One Of The Worst Things To Face


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Discovering the true extent of your own selfishness.

I spend a lot of time pointing out the wrongs of other people, but I've had a peak behind the veil tonight at how my life has been going and I am not happy with it at all.

Consumed with my own problems, creates a spiral of selfish decisions and lashing out in anger and despair.

It's hard to see what little I've done, when I have been given so much.

I guess this is why people start again and change course.

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Discovering the true extent of your own selfishness.

I spend a lot of time pointing out the wrongs of other people, but I've had a peak behind the veil tonight at how my life has been going and I am not happy with it at all.

Consumed with my own problems, creates a spiral of selfish decisions and lashing out in anger and despair.

It's hard to see what little I've done, when I have been given so much.

I guess this is why people start again and change course.

I've done that too :(

the realization has you halfway home if you want to do things differently though :)

Edited by grateful
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Do not be so hard on yourself. We have all been there and done things we really regret but I am sure that is not everything about you or me. We can only do our best and learn from our mistakes. Change if you want but remember perfection cannot be achieved. So be gentle with yourself my friend. You have gained a lot of respect from people like me.

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Discovering the true extent of your own selfishness.

I spend a lot of time pointing out the wrongs of other people, but I've had a peak behind the veil tonight at how my life has been going and I am not happy with it at all.

Consumed with my own problems, creates a spiral of selfish decisions and lashing out in anger and despair.

It's hard to see what little I've done, when I have been given so much.

I guess this is why people start again and change course.

Epiphanies are awesome, aren't they?

It sounds to me like you and I have a few things (if not more) in common.

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Discovering the true extent of your own selfishness. Well, the recoil is the treat, a new expanded sense of unselfishness races in to fill out the balance, congradulations.

I spend a lot of time pointing out the wrongs of other people, but I've had a peak behind the veil tonight at how my life has been going and I am not happy with it at all. - Watch out for the recoil here, someone will knock the BE JESUS out of you.

Consumed with my own problems, creates a spiral of selfish decisions and lashing out in anger and dispar

Easy fix, when feeling bad go help someone even worse off, does real fine.

It's hard to see what little I've done, when I have been given so much. Go with the "Crowns in Heaven" concept. When my friend accused me of male nursing him, I heard a ding-ding-ding, a Crown in Heaven to the man in the starchy underware.

I guess this is why people start again and change course. Good, strong conclusion, now what?

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Edited by RayCalculaMinistraDeGezza
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Ray, I don't know any "nice" way to say this, so I will just "spit it out"...
If you are going to include all this repetitious "video crap" in your posts,
I am going to block ALL of your posts (make them invisible)

so that I don't have to keep looking at it OVER-AND-OVER.,

This is a forum "for adults", and your posts look like the work of an adolescent.

You may have something to SAY that is worth READING...

but I am not going to subject myself to all the SCREEN-HOGGING VISUALS

that you keep regurgitating... in order to find out.

Grow up.

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