Bro. Hex

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Everything posted by Bro. Hex

  1. Hey, Brother Al, You definitely did "the right thing". You are most fortunate to have had the option of relocation. I harbor and feed "ferals" in addition to the many cats that I have actually adopted. I have had a couple that were a bit antisocial toward other cats. I guess I have been "lucky", as I have never had to put one down over issues of aggressiveness. I have managed to get all of the females "fixed", and most of the males as well. I have had to put-down a couple of sweet "feral" cats that were infected with, "feline AIDS", and were in failing health...for the welfare of the colony. I would, if necessary, have to "put-down" any cat that was terrorizing the colony, as I don't know of anyone locally that would accept such a cat. I admire your persistence in trying to "civilize" that "loner" kitty, and for all you are doing and have done for those more peaceable cats.
  2. Thanks for sharing, grateful... beautiful story.. Nori was a beautiful friend and family member.
  3. . But you don't know "how I love your dog"...Do you???
  4. We will pray for your mother, and for you too, Scotty...
  5. Did somebody forget to tell Rev_Richard that he is scheduled for the HOTSEAT ???
  6. I applaud your effort to quit, whether or not you make it to the one-year mark (that's when I realized that I had really quit). I am going to make a suggestion... one that doesn't make terribly good financial sense, but one that may make it easier to realize the benefit in the short-term of redirecting those "smoking dollars". Maybe you won't ever see the house paid off. Maybe that doesn't really matter, in the long run. My suggestion is that you redirect the money that you typically spent on smoking to a purpose that will produce an immediate benefit to humanity and an immediate counter to your tendency toward depression. Pick a worthy cause... a local animal shelter, a local shelter for the homeless, something that you can believe in. Send the money to them once a week... the same that you would have spent on smokes. If you have the time and ability, volunteer there once a month or so. See for yourself the immediate impact that your quitting is having on your community. It will be far easier to reach that one-year mark than if the alternative is knocking 2 years off of a 30 year mortgage that you might not live to pay-off anyway. Brightest Blessings, as Brother Fawz is fond of saying. (and I kind'a like the sound of it!).
  7. . I am so sorry, Stormy. I will keep both you and Tabby in prayers.
  8. The "Hot Seat" is a "position" that you volunteer for (if you are adventurous ...or of unsound mind). Every so often, a member volunteers for (or is "volunteered" into) the Hot Seat, for the period of a week, or so. The designated "Hotseatee" is then subjected to the curiosity and unnatural inquisitiveness of other members, and pummeled with a never-ending barrage of questions such as: "Do you believe in God?", "What brought you into our midst?", "Do you practice a religion?", "Did you once belong to a different faith or religion than the one you now espouse?", "Were your parents married to each other when you were born?", "Do you like chocolate?", etc, etc, etc. Its a very invasive ordeal, Horrible, actually. I think Fawzo actually enjoyed it! ;>)
  9. Hey Fawz, You were just concentrating on "LINE 1"... You have to interpret Line 1 in light of "LINE 2". Simple, right? Christianity does similar stuff to us all the time. You just have to "stop tryin' to make sense of it" and let the words roll down, and wash over you like the waters from an ever-flowing stream! And a big "THANK YOU" goes out to Peter (RabbiO),and to Amos 5:24
  10. First week IS the hardest.... but there are occasions, sorta' like "flashbacks"... when the craving will come back strong and suddenly, say one month out, maybe later, and likely "more than once"... I couldn't "believe" that I had kicked it until after one year had passed... and even then, occasionally the craving would return... but weaker, always weaker, after that first 6 months.... or so.
  11. I will do likewise. Something good may come of this. Blessings be yours and his.
  12. Thank you, Michael, I am saving this post "for posterity".
  13. I hope you also won't "depart from us", Raven!
  14. Me too. I was the one twitching my nose!
  15. I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around this description, Al. This "thing" that you constructed...Is it sort of like a geodesic dome with one segment open (cave entrance)? Is it "three dimensional"? Ball-shaped or tube shaped"" Or some-other shape? With one entrance or two? And in any case, Good job!
  16. You are thrice blessed. You can admire them from however close they choose to be, but never forget... they are "the boss" ;>)
  17. As Rev Michael recently pointed out, no religion is right for everyone... some folks are by personality, disposition, or whatever, better suited to be a JW or a Mormon, while others will only feel "at home" in a Quaker or UCC setting, etc, etc. There are all kinds of folks and all kinds of religions, and we should try to accept, and even celebrate the differences, where we can.
  18. Thanks, Kingfisher, for this link to an excellent article.
  19. Thanks Frank, I wish I could claim authorship, but the "gem" is "borrowed" I just recognized the brilliance... and passed it on.
  20. Experiences are experiences. Is it so, that Grace is a benediction to those who are empty? When the most beautiful spiritual experiences come, they come without being the result of a personal effort, but more from leaving the windows & doors open to the house in which the spirit lives...