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About mdtaylor

  • Birthday 07/31/1954

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  • Location
    Wheelock Creek, Flo, Texas, USA

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    Hunting<br />Fishing<br />Hunting<br />Skeet<br />Hunting<br />Sporting Clays<br />Hunting<br />Firefighting<br />EMS<br />Did I mention Hunting?

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  1. Thing to note is that the forum is a user to user medium. I don’t think the *store* monitors it at all. We are all volunteers here. Best to try the number in the previous post.
  2. Ok, I've heard enough. This sandbox is closed. And the next one will too if y'all can't play nice.
  3. We will definitely fix that. It appears that the majority of your posts belong there. I think you have to have a minimum number of posts prior to gaining access to the pulpit.
  4. Hello, and Happy Birthday. I have just come back to ULC after a long Hiatus. I used the name Windwalker until just a few days ago, when I changed my username. Anyway, Happy Birthday.

  5. All I have to say is, do a complete study. Provide an analysis that shows all religions that show ANY amount of discrimination towards others. Then, give us the percentage of each that discriminates against others. Then do a study that shows commonalities among those that discriminate vs. those that do not. Until then you're simply stirring the pot.
  6. For those that actually have a congregation and meeting place, this can be generated locally by the leaders of your congregation. If not, see above.
  7. There was a time when one could reply to a topic there. And admins occasionally make errors when viewing topic lists like "New Topics Today." If you change the forum options to Show All topics it will show the topics that have been replied to, and may even allow you to view the replies.
  8. Back on. New server. Dedicated. After analysis there are 3 users that are responsible for tons of spam being sent to them, and as a result, through my servers. Their emails will henceforth be refused. They are allowed to select a new username as long as they understand what has happened... A reminder. Do not post your email address on web pages where spammers can harvest your email address. Display it as 'user -at- ulcmail dot net' or something. Better yet is to provide a contact form where your email address is never displayed. Then only give out your address to those for whom you establish a business relationship. Let's not let this happen again. Please let me know if you are not receiving your email as expected. EDITED: Those users are responsible for GMAIL refusing all email from the server. If you are using a gmail account to receive your email then you will no longer receive your email until Google again allows mail from
  9. Due to the massive amount of spam that is now being received and fowarded to everyone this service will have to take a break. Sorry for the inonvenience. Please start using other means to get your email. It is possible that this service could return in the future but it may take a while. I will keep the configuration files.
  10. I think you are being overly legalistic. Generally, the act of marrying someone includes placing your signature as officiant on a state document and returning it to the courts/clerk for filing. Until that is done you have not satisfied the legal definition of marriage.However, that is only my opinion. It is not near what competent legal opinions are worth...
  11. As said, if the ultimate goal is a legal marriage then you must follow the requirements found here. Those fine employees of the county recorders office will help you with the correct flow of paperwork. The only thing required (found in the link above) is that "the parties shall declare, in the physical presence of the person solemnizing the marriage and necessary witnesses, that they take each other as husband and wife." So, as part of the ceremony you perform make sure that each of them specifically state that they take each other as husband and wife. Good luck!
  12. If you are simply a minister ordained by the ULC and want to perform marriages in Pennsylvania then there are a couple of things to consider. First, the statutes talk about a minister ordained by a religous organization IN Pennsylvania. The ULC is not in Pa. It is in Ca. If you were to start you own church, and had a legitimate congregation, then Pa would likely recognize you as they do any other religous body. Second, Pa recognizes a couples ability to marry themselves, without the need for an officiant. Conduct the ceremony then have the couple fill out the forms as if they did a self marriage. Just be sure they know what they are doing and that your involvement is only ceremonious. And yes, you can preach in a church, officiate for funerals, and do any other rite normally associated with ministerial duties (notwithstanding for the above.) Of course, this is just my own opinion. Any advice you receive on the internet is generally only worth what you paid.
  13. You will find a lot of differing opinions on Tennessee marriages and how to organize your church. Here is mine, for what it's worth. I do not see what 'trademarks' have to do with the organization of a religious body. Trademarks protect images used as corporate identity. I'm thinking you probably are referring to the documents used to create a corporation. Commonly Articles of Incorporation or Certificate of Formation, or other named document that creates a corporation in your state. The cost is usually not all that great, for non-profits. Gaining 501c exemptions are a little more in depth and costly. The least expensive I have found is Floyd Green Financial Services in Atlanta. (I have used them before, but not in the creation of a church.) For something like $499 you get your corporation established as a non profit, bylaws, and the necessary paperwork to file for the exemption with the IRS. When you file for the exemption with the IRS you will have to pay a fee to the IRS anywhere from $400 to $800 depending on your estimated budget for the next 5 years. So, for under $1500 you can have your church created as a non profit 501c organization. The cost to the ULC as a congregation is minimal, if anything. To get into a position to officiate marriage ceremonies in Tennessee is another can of worms. The key things to consider in the statutes is "care of souls" and "concious, deliberate, act." My interpretation of this is that Tennessee wants to see a brick and mortar church where you have a congregation, and the ordination is conducted in person and not over the internet. Once you establish your church and have a congregation simply have your congregation ordain you as their minister. Obviously, during the course of organizing your church you need to have documents that establish your faith and not just rely on the ULC premise that all beliefs are welcome. And, have a document that establishes the need and process whereby the congregation ordains the minister of their choice. Finally, you have the hurdle of getting Tennessee local governments to recognize your authority to solemnize marriages. All I can say is Good Luck! But, that is the route I would take if i were a Tennessee resident. Other opinions WILL vary!