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About RabbiO

  • Birthday 12/22/1947

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  1. If organized religion is shelved what would replace it? Even if I were an atheist - which I am not - my answer would be the same. Eventually organized religion(s) would once again appear.
  2. Many forums go through cycles. In the interim I could hum, or maybe talk about growing up in Rego Park. Is there some topic somebody wants to discuss?
  3. Flipping through the thread I did not see anyone note the irony that both Capt. Kirk and Mr. Spock were played by proud Jews. Also, Walter Koenig ,who played Chekov, is a Jew.
  4. In a world of ever shifting fads and fancies, in a world of filled with uncertainties, it is reassuring to know that there is not total chaos, that there are at least some constants. In other words, no matter how long the interlude between my visits here, I can always count on finding the two of you verbally sparring with one another. It lends a certain level of stability to these days. Both of you take care of yourselves.
  5. I don’t mean to open a dormant thread, but what exactly is being argued?
  6. Is the sentence supposed to read "Judaism and Islam rely too much on the enforcement of brutal rules and therefore they diminish themselves? As always, I ask for a reason.
  7. My point in the above is to note that the prayer offered is not a universal prayer. It’s a Christian prayer.
  8. If you’re waiting for, expecting from, the OP a response, you may be disappointed. It is almost 3 years since the OP has logged onto the forum.
  9. Now you've done it. This is no longer an issue as to whether RevBogovac's original reply was or was not appropriate. This is no longer whether in the abstract your reactions have been overly sensitive and way out of proportion to his post. With no real knowledge of RevBogovac you have relentlessly attacked his character and his motivation. This is what we, in my neck of the theological woods, call lashon hara - evil speech. You may be "thoroughly unimpressed with this Forum". Personally, I feel that way sometimes. Here's the thing though. Frustrated, angry, bewildered or driven crazy though I may be by some of the folks here, I've never been thoroughly unimpressed with a member until now. This forum and you may not be the best fit. No hard feelings if that is the case.
  10. Stop me if I've said this before..... Felix Adler, the founder of the Society for Ethical Culture, was the son of a rabbi and studied briefly for the rabbinate. Of him it was said, "There is no God and Felix Adler is his prophet. Years later, after Rabbi Kaplan had begun to publish his theories of Judaism, that saying was revised, with "Mordecai Kaplan" being inserted instead of Adler.
  11. The joke as I first heard it - A Jewish atheist hears that the best school in town happens to be Catholic, so he enrolls his son. Things are going well until one day the boy comes home and says, “I just learned all about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” The boy’s father becomes very angry. He takes his son by the shoulders and says, “Avi, this is very important, so listen carefully. There is only one God — and we don’t believe in him!”
  12. Everyone encountered Nichiren Shoshu back in the 197Os! They made, by comparison, the Chabaniks manning their mitzvah mobiles look shy and withdrawn.