever so look forward to getting to know you. We're always happy to have new perspectives that give us all something to ponder. Blessings of Peace, Al

  19. Welcome to the forum! We're pleased you decided to join our growing family of friends and ever so look forward to getting to know you. We're always happy to have new perspectives that give us all something to ponder. Blessings of Peace, Al

  20. I find it hard to believe so much time has passed since this topic going cold. I agree with several comments above that our discussing the varied aspects of different pagan beliefs has been enlightening. Just like Mormon is to Catholic, beyond what popular belief may be by outsiders, we are not the same in every hof, stead or coven. Our views vary as much as those of religious thinking do to each other. Perhaps the best way to revitalize this discussion is remind folks that most pagans are not anti-religion...we really don't care how others view their relationship with The Creator. If you need the structure of 1600 years of staunch, unbending indoctrination, fine, no problem. However, in the same tone, don't swear that all us pagan are going to burn in Hell for eternity because we don't believe the same things as religious folks do. The bottom line is no one alive today can say 100% for sure, without question they are right. We will all find out the truth to the next dimension when we arrive there. Even many of the "Old Ways" deities had the belief of being created, not simply popping into existence by cosmic chance. As well, just because we don't label "The Creator" as YHWH or "God" doesn't mean we are describing someone/thing different. One of things I find most compelling in my form of emulating the deities is the constant and eternal evolution of the practices we involve ourselves with. Yes, we have "ancient books" too, as well as the Nine Noble Virtues, that roughly equate to the "10 Commandments". We have traditions, charters and doctrines also. The biggest difference these all have been "allowed" to reformulate themselves as we as a people progress. Each group and sub-group of the Ásatrú community also have their newly formulated rites and rituals that interpret the Old Ways into our new society. We continue old traditions by making them newly evolved things on a constant basis because that is how we believe it should be, not because we feel there is anything wrong or bad about how our ancestors made sense of things. In an age where second grade kids are just as likely to answer "the store" as "cow" when asked where milk comes from, it's only correct (in our thinking) that older traditions also evolve into modern constructs. Anyway, I think if everyone revisits the above posts to refresh themselves on what has transpired, just because some religious people want to label pagans as "God haters" or "unbelievers", that's their prerogative, wrong, but still their right. We pagans do not have to reciprocate. I firmly believe in The Creator and the Divine energies that flow from "above". I believe in what's right and wrong, good and bad for us all, not just those who believe the same as I/we do. I don't believe our 2,000+ year old scrolls and codex apply, other than in principle, to how we view our contemporary world. To do so would be to stagnate, and to stagnate is the same as dieing....and most assuredly, I'm not dead.....yet! Blessings of Peace,
  21. ah...but have you seen what happens to a spider when it stumbles into a wasp's nest? The bottom line, imho, is Balance, like Von was describing....sort of....if anything (and everything) is out of balance too much one side of the scale or other...everything is unbalanced and not free floating. If all there was was love we would have no concept of "indifference", the same as if everything were hate. Like the Universe itself, from chaos comes order, so must our emotions be in balance. Science refers to the "Goldie-locks Zone" when describing the perfect conditions for Life in any solar system...and what is that zone? Balance. Therefore, it seems to me that everything from our emotions to the grandest stage of all, the Universe, must be in balance for anything to live, thus we have a physical dimension for our spiritual energy to survive in. When the time comes we are pure spiritual energy, I'm fairly certain there will be an entirely different set of physics we'll have to deal with, but again, I'm dang near 100% certain, it will also be a plane/dimension of balance. Blessings of Peace,
  22. Sorry to hear about her loss, tough thing to go through. Prayers are on the way.... Blessings of Peace and Healing to all concerned,
  23. Welcome to our family of friends! We hope you'll share your Spiritual Journey with us as we share ours with you. Many Blessings of Peace, Prosperity and Contentment, Al

  24. Welcome to our family of friends! We hope you'll share your Spiritual Journey with us as we share ours with you. Many Blessings of Peace, Prosperity and Contentment, Al

    1. Smurf


      Thank You Atwater Vitki, I look forward to joining in the discussions soon!