Are You Responsible For Your Thoughts And Dreams?


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I myself think that many of my dreams are just that a hodgepodge of subconscious desires and fears playing themself out. Other times some seem as you have stated visions of some future event. I think dreams serve a wide range of purposes and that they can't all be defined and package into some nice little psychologically analyzed box.

I am almost certain that I have dreams that have made me aware of some imminent danger to occur in real life and I have had them occur in waking life within a weeks time mostly sooner where they played out instant by instant as dreamed and it has given me the chance to alter the outcome. The one that really stands out is to lone to described to go into detail but the critical moments were me on a Friday nigt going to and leaving the Harbor Inn on my own at the same time as two African Americans. When they saw me walking across the street in the dream they said hey you and pulled out a gun and shot me in the dream.

I had the dream on a Thursday night and I swore the next day there was no way I was going to the Harbor Inn that Friday night during the Disco Era. Well sure enough my horny young self convinced myself it was only a stupid dream so I walked the apporximate 4 miles to the Inn to drink and have fun with my friends that Friday night. As luck had it I decided to leave a bit early by myself and sure enough across the steet there were the two African Americans guys I had dreamed of dressed exactly as I had seen them and wlaking to the exact group of cars I had seen them walking to in the dream. Before they could even say a word my fast little white behind was just a blurr running down the street :)

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Yes, definitely, dreams are put into several categories; Precognitive, Psychological, Physiological and Mystic to name a few. (Again from old class notes) I find an interesting, supporting list HERE as well.

The precog, like you had I find fascinating and a bit disturbing at the same time. When my ex and I were home invaded in Willow Creek, I had a precog about a week before which I clearly saw the perpetrator, someone I did not know and I don't recall ever seeing around town. The interesting part was I didn't connect the dots to the dream and event during the horrific event. I wasn't until waiting for the sheriff to arrive I consciously recalled having the dream. We were discussing that connection when the patrol cars rolled up, both shaken, not stirred, and rattled to the bone.

When being counseled, several weeks after, the therapist was one of those that adamantly denied "dreams" having any logical place in real life and dismissed any connection. Figures, being a law enforcement "recommended" therapist. :unsure: As the ex was/is a naturopathic remedies healer and we both firmly believed in the Universal Energies, after hearing that, well let's just leave at that was our last visit. No one will ever convince me there wasn't some sort of cosmic connection between the dream and later event, in any of the three I mentioned.

I also agree that even dreams of the same category can't always be neatly "boxed" as even slight inferences/variations can have a whole other implications.

Blessings Be,

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When I actually became cognizant and learned about being able to control your dreams at certain stages I spent a great deal of time trying to do so and became good at it.

The problem in doing so became clear when I awoke in the mornings I felt as if I had not slept a wink all night and it started to affect my health so I gave up on it completely. I must say though for about the two weeks time I became proficient at controlling them during certain stages of the night I was having the time of my life. No king on earth enjoyed them self more then I did. The highlights I remember most were having fantabulous blondes. brunettes and redheads appear at will and firing missiles at my brother and his friends through the forest as they ran from me. Don't know why but watching those missiles curve around trees and chasing my bro and his friends brought me more enjoyment then all those gorgeous ladies that attended all my needs lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like that br.devon

I was told our dreams are a way of coping w a problem or a way our mind relaxes our body .and sometimes a dream is a sense for our future but as for our thoughts we can controll it so it doesnt pop out of our mouth( bad thought) but as for us making our own thought well our brain has to work somehow



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  • 2 weeks later...

IMO, we are not responsible for thoughts or dreams which we had no play in forming. All kinds of random and unusual stuff can pop into our minds. The problem is in entertaining the negative thoughts. If we think of thoughts and dreams the way we think of temptation, it is the same. It is only when we act on these things that we become responsible for our actions. However, even dwelling on a specific negative thought may result in a change of mental or behavioral norms.

In the case of various mental illness, one may not be able to discern fantasy from reality, or at another level, be plagued with obsessive negative thought which leads to, or can be a result of, depression. Normally, we can dismiss strange thoughts and they go away, but sometimes they hang around and can afflict our thinking as we dwell on them too long. We are not responsible for the thoughts or dreams, but we are responsible for how we handle them.

If we had no play in forming the thoughts in our minds, who did?

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I am of the opinion that we are only responsible for our actions.

I too have an endless barrage of thoughts and images which, at night, keep me awake despite all efforts to the contrary.

These are not from external sources....they are from your mind, which is an internal source.

our actions are the results of our thoughts. How can we be responsible for our actions and not our thoughts..

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  • 1 year later...

I would like to hear everyone's opinion on whether they believe they are responsible for their thoughts and dreams.

Many times it seems as if just random stuff starts entering my mind, and I wonder about the origins of thoughts and dreams and emotions. Some times the thoughts are of the most vile and evil nature and I question if whether these thoughts are creations of my own mind or are they being projected into it from some external source. On the other side of the coin there are times when information enters our minds that we have no reasonable explanation for being aware of.

So my question is should we be held responsible for traffic that passes through our awareness in our waking and dreaming states or should our responsiblities rely on how much focus we place upon individual thought forms?

I don't believe you've posted on this site since I proved you wrong about universal energy. This is unfortunate, as you are/were one of my favorite people here.

Yes, of course what happens in your brain belongs to you and you alone. To attempt to blame anything else is a farce, legally and rationally.

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  • 6 months later...

As I know this is an older thread, I still think it merits some thought.

If one believes in the spirit realm and its connection to the unconsciousness, then it's possible to foster outside influence of thought. However, the consciousness is always our responsibility due to our aware state. Our minds simply interpret various signs differently in each state.

Different brain waves respond to different interceptions of other waves.

Hope that some sense to you.

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