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Salem - it's really nice. Those that have seemed to "pick" on some of the technical aspects are all artists, right?

I'm well aware how several programs can leave "specks" when doing edits, however, when I saw it, it actually flowed with what you were representing. I thought the specks were deliberate as showing the "magical aspects" etc. a little "twinkle" in between. The roundness was off but many fonts do that because of the registration, but I liked the first one better...except for the "L" it was a bit out of place. I frequently change the First or Capital letter of font by clicking the second arrow in edit and then click on the little box at foot of letter to highlight. I'd be happy to give ya hand if you asked or type "Change one letter in font" on Help sheet for your program. I use Corel and Adobe, but they're all pretty similar when it comes to tools.

Overall, great job, despite what the critics say. All I can do is ditto what "Q" said....

Blessings Be,

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Those that have seemed to "pick" on some of the technical aspects are all artists, right?

Since I am one of those who "picked" I must reply.

When someone asks for feedback on what they made I assume they want honest feedback, and I try my best to give them my opinion about it.

They are free to accept the feedback or not. But I call this process helping.

However perhaps they do not want honest feedback but simply a pat on the back: "Great! Wonderful! Best I have ever seen! Don't chance anything!".

Surely a lot of "nicety niceys" and feel good stuff, but how is that constructive?

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Since I am one of those who "picked" I must reply.

When someone asks for feedback on what they made I assume they want honest feedback, and I try my best to give them my opinion about it.

They are free to accept the feedback or not. But I call this process helping.

However perhaps they do not want honest feedback but simply a pat on the back: "Great! Wonderful! Best I have ever seen! Don't chance anything!".

Surely a lot of "nicety niceys" and feel good stuff, but how is that constructive?

Oh I completely agree with you Hyper. I didn't find your remarks in the least demeaning...dang printed word...never gets emotion across right. I guess my point was that a lot of assumptions were made, by others, about what Salem was going for and perhaps they could have asked instead of immediately pointing to "mistake". The "specks" for one, I thought gave that magical twinkle to the piece and was cool while others immediately assumed it was a flaw. Guess some have imagination where others see flaw is all...I guess, maybe, perhaps??

Sorry, in re-reading my above post, you were right to assume my intent as the wording was a bit to the point. I'll try to better foreword my thoughts in the future.

Blessings Be,

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No need for sorry, I do not think you were negative at me (or others) and besides after that statement you gave a bunch of good feedback in the same fashion.

I just found it appropriate to comment on an often observed phenomenon when if someone asks for feedback on the internet mostly he or she will get nothing more than "Great", "Best I have ever seen", e.g. pats on the back instead of constructive criticism.

{ And of course sometimes we all can use a pat on the back }

Edited by Hyper Real
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Since I am one of those who "picked" I must reply.

When someone asks for feedback on what they made I assume they want honest feedback, and I try my best to give them my opinion about it.

They are free to accept the feedback or not. But I call this process helping.

However perhaps they do not want honest feedback but simply a pat on the back: "Great! Wonderful! Best I have ever seen! Don't chance anything!".

Surely a lot of "nicety niceys" and feel good stuff, but how is that constructive?

I agree Hyper Real. In my experience on and off the internet, many people are looking for agreement as opposed to advice or opinion. That is not to say that it is true with SalemWitchChild. It is just my observation over the years. My own son always asked my opinion on things saying that my opinion meant a lot to him. Trouble was, I seldom agreed with him and he grew distant. Once I figured out what he really wanted (agreement and support for his ideas and opinions) it was easy for me to adjust and tell him whatever he wanted to hear. Since then we have had a very close relationship.

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While pats on the back are great and I enjoy them as much as any other person, I was looking for constructive criticizm. Doesn't mean I'll agree with you. I happen to like the font I changed it to and it won't be changed. The specs were due to me redoing that curved text over and over again so no they were not on purpose. The problem stemmed from Josh seeing specs where I did not. Even when I zoomed in to 800% I didn't see them. I did go over that area with the eraser so hopefully I've gotten the majority if not all. I don't think they are easily visable now so it shouldn't retract from the image.

I did the curved text a good dozen times before I got it to the first pic I uploaded. Josh's advice about how to curve it helped immensely and its what I was looking for when I searched Gimp tutorials on it. Not sure why those tutorials didn't show that way to begin with. My life would have been much simpler that day if they had begun with that method.

No one offended me in the least. I am certainly not trying to please anyone elses vision of what it should be though. It is what I set out to make. And if others don't like the design thats ok.

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Those that have seemed to "pick" on some of the technical aspects are all artists, right?

Guess some have imagination where others see flaw is all...I guess, maybe, perhaps??

OR some make excuses for things can call it imagination. As someone that DOES do digital artwork, I recognized a fairly common technical flaw and identified it. If Robin would have said they were intentional, cool, its her work,her call.

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