Atwater Vitki

In Rememberance
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Everything posted by Atwater Vitki

  1. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  2. Yep, it's a sticky issue. I'm actually a bit surprised, but pleased, to see the support for the Rights of the KKK, an organization that has traditionally taken away the Rights of others. It's good to see that an attempt has been made for tolerance of the intolerant. It is only Right we remain focused on the facts of a government agency using their own policies against a particular, unpopular group. As for what "HH" posted above, the safety issue, at least here in California areas that are "unsafe" are clearly marked on the DOT maps of roadways and only Cal-Trans is allowed to do trash clean up and repair work there. I'm sure it must be the same in Georgia. Unless the Georgia State DOT can show this area was listed as hazardous prior to the KKK application, then once again they are just blowing smoke signals up the publics' collective chimneys. I'm all for everyone's Rights being allowed without hindrance by any govt agency, but this issue is multi-layered and has several underlying issues involved with it. And this exact point is where "Civil Rights" becomes a rather un-civil issue. People/groups who have historically not allowed others to live a life free of harassment and harm, demanding their Right to live free of harassment and harm. People that say other particular races are bad and should be "exterminated", denying them the most basic Right to Life, are the first to pull the "I have Rights!" card. In yakkin' over the fence to my neighbor yesterday we touched on this subject. On a personal note he could also see the odd resemblance between a draw-string "Stretch-Flex™" garbage bag and the accepted uniform of a particular group. Some might snicker at his comment...."are we to assume they'll remove all the pre-bagged trash from the roadway?" and in a historical sense of how they've acted in the past, I think it applies. Much like a recovering addict has to prove themselves before they regain the trust of family and friends, I think the KKK needs to do the same here. Before they go spouting off about their "Rights" to pick up trash, how about they first show they can allow others...their Rights?? To me, this is the same as allowing a fox into hen-pen because it "has the Right" to not be impeded in it's pursuit of happiness....something just ain't RIGHT here. If the KKK can demonstrate and prove they have "changed their ways" and no longer disallow others their Rights to Life, Liberty and Happiness after 160 years of not doing so, then stamp that application "Approved" without delay. Blessings of Peace,
  3. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  4. Thank you all so very much. The family appreciates your thoughts and concern. Blessings of Peace,
  5. I found out today while visiting my Mom that her sister, my Aunt Betty, has failed very quickly with Alzheimer's. She was just diagnosed last November 2011, and my uncle called yesterday stating that Betty would not let him in their house in upstate New York. She even called police on him with her First Alert™ necklace alert, for being "an intruder". They've been married for 43 years this year, after her first hubby passed in 1962 and the two have never been more than few hours apart from each other in all that time. In an hour of uncle being gone to a doctor's appointment, by a neighbor driving him, she forgot who he was and her entire life together. Update...(Mom called as I was typing this)...even after going through wedding albums and boxes of pictures last night and today, aunty remembers very little if any of their life together....uncle said only one picture of her with her daughter seemed to light up her eyes, but she also kept asking "who's that?" pointing at her own son and two daughters. He spent the day trying to help her remember as per doc's orders, but she wouldn't let him touch her because a "Lady never hugs and stranger" she said over and over to the poor guy. Uncle Ellis is legally blind (300+/20) and has very bad hip and knee problems, and Aunt Betty is otherwise 'healthy as a horse' besides her dementia/Alzheimer's. Of course I will be in prayer fro their safety and health....but any extras... thoughts, healing energy or prayers that might be sent their way would sure be appreciated. Thank you so much, Al
  6. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  7. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

    1. gator bait

      gator bait

      Thank you, I,m just looking and seeking.

  8. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  9. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  10. Glad to hear ya on the mend there Stormy! Ah... ....check the bottom of the gunny-sack o' "Puffed Rice" I sent ya....thars a bit o' corn in the bottom...but not for the still...of course! Oh and the other bag marked "Flour" just some sugar...and that's not for the still either...I don't know what's up with the feed store mislabeling everything nowadays Get better, hope to see ya around more when ya can...we all miss you too. Blessings of Peace,
  11. ^what sarkany said^ As children we seem to gravitate towards the social environment that "feels right" to us. Kids are usually in the same circles as our parents, but, it doesn't necessarily mean as we age we remain in agreement or stay within those circles. For instance: My earliest memories were an aversion to 2 couples of my parents "friends" who also happen to be titled members of the church. At 3,4 or 5 years old how did I know why? At 14-15 it had been proven to me time and again as to "why" I did not like those particular ego maniacs. Yet out on the farm I grew up on, one neighbor was Dutch and Dunkard, while the other neighbors included German Catholic, Lithuanian Greek Orthodox and Scandinavian Lutheran...all the kids played together and the "rules of the house" were basically all the same where discipline reigned supreme. This is not true in most neighborhoods today. As we age our moral and ethical centers mature (usually and hopefully) and we begin to rationalize our feelings, but mostly, we tend to "do that which is Right" as that gets us acceptance, respect and recognition...some of our most fundamental human emotional needs. Blessings of Peace,
  12. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  13. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  14. Oh how absolutely wonderful grateful! I couldn't be happier for you! I don't know how I missed this thread from days ago so I must apologize for not throwing in my 2¢ earlier....guess I've been side-tracked. Do you get to bring your own dog to work with you? That would be totally cool. Well it seems that after a bit of a dogged welcome (neighbor's mutt) to California you finally got things cat-e-gorized and settled down! Surrounded by bowsers and a full calendar of pet-i-cure dates with your daughter you must be ecstatic! Absolutely wonderful. Blessings of Peace,
  15. Thanks Mark, you allowed me a few minutes with my Dad from a perspective I've forgotten. I suppose it's true we really do come in and go out in a similar fashion....and yeah, Reader's Digest needs this one and the $300 for the story could pay off the "cabin plumbing repair bill" on your credit card and buy a bag of corn for next year! Blessings of Peace,
  16. Welcome to the Forum. We're glad to see you and hope to hear more from you in the future. Blessings of Peace,

  17. We've missed you since your last post! I hope you'll find more topics to be of interest and share some more. Blessings of Peace, "Al"

  18. We've missed you since your last post! I hope you'll find more topics to be of interest and share some more. Blessings of Peace, "Al"

  19. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here. We hope to hear more from join in the discussions and let us know what your Journey has shown you thus far! Blessings of Peace,

  20. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  21. I see you sent this message about a 23 days 9 hours 41 min. 22 secs ago...I just got it now. Let me know how long it takes to get back to you! Anyway, the math should give you an idea of how far away we are from each other! Vonnegut for Supreme Dictator! Blessings of Peace,
  22. Blessings of Success and great Peace in your endeavor.
  23. Not by any remote chance Aaron Metcalf from Modesto, CA ..Davis HS etc are ya? Welcome to the forum regardless! Hope you find this to be the family of friends we all have. Blessings of Peace,"Al"

  24. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you come aboard. I hope you'll check out all the site has to offer and join in when you can! Blessings of Peace, Al

  25. We've missed you since your last post! I hope you'll find more topics to be of interest and share some more. Blessings of Peace, "Al"