Blessed are the Peacemakers


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iI guess what i thought i was saying....or the lesson I was trying to teach....I mean...I thought this forum was about ideas....about philosophy....I just didnt all of my post..... that ....what i write is not meant to be a weapon....its meant for understanding....if you are threatened by what i write....that is not the purpose.....i am writing about fundamental and misunderstood passages....that preacher such as Joel Osteen....never teach.....they never address the issues that are simple Bible truths.....most Christians have absolutely no idea what the Bible is....Its like miracles....or gifts.....the speaking in tongues.....they dont Ive said in past posts....The Bible is a Jewish Book.....who are the Jews....They are administrators of Gods laws....Gods intentions.....and Gods Discipline.....The Apostle Paul received a New Covenant....from God .....God promised the Jews.... a piece of paradise....the promised land....with a King that will rule on a Throne.....But the New Covenant is for all .....who was dispensed by the Jews....It was raised with great care and nurturing.....if I would believe in a miracle.....i would think it would be done by a Jew......and it would be the most amazing thing you could witness......We are born into sin.....we are chained and bonded to this world.....1 John 2.................. 15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father[d] is not in them. 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

Im having this tattooed on my leg.....I live in Portland Oregon....we have a huge gay population....and they dont like Christians.....So i like to advertise and getting the word out when i can.....Im by no means a Hell Fire and Damnation Teacher....we have those on the streets in downtown Portland....and they can get really loud....I use to start conversations with them....but its like any of these  street preachers...if you blindfolded me ....and brought me to one to start a conversation....i can tell you within the first 5 minutes of our conversation what religion he represents....Baptist....J.W'S....evangelist.....its all the same......they have no clue.....I have a question.....can you look into a mirror....take a real hard look at yourself....and really understand what you people affect you....that's recent conversations on this post....can you be singular....cant you have your own mind and of my instructors in college made the point about me being .....always in the back of the classroom.....the old jokes from younger classmates....he said if i went to the front row....all the snickers and jeers about the old guy in the back of the classroom..... would disappear.......he said.....he was that old guy.... when he went to College....and he went to the front row.....and he could ask.... all the questions he wanted...... without all the snickers and jeers....and I reassured him that would not be the case for me....if you make fun of me....ill just give you the instructor rolled his eyes at me....and thats cant terrorize cant affect me with your words... we have alot of problems on our mass transit system in Portland....People being victimized by the homeless and gangs.....and if someone is giving someone a hard time for no reason....ill be the first to jump in.....ive been riding transit for a very long aint the first time ive got involved.....a guy was hassling the driver of a bus.... i was riding....and i calmly told him ..... either take his seat or he was going thru the doors even if the driver still had them closed....i man of peace....but im also a man of God....if It is within my power...i will not let sin rule the day....i will go combat mode....regardless if i get my ass kicked or not.....and if he pulls a weapon.....than its life or death.....and that person will die....I am the coolest person you can meet....if we become friends....i crazy good in the kitchen...i feed all my a date with one of my classmate and his family for Italian night at his house....this will be our third feast....i smoke a lot of Pot...i live in Oregon...its legal....Ill drink you under the table...and when you pass out...ill write dirty words all over your body with a permanent son was a victim of that rule in my family....the permanent marker lasted for weeks....Im just a normal guy...i like writing on these Forums because it gives me a sense of peace...and I love to type....I type the same the artists...i dont believe in censorship or altering the creative thought....its my work...if you dont like it...........leave

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  On 4/13/2019 at 3:02 PM, Seeker said:


As did I.  I hope you both stay.


You and Dan are never going to agree. Yet there seems to be a certain moth to candle thing going on.




Thank you.  It's been a learning experience.  For some time, I was convinced that Dan was trying to provoke me.  I am reevaluating.  In the meantime, it seems best to disengage.  When Fire and Ice try to dance, all they do is make steam.







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  On 4/13/2019 at 12:58 AM, mieshec said:

iI guess what i thought i was saying....or the lesson I was trying to teach....I mean...I thought this forum was about ideas....about philosophy....I just didnt all of my post..... that ....what i write is not meant to be a weapon....its meant for understanding....if you are threatened by what i write....that is not the purpose.....i am writing about fundamental and misunderstood passages....that preacher such as Joel Osteen....never teach.....they never address the issues that are simple Bible truths.....most Christians have absolutely no idea what the Bible is....Its like miracles....or gifts.....the speaking in tongues.....they dont Ive said in past posts....The Bible is a Jewish Book.....who are the Jews....They are administrators of Gods laws....Gods intentions.....and Gods Discipline.....The Apostle Paul received a New Covenant....from God .....God promised the Jews.... a piece of paradise....the promised land....with a King that will rule on a Throne.....But the New Covenant is for all .....who was dispensed by the Jews....It was raised with great care and nurturing.....if I would believe in a miracle.....i would think it would be done by a Jew......and it would be the most amazing thing you could witness......We are born into sin.....we are chained and bonded to this world.....1 John 2.................. 15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father[d] is not in them. 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

Im having this tattooed on my leg.....I live in Portland Oregon....we have a huge gay population....and they dont like Christians.....So i like to advertise and getting the word out when i can.....Im by no means a Hell Fire and Damnation Teacher....we have those on the streets in downtown Portland....and they can get really loud....I use to start conversations with them....but its like any of these  street preachers...if you blindfolded me ....and brought me to one to start a conversation....i can tell you within the first 5 minutes of our conversation what religion he represents....Baptist....J.W'S....evangelist.....its all the same......they have no clue.....I have a question.....can you look into a mirror....take a real hard look at yourself....and really understand what you people affect you....that's recent conversations on this post....can you be singular....cant you have your own mind and of my instructors in college made the point about me being .....always in the back of the classroom.....the old jokes from younger classmates....he said if i went to the front row....all the snickers and jeers about the old guy in the back of the classroom..... would disappear.......he said.....he was that old guy.... when he went to College....and he went to the front row.....and he could ask.... all the questions he wanted...... without all the snickers and jeers....and I reassured him that would not be the case for me....if you make fun of me....ill just give you the instructor rolled his eyes at me....and thats cant terrorize cant affect me with your words... we have alot of problems on our mass transit system in Portland....People being victimized by the homeless and gangs.....and if someone is giving someone a hard time for no reason....ill be the first to jump in.....ive been riding transit for a very long aint the first time ive got involved.....a guy was hassling the driver of a bus.... i was riding....and i calmly told him ..... either take his seat or he was going thru the doors even if the driver still had them closed....i man of peace....but im also a man of God....if It is within my power...i will not let sin rule the day....i will go combat mode....regardless if i get my ass kicked or not.....and if he pulls a weapon.....than its life or death.....and that person will die....I am the coolest person you can meet....if we become friends....i crazy good in the kitchen...i feed all my a date with one of my classmate and his family for Italian night at his house....this will be our third feast....i smoke a lot of Pot...i live in Oregon...its legal....Ill drink you under the table...and when you pass out...ill write dirty words all over your body with a permanent son was a victim of that rule in my family....the permanent marker lasted for weeks....Im just a normal guy...i like writing on these Forums because it gives me a sense of peace...and I love to type....I type the same the artists...i dont believe in censorship or altering the creative thought....its my work...if you dont like it...........leave


Surely you see the irony in first complaining that you have original thought that we don't accept...then that you don't accept our original thought because your right and we're wrong?  This is what many reference when discussing Christian hypocrisy.

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  On 4/13/2019 at 9:30 PM, cuchulain said:

Surely you see the irony in first complaining that you have original thought that we don't accept...then that you don't accept our original thought because your right and we're wrong?  This is what many reference when discussing Christian hypocrisy.




What does it matter?  More fact free assertions.  Yet again, anything which can be asserted, without evidence, can be dismissed, without evidence.  It doesn't matter.







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Pace of Bering Sea changes startles scientists

8ee9c623427248329ecd007644366cf9.jpg A satellite photo provided by the University of Alaska Fairbanks' Geographic Information Network of Alaska shows clouds partially covering open water in the northern Bering Sea, the Bering Strait and the Chukchi Sea on Monday, March 4, 2019. St. Lawrence Island is in the foreground. Warm winds in mid-February melted or blew off much of the sea ice in the northern Bering Sea, a region historically covered by sea ice throughout the winter. (University of Alaska Fairbanks/Geographic Information Network of Alaska photo via AP)

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The Yupik Eskimo village of Kotlik on Alaska's northwest coast relies on a cold, hard blanket of sea ice to protect homes from vicious winter Bering Sea storms.

Frigid north winds blow down from the Arctic Ocean, freeze saltwater and push sea ice south. The ice normally prevents waves from forming and locks onto beaches, walling off villages. But not this year.

In February, southwest winds brought warm air and turned thin sea ice into "snow cone ice" that melted or blew off. When a storm pounded Norton Sound, water on Feb. 12 surged up the Yukon River and into Kotlik, flooding low-lying homes. Lifelong resident Philomena Keyes, 37, awoke to knee-deep water outside her house.

"This is the first I experienced in my life, a flood that happened in the winter, in February," Keyes said in a phone interview.

Winter storm surge flooding is the latest indication that something's off-kilter around the Bering Strait, the gateway from the Pacific Ocean to the Arctic Ocean. Rapid, profound changes tied to high atmospheric temperatures, a direct result of climate change, may be reordering the region's physical makeup. Ocean researchers are asking themselves if they're witnessing the transformation of an ecosystem.

The Bering Sea last winter saw record-low sea ice. Climate models predicted less ice, but not this soon, said Seth Danielson, a physical oceanographer at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

"The projections were saying we would've hit situations similar to what we saw last year, but not for another 40 or 50 years," Danielson said.

Walruses and seals use sea ice to rest and give birth. Villagers use sea ice to hunt them. Sea ice is the primary habitat of polar bears. Algae that clings to the bottom of sea ice blooms in spring, dies and sinks, sending an infusion of food to clams, snails and sea worms on the ocean floor — the prey of gray whales, walruses and bearded seals.

Sea ice also affects commercially valuable fish. Sea ice historically has created a Bering Sea "cold pool," an east-west barrier of extremely cold, salty water at the bottom of the wide, shallow continental shelf. The wall of cold water historically has concentrated Pacific cod and walleye pollock in the southeastern Bering Sea.

"It tends to extend from the Russian side to the northwest," said Lyle Britt, a fisheries biologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "It kind of comes down almost like a little hockey stick shape ... through the center of the southeast Bering Sea."

However, when Britt and other NOAA researchers last year conducted annual fish and ocean condition surveys, they got a big surprise: For the first time in 37 years, they found no cold pool.

Researchers found high concentrations of Pacific cod and walleye pollock in the northern Bering Sea. But the species that was supposed to be there, Arctic cod, was hardly found.

More than half the fish landed in U.S. waters come from the North Pacific, and most are caught in the Bering Sea. Chad See, executive director of the Freezer Longline Coalition, a trade association of vessels that target Pacific cod using baited lines, said members caught their quota last year but had to travel farther north.

"Does that mean that the stock is declining, is suffering because of the warming temperatures? Or is it that they've moved north and it's still a vibrant fishery?" See said.

It's too soon to conclude that atmosphere and ocean changes are due simply to climate change, said NOAA physical oceanographer Phyllis Stabeno, who has studied the Bering Sea for more than 30 years. The southern Bering Sea since 2000 has undergone multi-year stanzas of low and extensive ice, she said.

When sea ice in November began forming as usual, she expected a bounce-back this winter. Instead, warm winds in February mostly cleared the northern Bering Sea of sea ice through the Bering Strait into the Chukchi Sea.

"We're in winter," she said. "This is all supposed to be frozen."

Formation of the cold pool is again in doubt. It could return in the future, but temperatures are trending upward with the rate of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere.

Scientists say figuring out the ocean physics is far less of a challenge than projecting the biological ramifications.

"We sort of opened up this whole Pandora's box of not really knowing how the ecosystem as a whole is going to adjust to that," Danielson said.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Park Service early last summer detected trouble. Resident called with reports of emaciated and dead seabirds.

Common murres, which can use up fat reserves and starve after three days without eating, fly hundreds miles to find fish schools or krill but were washing up dead on shore. Forktail storm petrels, fulmars, shearwaters, kittiwakes, auklets and puffins also died.

No one can say why. Seabird experts wonder whether the presence of more pollock and Pacific cod, which have voracious appetites and are far more efficient hunters of forage fish than seabirds, was a factor.

Dean Stockwell, a research associate professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks with a specialty in phytoplankton, said the ocean changes have the potential to affect plant life at the bottom of the food web but it's too soon to know.

Of immediate concern is whether warmer water will allow harmful algae containing toxins to stay viable long enough for shellfish to eat them and pass toxins to marine mammals and people. Toxins are being carried to the Arctic, Stockwell said.

"The question with global warming types of things is, 'Can it get a foothold? Can they do damage?'" he said.

Seabird experts wonder if toxins played a role in recent seabird deaths by affecting their ability to forage.

No one has connected the dots, said Britt, the NOAA fisheries biologist.

"At the moment, nobody's sitting with in-hand a comprehensive research study that covers the birds and the mammals and the fish and the zooplankton all in one synthesized report," he said, adding that it will take researchers more time to figure out what's going on.

Meantime, Kotlik resident Keyes is researching climate change effects in her coastal village of 650 as project coordinator for a team working under a Bureau of Indian Affairs program.

The absence of sea ice since mid-February meant taking land routes to visit nearby villages, she said. And seal hunters this spring found bearded seals to harvest but not near the village.

Like the cod fishermen, "They had to go farther north," Keyes said.

On May 14th 2018....Israel became 70 years of age.....FACT......Jeremiah 29... 10 This is what the Lord says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.

FACT.......Matthew 24..... 32 "Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; 33 so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize [fn] that He [fn] is near, right at the door

NO ASSERTION.....FACT....The world is was said in scripture that it would be MAN....his freewill.....his will to possess the Earth and bring about its destruction.....FACT.....and Christ will return






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  On 4/13/2019 at 9:30 PM, cuchulain said:

Surely you see the irony in first complaining that you have original thought that we don't accept...then that you don't accept our original thought because your right and we're wrong?  This is what many reference when discussing Christian hypocrisy.



Its not hypocrisy,  just 2 original thoughts that are diametrically opposed.. There can be no meeting of the minds when the premise of thought is discarded as false or unproven. But Christianity is all about 'thinking outside the box', its a spiritual understanding that surpasses conventional thought. God is Spirit, Jesus said "My Kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36), so trying to prove what is spiritually perceived by gathering physical evidence on earth is not how believers function. Its not so much about your wrong and I'm right, but more about spiritual revelations that nonbelievers ignore, are unaware of, or can't believe exist. The bible refers to it as 'hardened hearts' (Romans 9:18),  because its not about intellectually proving to yourself that God exist.. "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God" (1 Corinthians 2: 9-11).


In the absence of spiritual discernment, nonbelievers can only presume Christians are wrong, because the only thing that can be right to them must be deduced by proven observation. But not all 'truth' is derived from a patented learning process, which severely limits understanding and provides no real answers to the origin, purpose, or destiny of mankind. Remove the spiritual aspect and your left with an empty, limited, and meaningless existence. 

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  On 4/14/2019 at 9:25 PM, cuchulain said:

I prefer no answers to made up ones.



That's probably why you have no answers. You actually prefer answers that you can accept, because you can't possibly verify whether an answer is fabricated without evidence.  The truth cannot always be proven to your satisfaction, but it can be a truthful answer none-the-less.

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  On 4/15/2019 at 5:13 AM, Dan56 said:


That's probably why you have no answers. You actually prefer answers that you can accept, because you can't possibly verify whether an answer is fabricated without evidence.  The truth cannot always be proven to your satisfaction, but it can be a truthful answer none-the-less.



So much for my resolve.


I don't know is an answer.  Much of the time, a right good answer it is.  It is an honest answer and much better than an empty assertion.  Even when the empty assertion, is stated with sincerity.









Edited by Jonathan H. B. Lobl
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  On 4/15/2019 at 5:13 AM, Dan56 said:


That's probably why you have no answers. You actually prefer answers that you can accept, because you can't possibly verify whether an answer is fabricated without evidence.  The truth cannot always be proven to your satisfaction, but it can be a truthful answer none-the-less.


Doesn't your book say to test?  But somehow I am wrong for testing?  No... that just don't make sense. I am supposed to accept on faith... except I am supposed to test and your book fails the test...oh, another contradiction in the mythology.

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  On 4/15/2019 at 6:05 PM, cuchulain said:

Doesn't your book say to test?  But somehow I am wrong for testing?  No... that just don't make sense. I am supposed to accept on faith... except I am supposed to test and your book fails the test...oh, another contradiction in the mythology.




I already had this discussion with Dan.  According to Dan, evidence would negate the need for Faith.  Since God values Faith -- God does not value evidence.  That's why there isn't any.


Of course, Dan has also insisted that Spirit can't have objective evidence.  Because it's Spirit.


Pick your favorite excuse.  Either way, we end up in the same place.  Without evidence.  


So, I ask you.  In the complete absence of evidence -- does it matter?  Not to me.  





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  On 4/15/2019 at 1:22 PM, Jonathan H. B. Lobl said:

I don't know is an answer.  Much of the time, a right good answer it is.



It may be an honest answer, but its also a worthless answer. Never fabricate an answer, but never be content to "not know" the answer.. Biblical answers may require some faith to accept, but at least your not left in ignorance wondering what your life, origin, purpose, and meaning are all about.


  On 4/15/2019 at 6:05 PM, cuchulain said:

Doesn't your book say to test?  But somehow I am wrong for testing?  No... that just don't make sense. I am supposed to accept on faith... except I am supposed to test and your book fails the test...oh, another contradiction in the mythology.



Yes, there are many warnings to test; "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1). There's a difference in testing and denying though. The testing is to distinguish between true and false teachers. "Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test all things. Hold fast to what is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). "The prophets are prophesying lies in My name," the LORD replied. "I did not send them or appoint them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a false vision, a worthless divination, the futility and delusion of their own minds" (Jeremiah 14:4). And Jesus warned; "Beware of false prophets". So the test is to use scripture to identify the truth, not to challenge the scriptures themselves. For instance, if a prophecy is not fulfilled, it was not given by inspiration of God. Over 300 prophecies of Christ were fulfilled, while other imposters never even fulfilled one. All prophecies total about 2,500 and about 2,000 have been fulfilled, so based on past performance, I have faith that the rest will come to pass. Close examination of the book does demonstrate divine evidence, so I'd question your methodology of testing, rather than the book which hasn't lied. Yes, faith is required, but at least your not left in a "I don't know nothing" dilemma.

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  On 4/15/2019 at 8:32 PM, Dan56 said:


It may be an honest answer, but its also a worthless answer. Never fabricate an answer, but never be content to "not know" the answer.. Biblical answers may require some faith to accept, but at least your not left in ignorance wondering what your life, origin, purpose, and meaning are all about.



Yes, there are many warnings to test; "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1). There's a difference in testing and denying though. The testing is to distinguish between true and false teachers. "Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test all things. Hold fast to what is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). "The prophets are prophesying lies in My name," the LORD replied. "I did not send them or appoint them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a false vision, a worthless divination, the futility and delusion of their own minds" (Jeremiah 14:4). And Jesus warned; "Beware of false prophets". So the test is to use scripture to identify the truth, not to challenge the scriptures themselves. For instance, if a prophecy is not fulfilled, it was not given by inspiration of God. Over 300 prophecies of Christ were fulfilled, while other imposters never even fulfilled one. All prophecies total about 2,500 and about 2,000 have been fulfilled, so based on past performance, I have faith that the rest will come to pass. Close examination of the book does demonstrate divine evidence, so I'd question your methodology of testing, rather than the book which hasn't lied. Yes, faith is required, but at least your not left in a "I don't know nothing" dilemma.




Biblical answers may require some faith to accept, but at least your not left in ignorance wondering what your life, origin, purpose, and meaning are all about.







Wait.  You're serious?






Yes, faith is required, but at least your not left in a "I don't know nothing" dilemma.





Edited by Jonathan H. B. Lobl
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