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Everything posted by Fawzo

  1. Which tells me that you have never experienced the agape love of God. You might have been told about it, read about it and even believe in it, but to make that statement tells me that you have never directly experienced it while you are focused in this physical reality. I personally don't think any sane pesron who has experienced God's Agape love could make that statement!
  2. Just keep repeating the end of that sentence to yourself all week and think about it "the law requires blood" "the law requires blood" soon within your heart you'll come to recognize how absurd and barbaric that sounds to modern man and maybe even come to realize that this was the mindset and reality of late Bronze Age and early Iron Age man and the kind of mindest that Jesus actually came to rid the world of.
  3. Oops its Gigantopithecus that reach 9 ft not Australopithecus afarensis hence the name gigantopithecus.
  4. I think some Australopithecus afarensis skeletal remains have been found that reached 9 foot tall. I'll have to double check that later.
  5. You added another condition to forgiveness. First belief and now repentance, next you'll be telling me something like I have to profess my beliefs also. So it is my own actions and thoughts that save me after all. What did the cross do again? I really don't care what the Bible tells Dan. I wanna know what God speaks into Dan's heart and mind.
  6. I guess people are expected to be more loving and compassionate than God? The Bible tells us Agape love bears all, endures all, is long suffering and never fails. Shouldn't withces, homosexuals, muderers, liars, etc etc fit under the "ALL" category. Or was Paul just blowing smoke up our arses? The Christian God tolerates very little from what I've seen and read! It's odd how the entity that I experienced as God truly did exhibit all the qualities that define Agape love in Corinthians. Maybe I just caught him on a good day, but wait how can that be, Dan tells us God never changes!
  7. And how much weight do you give to the fact that the people writing these articles were late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age men who lived in a world full of mythological exaggerated stories and myths? Or do you personally feel that every story has its basis in some truth. Take a many headed Hydra for instance.
  8. Exactly, The cross is meaningless without the proper mindset. The most important factor in salvation is one's mindset or what one imagines to be true.
  9. Sure he did just like he kept Jonah in the belly of a large fish for three days and Noah on an Ark with hundreds of millions of animals for a year. I think your statement that an Omniscient diety has to test you in order to KNOW what is in your heart needs some serious self introspection on your part!!!
  10. Dan how can a Liberal Christian doubt Christ is the Son of God when many believe we are all Sons of God. Also your statement seems in conflict "that salvation only comes through his sacrifice". If this is true then everyone on the planet is saved and are Christian, since the sacrifice has been made and it is finished. If you add conditions to the sacrifice and add such necessities as belief and professing then the sacrifice means nothing and it is the actions and thoughts of each individual man which lead to salavtion. If the wages of sin is death why did things die in our Universe before man was created. Did the Universe sin against God?
  11. Of course I totally agree with the video. I say to my fundalmentalist coworkers all the time as soon as you demonize someone it makes it so much easier to kill them. I really don't know how they can stand living in such a world controlled by so many demons as they project onto everyone and everything.
  12. Yes thanks Pete! I'm watching the Spirit Talk Video now and enjoying it.
  13. Next thing you know, you people are going to start looking for the Storehouses in the Sky that contain the Winds and the Four Pillars that the earth rests on. The person who many believed allegedly wrote these things made a 4 day trip from Egypt to the edge of Cannaan take 40 years. Apparently we have to assume that a future prince of Egypt wasn't taught geography in his lessons and about his surrounding neighbors and enemies or that Moses wasn't very bright.
  14. Yes calling everyone evil, having a reputation for killing them and trying to snip their tallywackers while talking to your invisible friend is no way to make friends. Of course the alternative of killing them and destroying their countires and helping then rebuild afterwards is only moderately better.
  15. This guy makes some excellent points on his page http://www.edwardtbabinski.us/~articles/giants.html GIANTS IN THE LAND" [with additional comments by me, E.T.B.]The Bible mentioned the "nephilim" and "rephaim" in Genesis and Exodus. It was the King James translators who rendered those words "giants" while other translators simply transliterate the Hebrew word into English as "Nephilim." Scholars argue over the exact meaning of the word. The context of Genesis 6 is not precise enough to determine anything about the Nephilim except that they appear as unusual individuals... Concerning Numbers 13:33, the comparison of the spies being like grasshoppers next to the Nephilim certainly must have been an exaggeration. Otherwise, if the comparison were taken literally, the Nephilim would be more than one hundred feet tall. [Oddly enough a few Christians in the past DID take such a comparison literally and argued that the Nephilim were over a hundred feet tall. I mentioned such extravagant beliefs in my article on the web. The Book of Enoch, Cotton Matter and some unnamed Frenchman suggested fantastically large "giants in the earth." -- E.T.B.]... If the Anakim were tall compared to the Hebrews, how tall were the Hebrews? Based on ancient Hebrew skeletons excavated at archeological digs, the average male's height ranged from 5'5" to 5'7". Since the ancient Hebrews generally saw themselves as smaller than other peoples, the biblical writers often noted unusual height. (For instance Isaiah 18:2,7 described the Ethiopians as a people "tall and smooth." Also, the fact that Saul stood taller than other Israelites was noted in 1 Sam. 10:23) ... King Og of Moab, Deut. 3:11 had a bed measuring 9 cubits long and 4 cubits wide (13 ft by 6 ft) [but that does not mean King Og was the same size as his bed. -- E.T.B.]... The record of the height of Goliath, as mentioned in 1 Sam. 17:4 is not consistent among all the ancient versions of 1 Samuel. The Hebrew records for Goliath say he was 6 cubits and a span (a cubit was roughly 18 inches, a span about 9 inches), so Goliath would be about 9'9" tall. Other ancient versions like the Septuagint lists Goliath at 4 cubits and a span, which would make Goliath closer to 6'9" in height. Josephus in his Antiquities of the Jews says Goliath was about 6'8", which would still be considered a giant among the Hebrew people. However, the description of the weight of Goliath's armor suggests a much larger man than even a 7 foot tall individual to carry such weight. His bronze coat weighed "5,000 shekels," an astounding 125 pounds. [Of course, speaking of the number "5,000" as in the afore mentioned weight of "5,000" shekels, it must be kept in mind that the Hebrew authors were prone to rounding off and probably exaggerating them, which was common in the ancient world regarding the numbers of people and booty captured during wars. It can also be seen the case of enemies killed by Hebrews in battle as mentioned in the book of Judges, featuring reports of "500" or "600" or even "1000" enemies all killed by one Hebrew in a single fight, the Hebrew only using either an ox goad, a spear, or even the jawbone of an ass. Elsewhere in the Bible, King David leaves his son a huge rounded off number of pounds of gold and silver in order to build a temple, but the number given in the Bible is so huge it's nearly enough to nearly fill a modern day Fort Knox, which seems unusual for a relatively small kingdom in the ancient world that didn't have modern mining techniques. So, the number "5000" for the weight of Goliath's armor is probably an exaggerated and rounded off estimate. See the two pieces at the end of my email on Samson and Solomon. -- E.T.B.] END OF EXCERPTS, ABOVE, FROM "GIANTS IN THE LAND" ED: So where are the truly gigantic human bones? Can you show me one? I have already discussed the Mt. Blanco sculpture of a "giant human femur," but the word, "femur," was not found in the letter they based their scupture upon. So out of the "hundreds" of cases you know about, show me one truly gigantic human bone that is from a human being who was much taller than 9 feet in height. (Big Foot "prints," and Gigantopithecus bones, excluded.) The largest-known primate was Gigantopithecus, of the Middle Pleistocene of what is now northern Vietnam and southern China. Males would have stood an estimated 2.74 m 9 ft tall and weighed about 272 kg 600 lb. It is risky, however, to correlate tooth size and jaw depth of primates with their height and body weight, and Gigantopithecus may have had a disproportionately large head, jaws and teeth for his body size. The only remains that have been discovered so far are three partial lower jaws and more than 1,000 teeth.
  16. The Old Testament really doesn't say there were Giants except maybe for Goliath who was thought to be about 6'7'' All the other refrences were interpreted from the Hebrew word for "tall" they went through this debate at the Great Randi's educational forum. http://forums.randi.org/showpost.php?p=5039376&postcount=98
  17. I am one of those unsophisticated cretins who think poetry has to rhyme and that none are better than mine. Whenever I see a poem my ego takes over and I'd rather read the book of Chronicles backwards. Aaargh I tried to read it twice now but to no avail.
  18. 8 "'How can you say, "We are wise because we have the word of the Lord," when your teachers have twisted it by writing lies? Jer 8:8 (NLT) Carpenter my belief is that Christ is all and in All. Remember with what judgement ye mete it shall be meted out to you again. Judge not lest ye be judged. Your vision seems very narrow to me, when you cannot recognize the Divine in all things. It may be very hard to perceive the Divine with eyes of fear or in beings acting out of their fears but there is nothing that exists that does not have their being within the Divine. Seek and ye shall find. If you look for the Divine in anything and anyone you shall surely find it. You seem to seek for the Divine through external sources while I believe the Divine was there all along and one only had to become cognizant of its Presence. You appear to think the Divine can be defined and encapsulated within the pages of a book full of errors and babarism while I seek the Divine in all things. Have a great day as well! Brightest Blessings!!! BTW - I wished I had things all figured out it would save me hours of meditation and seeking.
  19. lol I was laughing to myself and thinking that sounds like something I would post when I read Etherman's post. However I personally don't feel like G_d killed anyone in this instance and it does seem plausible to me that a bacteria had grown in the grain supply from all the plagues and deaths brought about by volcanic activity, and as the first born male in Egyptian families would have been given a double serving they would have gottten it worse than most. The Hebrews who would have gotten little if any grain from the storehouses would have had little to worry about. Have a great Passover RabbiO, Silver Rose, Jewtonium and rest of our Hebrew friends.
  20. and ran straight up the access ramp of the alien ship where he was fried instantly. And the littlest alien said "beep chirp, grock, frick bing" (which translated means}
  21. YeeeeeeeHaw! Joe check out that there fancy silver wagon those fellas have, just then Hop Sing came running out of the kitchen with a ...
  22. Hoss caught Lil Joe kissing his beau and started pounding the snot out of him and Adam just stood there with his arms folded as three aliens disguised as cowboys walked in and said...