Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  2. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  3. Welcome to our growing family of friends here on the forum. We're glad you could joins us! As you feel the need, join us in the discussions and let us know a bit about yourself. It's always a pleasure getting to know new folks. Blessings of Peace, Al

  4. She has been blessed with many high scoring "innings" Raincloud! Thank you each and every one for your thoughts and prayers, our family appreciates the spiritual support in many ways. It has been a difficult couples of days here, with yesterday being a near "out"...but Mom came back swinging and reached the "crease" and as of this morning's phone call, seems to have improved slightly. She complained about breakfast so there's a positive sign! Again, super appreciate the support, Blessings of Peace,
  5. It saddens me to have to post after hearing of our member, Rev. William Fogle's passing today, but I found out this morning that my mother may not be coming home from her scheduled "short stay" in physical rehab. She was hospitalized mid-Dec and they took some 12 quarts of water from her lungs, heart sack and body and was diagnosed with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. She seemed to be on the mend, I saw her Christmas Day, and was scheduled to be coming home end of this week. Tuesday night she was once again rushed to emergency as the water retention had continued and she was revived during procedures and placed in the Critical Care section over at Doctor's. Talked to my sister this morning and Mom is non-responsive, vitals are extremely low and every sign of heart failure. She was all set to party down for her 90th b-day (April 3, 2014) and was really looking forward to the family gathering and several member of the various family clans coming from Sweden as well. Might I ask for prayers, energies, what ever you personally offer for her? Mom is a devout Evangelical Christian and has repeatedly said she is not "fearful" of her passing. Her faith has been a steady companion to her throughout her long life. On Christmas she said she was 'eager' to go meet up with my Dad as she missed him so much here. Dad passed Dec 27, 2008. Thanking all in advance, Blessings of Peace,
  6. May your joyous New Year be filled with Blessings of Health, Contentment and Prosperity...each and every one! Blessings of Peace,
  7. Happy New Year! Hope all is going well with you and yours! Blessings of Peace, Al

  8. Welcome to the ULC Forum! We're ever so glad that you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing about your particular Spiritual Journey. We hope you'll share your thoughts on whichever path you have chosen. Blessings of Peace, Al

  9. Welcome to the ULC Forum! We're ever so glad that you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing about your particular Spiritual Journey. We hope you'll share your thoughts on whichever path you have chosen. Blessings of Peace, Al

  10. Welcome to the ULC Forum! We're ever so glad that you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing about your particular Spiritual Journey. We hope you'll share your thoughts on whichever path you have chosen. Blessings of Peace, Al

  11. Welcome to the ULC Forum! We're ever so glad that you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing about your particular Spiritual Journey. We hope you'll share your thoughts on whichever path you have chosen. Blessings of Peace, Al

  12. Welcome to the ULC Forum! We're ever so glad that you decided to join us and we look forward to hearing about your particular Spiritual Journey. We hope you'll share your thoughts on whichever path you have chosen. Blessings of Peace, Al

  13. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  14. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  15. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  16. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  17. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  18. Welcome to our family of friends. We're glad you could joins us! Regardless if you are well established in a traditional religious path or struggling to find something less mainstream, we're sure you'll find what you seek here. We are a “blended family” of all Beliefs, all Faiths and all manners of seeking Truth. We hope you'll share your views with us soon! Blessings of Peace, Al

  19. ...and until you've gone through the Ninth Door of Midgaard, you're not a Erulian either! ...reached the 33rd Level of Initiate you're not a Mason! ...entered the...oh, I sidetrack.... You are absolutely correct Raincloud, it is very worrying that groups seem to judge and condemn what they do not understand. The only reasons I can think of is fear and jealousy. Fear in that someone new might be better, know more, be better at...than someone entrenched in the particular belief. Jealousy that someone else may not have had to struggle through curriculum or educating themselves as they did. This is why I went full circle back to the original group that introduced me to Runic Divination some 40 years ago..The Loyal Order of EAUQs or Erulian, Astral, Universalist Questers which covers runic divination, astral or cosmic beliefs and Universalist "God/Christian" understanding. A group formed by several older men in the late 1940's of which a *Biker/Runester and Universalist Pastor were the founding members...believe it or not, twin brothers. While one went to seminary the other found the biker lifestyle more appealing, while one studied "God" and the Christ, the other the Occult and debauchery. Their close friends became astrophysicists, policemen and lawyers. During WWII everyone of these fellows served our country in both the European and Pacific Theatres, one of the brothers and another fella receiving Purple Hearts and all were decorated for their convictions to duty. One brother continued to serve as Chaplain during Korea and upon coming home and getting together at a poker game between this group of friends, formed the Order of EAUQs...the Chaplain was father to my high school art teacher where I got my first exposure to the Order and eventually where I became a Fellow as well as Vitki (Rune Priest) of the US and Intl. Rune-Gilds. The only reason for "history lesson" here is the twin were two men, rough and tumble fellas with friends in top professions that all had a passion for our country, cards, "God" (in His many forms) and standing up for what was right. The bio of the EAUQs states it was the differences between the "God fearing, righteous brother" and the "border line criminal, biker bro" both having an unequivocal sense of justice, tolerance for other's beliefs that formed the ideology of the group...such different, even opposite, views of the world around them yet side by side one could not tell who was who, which was which by the "bodily shell" on the outside. Turn that around with all the different shapes and forms of the human, yet identical hearts for what's right and the whole concept came together. Any group or club is most certainly allowed to have their rules and regs for what constitutes a "member" or "initiate" into their club, no problem at all. It is then left up to individuals that want to join whether or not they wish to go through whatever initiation, training or what-have-you to be a part of that group. It's only when that particular group starts telling others what is "right" or "official" there becomes a problem...Westboro Baptist comes to mind claiming they are the only "real Christians" and cults like Jonestown, Charlie Manson, Heaven's Gate... etc etc I also think that the condemnation and over the top "opinions" of those that wish to control and sway beliefs is why there are so many individual followers in the Pagan community, studying their own beliefs and thoughts on what they think is right. And I don't blame them a bit. Blessings of Peace, Al * (Pasadena MC)
  20. Lordie - I've only watched Duck Dynasty 1½ times, frankly don't know or care about who said what make a good point. If this fellow really is a minister (not just characterized as such for TV) then yes, he should be a bit more cautious in how he comes across. However, the bottom line is, you control the TV in your home, right? Bingo! (I get the remote every now and then! j/k) Have a great Holiday, your way! Blessings of Peace,
  21. Welcome to our little family of friends. While we represent a very diverse array of Beliefs our greatest purpose is to spread a message of Universal Peace through those Beliefs. We sincerely hope you'll join us in doing so. May your day be blessed, your vision be true and your path unobstructed. Blessings of Peace, Al

  22. My personal take is: Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to sit down and talk to Yeshua* face to face?...something the authors of the NT didn't have the privilege of doing. I believe He would tell us he did come to help us understand his "Father" in a different manner than what people up until time had believed or interpreted from the even than ancient scrolls. While Biblical scholars and most Christian alike will argue the point, I firmly believe that the Christ was trying to get us to understand that we are the "I AM" as much as the "Son of Man" as much as the "Son of God" if we but seek within. There are sagas in Nordic mythology that point to this same concept of the "gods being as mortal and mortal as the gods" meaning the same thing. So when I read it in the ancient Norse codex and ancient religious text...that's the "Bingo!" moment of comparative analysis I look for. This is what brings me to the conclusion we all may have different paths to the Divine, but the destination is the same place/thing/entity etc. Some walk, some drive, some take the bus while others ride a cruise ship...but the end of the road and/or final port o' call is Disneyland whatever "Heaven" turns out to be. Blessings of Peace, *actually any of the great prophets or leaders/founders of any religion or belief*
  23. Welcome to the forum! It is our sincerest wish that you find the Peace and Happiness we all do in sharing our diverse Beliefs. We hope you'll find your way around through the many topics of your interest. Should you have any questions or help, please do not hesitate to ask. Blessings of Peace, Al

  24. Welcome to the forum! It is our sincerest wish that you find the Peace and Happiness we all do in sharing our diverse Beliefs. We hope you'll find your way around through the many topics of your interest. Should you have any questions or help, please do not hesitate to ask. Blessings of Peace, Al