Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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About Atwater Vitki

  • Birthday 06/16/1956

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  • Marital Status
    Happily Married
  • Location
    Central California

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Priceless Being

Priceless Being (14/17)

  1. Still miss our conversations Atwater. 

    1. Zequatanil


      I feel such deep sadness for your leaving- such a beautiful soul who now have left us. Rest in peace dear Al, and be always blessed and walk in the light!  You will not be forgotten!  With love : Suzanne


  2. Archiving old posts and cleaning up the forum. Kept running across your thoughts. Miss ya buddy and our conversations.

    1. RevTom


      It has been ages since I was last here, I have lost all the friends/followers I once had, and I am unfamiliar with the format now. Fawzo; Meredo. Atwater Vitki...all gone?


  3. Just to be able to offer alternative life style ceremonies to folks. Not many within the established realms of clergy have a clue what a "Handfast" is or how to conduct a Pagan House Blessings. Marriages have been a few over the years as I'm selective about the "who" since I don't charge for my main goal is to help those who otherwise have no alternatives through regular lines of clergy. So far it has been a real eye opener into the outer realms of humanity and I very much like it.
  4. Bro Atwater

    How are You? 

    Hoping all is well with You!

    Have You heard from Bro Nestingwave ?

    I have been emailing Him and can get no reply. 

    Hope all is Well with You and Yours!





  5. There's a lot of Members in risk of deletion then, some haven't posted for years and are still on the roll-call. I've never seen such low response here at dot-net, ever, as over this last year. Shameful on one hand but the huddled masses MUST have their Farcebook time along with their friends. Too bad that, forums use to be a great exchange and way to discuss at leisure. As far as this article goes, yeah, I have to agree ... I'm pretty sure it was the CPR and IV that worked here and not the prayers, unless of course you consider the prayer being for "save his life" and the actions of EMT being that "save". That's a long shot though and not specific enough to pass the litmus test. Blessings of Peace,
  6. Providing insightful information is great and let each of us decide if it "convinces" us or not. I've watched hundreds of "proof docu-dramas and supposedly scientific evidence of which the line certainly get blurred. While I believe in the possibility of angels, demons, demi-gods, super humans, ghosts among many other phenomena, as well as cases of being brought back to life...I still don't have the absolute, 100% proof I need for true BELIEF. Thanks for the links, interesting to say the least... and it was great to leave it up to others to choose what they wish with the info. Blessings of Peace,
  7. Well this is email was down for several days so just now saw the Hot Seat sign up request. Looks like Mere had it covered! Blessings of Peace,
  8. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

    1. justward


      Thanks, Atwater.  Hope you are having a great day :)

    2. Atwater Vitki

      Atwater Vitki

      unfortunately this forum has fairly well dried up ... you may find a tad more action at our sister site "Tribal" at:  and our Facebook presence at: intertribal (you may have to c/p tribal fb as notice came up not embedded)

      Try back here as much as you like, but I haven't seen anything new here for quite some time. Be careful of ULC Monastery clones of the orig ULC Modesto Church...long story found in archives but not the same founders or foundation of beliefs.

      Have a blessed day,


  9. We'd like to Welcome you to the ULC forum! You are valued as an individual h-ere, regardless of which particular Spiritual Journey you are on. We look forward to getting to know you better. We hope you'll join in the many discussions under the numerous category headings. Our main goal is that everyone feels at home while here and has an enjoyable experience! Blessings of Peace, Al

  10. Hello All:

    Something odd.  I went to

    I got a redirect.  The domain site is up for sale.




  11. ...but...but...Casper was friendly...Jason, Steve and Tango seem like credible sorts and the other guys over at G.A., Zak, Aaron, Billy and in the past Nick did a bang up job of providing some great video evidence! It's all very interesting to say the least and like our good buddy Fox Moulder over at the FBI says: "I want to believe". Is there 100%, absolutely indisputable evidence of the afterlife? In a word, "No!" A lot of compelling, dramatic and enticing video coverage that seems to make the case but then again one could almost lay in the grass on Pandora with the excellent 3D effects in Avatar™. I think perhaps that knowing, 100%, for sure, without any doubt, there is in fact an afterlife is one of the things humanity just might not be ready to know. We know already how purposeful, well intention, good things get corrupted when mankind gets a hold of it. And besides, if we knew for certain there was an afterlife...wouldn't that blow the whole concept of "salvation" out the window? Blessings Be,
  12. Good point. I know people that refuse to read anything but publications produced by or endorsed by their religious synod. From home schooling curriculum to world news, periodicals and magazines to weekly supermarket ads. This is one method by which the intolerance grows to such egregious levels. In some cases even if an outright lie (i.e.; gay is a choice, marijuana leads to heroin 100% of the time, all Islam supports terrorism etc etc) is endorsed as "truth" by their synod, they will emphatically hold that as absolute truth. Trying to dispel or change those type of lies only leads to argument and slanderous innuendo. Even in the rare case the leadership acknowledges a misspoken line or retracts a previous statement it is often dismissed with little more than a sheepish grin. Even more rare is an apology given to those harmed by the earlier statement or actual accounting for the official stance ignorance. Education is indeed the key to many things but how can it help subvert intolerance when the educational material is flawed? I mean in some cases (a World™ magazine article on public schooling) I might as well have read that Columbus discovered the moon and was a gay Muslim! But seriously though, when it's impossible to get truth in the education then intolerance, ignorance and manipulated morality follows. Blessings Be,
  13. I like the look, well done on that but do not like being limited on fonts choices and other text manipulations. I realize few ever used these things but it is sure nice to have the option. Blessing Be,