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Having lost so many to the cold hand of death, when it seems like yesterday that they moved so warm in mine...Sometimes the weight of it is almost unbearable...





And now, Tabby goes in Thursday to find out if she has breast cancer...

Maybe God will smile on her, more then He has me...


Rufus Wainwright:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Taught I would throw some props for my home boy... This time of year and all...

Bela Lugosi's Dead-

You guys DO understand that YOU supposed to add YOU'RE moods right???

I'm sorry if I have been a bit of bummer in this thread.... By all means PLEASE add something that will change its direction...As for me, i would, but in my life every day is Halloween...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 10/31/2009 at 5:55 AM, Ravenstrikes said:

"I want you back" by the Jackson Five

I'm extremely distraught by the fact that SOFA entertainment has "pulled the plug" on this was a fine, in fact a most excellent performance by the Jackson Five on the Ed Sullivan was free to everyone once upon a time, why can't it be free to everyone now? sigh...

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Ravenstrikes- Its because Joe Jackson is a money hungry pig... He always was, and thats why he pushed (forced) the younguns into the show biz to begin with... Of course, that gave us some great talent, its just a shame how he treated them and how he pulls crap like that..

As for my next contribution... Every once in awhile, God pulls my out of my funk long enough to remind me what beautiful, Big Country I have around me...

And that it truly is a high quality (HQ) Wonderland!

(warning- Wonderland vid is HQ, and may be slow for some, VERY slow for dail-up... Still worth trying of ya have broadband)

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RS- I dont think that Joe is ~WITH~ anyone... Not much talent of his own ya know? What I do know is that he hunts down and squashes ANY non royalty garnering copy of his childrens talent.... Guess he never realised that a low quality copy over the net will generaly lead folks to buy the higher quality CD... aside from being greedy as hell, he apparently isnt too smart either... ~Shrugs~

Today's offering-

The line forms on the right dear... Now that Mackie's back in town... ;)

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This is also the day that I remember my dead...

One of the most important among them is my long dead motherland....

Almost NO ONE today understands the truth of America, even less today understand the truth of those who fought and died in the attempt to keep Her law...

But I do.

"History" is written by the victors... sadly enough HISTORY is lost that way...

Even the man in black sang about it...

Am I the only one who thinks that he should be canonized (made a Saint)?

Edited by Stormson
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I'll see the end of this new year out... Or I wont... It really isnt up to me...

All of us.. every one of us.. Could die tomorrow.. or today. If I happen to not see this coming year out, I want all here to know that I love them... Those long time peoples who know and understand... You truely have been, and will always remain, a true and honest part of what I consider "family"... I have had the chance to meet many of you in person and I feel that I am better for it... I intend to meet many of you before I go, but if it turns out that the Great Father chooses not allow me to stay that long then please know that I would have liked to have met you too...

And know that, like it or not, this "crotchety old bastard" will STILL be here either way... LOL ;)

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