mark 45

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About mark 45

  • Birthday 01/27/1958

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  • Location
    southern mich/northern indiana

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  • Doctrine /Affiliation
    salad bar buddhist

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    none at the moment
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Exalted Being

Exalted Being (13/17)

  1. welcome back.i live in south bend,not far from niles.
  2. while compassion is a part of buddhist studies,and actions,it (at least to me)does not mean i should run around saying how enlightened i am(or think i am;and believe me i am not).
  3. or,those who know aren't talking.and it could be,those who are talking don't know.
  4. if one chooses(and i could be wrong),a person can claim to be jewish,and a jew for jesus.doesn't make them correct.
  5. anything is possible. they(that being your employer)may decide your not needed in a office setting, or at least not as often.
  6. to be truthful,,i don't have any answers.things are screwed up royal,and changed dramatically. if you have homework you need to send to hq,do so.they can either tell you where it's supposed to go,or not. i wish you the best.
  7. keep in mind that the title"doctor"is restricted in some states,to those who are md's,do's,dds,that type of be very careful what you decide to writing,the term ad Honorius is used for degrees like the ulc issues.
  8. as far as i see it jonathon,i am an atheist due to a lack of belief.i am an agnostic due to lack of evidence, and therefor lack of belief.i too try to avoid the stupidity of some who wish to argue. maybe one day i will grow up and not care what title people think i am and even care less what evidence people think they have.
  9. your doing it for yourself i would hope.if you feel that strongly,then don't sign up for anymore.thank you for the link.i had not been able to find it for a while.not being used tho as the mod from facebook is refering everyone here.
  10. didn't you at one time state that you are an agnostic due to lack of belief?and you are an atheist for the same reason?
  11. i guess wherever one posts makes no difference.there is a"mod"on the seminary facebook page who can help you(maybe). there used to be a web site just for seminary,but i am guessing that someone had it eleminated,and didn't bother telling anyoneso yes,you will have trouble navigating this site.i used to be a mod(like i have said before) at seminary and was dismissed without a kiss my foot or anything. my advice would be to continue your lessons,and when you are done with them,submit your final essay to the proper site(this one isn't it).to be truthful,i doubt anyone reads these posts,so if you do as i suggest,you would be ok.just my opinion,your results may vary.
  12. my condolences. may her journey be one of peace,love,and light.
  13. your starting to sound more like a buddhist.but then again,we have no lake of fire,hell,or eternal damnnation.
  14. when you look at his statement,he is correct,everything living will die.the rest of his statements are his belliefs.
  15. in an islamic country,there is only one religion,period.death is your other option.