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Just curious to see if there are any Jewish or Messianic ministers here? Would be nice to connect and maybe compare notes. I am trying to start a synagogue locally that is Messianic, and I can tell you it is hard. Stuck between Jewish or Christian, it is a confusing place to sit. Anyways, hope to meet any Jewish or Messianic ministers soon.

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Just curious to see if there are any Jewish or Messianic ministers here? Would be nice to connect and maybe compare notes. I am trying to start a synagogue locally that is Messianic, and I can tell you it is hard. Stuck between Jewish or Christian, it is a confusing place to sit. Anyways, hope to meet any Jewish or Messianic ministers soon.

There may be some who refer to themselves as Messianic Jews on the forum. Off the top of my head I cannot tell you who. For myself, I am neither Messianic nor would I call myself a Jewish minister. I am a rabbi, having received סמיכה לרבנות at a rather advanced age.

I welcome you to the forum.

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Just curious to see if there are any Jewish or Messianic ministers here? Would be nice to connect and maybe compare notes. I am trying to start a synagogue locally that is Messianic, and I can tell you it is hard. Stuck between Jewish or Christian, it is a confusing place to sit. Anyways, hope to meet any Jewish or Messianic ministers soon.

We have our local Rabbi (you heard from him), and we have a beautiful blend of doctrines, beliefs, teachings,etc. which makes this a beautiful garden of religions. And you are welcome to its many blessings.

Hermano Luis

Moriviví Hermitage

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Antitheism has always had a place here and adds to our wonderful array of beliefs. Now proponents of it have not always been able to contribute or play nice with others but that's beside the point.

We have our local Rabbi (you heard from him), and we have a beautiful blend of doctrines, beliefs, teachings,etc. which makes this a beautiful garden of religions. And you are welcome to its many blessings.

Hermano Luis

Moriviví Hermitage

Agreed hermano. Welcome to the forum and I'm looking forward to seeing a messianic view here. Edited by Hrodebert
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I am an atheist.

To assert that that is a belief is to me as absurd as defining a hair color for someone who is bald.

Bald people have a hair color unless they are completely hairless and even then none is appropriate.

I would assert that it is absurd to assert that atheism is NOT a belief. I would concur that it is not a religion or faith, but it most certainly a belief. You have no facts that prove there is no deity and a such you BELIEVE there is none.

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You have no facts that prove there is no deity and a such you BELIEVE there is none.

Proving a negative?

Let me ask you this how could anyone possibly proof that something fictional does or does not exist?

I also have no proof there is no green spaghetti monster somewhere on a planet far away, or that Harry Potter is no a real person who can do magic.


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I suppose that makes me unwanted weed.

Not necessarily! If you notice most of the time I sign my posts "Hermano Luis, Moriviví Hermitage", the "moriviví" is a weed that many people do not like. Every child in Puerto Rico enjoys playing with that weed. That weed is always close to the ground, and many gardeners hate it. When you touch the "moriviví" it crumples up as if dead, and after a while it opens up again. Life is eternal (so I believe), it only needs the right conditions to manifest. That is what the "moriviví", a weed, represents in my life.

In the ULC garden, there are no weeds. Each plant has its own beauty; each plant here has a story to tell; and everyone of us has something to learn from each plant. In my garden the "moriviví" is as important as the rose. You bring your special kind of beauty to this garden. Do not stop being you.

Hermano Luis

Moriviví Hermitage

Edited by emalpaiz
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Proving a negative?

Let me ask you this how could anyone possibly proof that something fictional does or does not exist?

I also have no proof there is no green spaghetti monster somewhere on a planet far away, or that Harry Potter is no a real person who can do magic.


. You can prove some negatives. Lack of an element, a vacuum, lack of life, etc, etc. You just can't prove every negative. As such, they are beliefs. Beliefs that may be based on facts, but beliefs non the less.
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"I suppose that makes me unwanted weed"

To the contrary... it doesn't makes you anything, one way or the other.

If you see yourself as a weed, then please know that you are a weed that we have come to tolerate, and to (perhaps grudgingly, at times) appreciate for certain traits that you embody, not the least of which is that you exhibit a powerful affection for (and defense of)... the underdogs in this mortal life. I don't always agree with you (and in fact I often disagree), but I do not doubt the honesty, the genuineness of your positions.

All things considered, I consider you to be "a net plus" for our forum.

Infuriating at times, but a "net plus" none the less. :cowboy:

Edited by Bro. Hex
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Just curious to see if there are any Jewish or Messianic ministers here? Would be nice to connect and maybe compare notes. I am trying to start a synagogue locally that is Messianic, and I can tell you it is hard. Stuck between Jewish or Christian, it is a confusing place to sit. Anyways, hope to meet any Jewish or Messianic ministers soon.

I had to look-up 'Messianic Judaism'..... Seemed like an oxymoron since Jews don't recognize a Messiah? Not as confusing as Islamic-Judaism (if it existed), but still a contradiction. I guess a new religion that could mesh Jesus, Issac, and Ishmael together would solve a lot of the worlds problems? :)

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I guess a new religion that could mesh Jesus, Issac, and Ishmael together would solve a lot of the worlds problems? :)

Or one that ignored them all together and taught the inter-connectedness of all things and the brotherhood of man :)

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I had to look-up 'Messianic Judaism'..... Seemed like an oxymoron since Jews don't recognize a Messiah...

That is not completely true.

Certainly most Jews don't recognize Jesus of Nazareth as "the promised messiah".

There are some Jews who are still awaiting the coming of their messiah. (we call them "messianic" Jews)

There are some Christians who are still awaiting the "second coming".of Jesus.

Edited by Bro. Hex
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Most of Jesus's early followers were Jews (as he was) that believed he was the messiah...just say'n.

And some Jews thought Simon of Peraea and a host of others were the Messiah too....just say'n :)

Edited by Fawzo
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