Let's Nag Qyros

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~ Ok. :wub:

This is getting beyond silly!

I just babble stuff & sometimes write an image-thing or emotion-write...

I am not some greatly gifted artist! I've read much better than I've ever written.

You want to read other I've written? Fine. I'll find the connection. :unsure:


... There. Lots of stuff. Enjoy! :cheers:

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:claire: C'mon Claire honey, you can do it, look at all of the support you've got. Find the Gibbs Smith Publisher website, they have a poetry contest every year and the winner gets a book out of it. I used to work there, Gibbs is a pretty cool old coot, he'd love your stuff.
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~ Ok. :wub:

This is getting beyond silly!

I just babble stuff & sometimes write an image-thing or emotion-write...

I am not some greatly gifted artist! I've read much better than I've ever written.

You want to read other I've written? Fine. I'll find the connection. :unsure:


... There. Lots of stuff. Enjoy! :cheers:

We'll just keep nagging, then.

Hey, Claire, what ru doing?

Hey Claire wut r u doing?

hey claire wut r u doing?

claire, hey, wut r u doing?

Wut r U doing, Claire, HEY!

u shood git published.

Edited by Confuzus
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~ CRAP!!! This is getting nuts now guys... :rolleyes:

I will check-out lulu.com & Gibbs Smith Publishing. OK?

... Sorry you couldn't get to the site Rose, stuff like;

Beautiful young men

bloom like sunflowers

from broken stone.

Sleepily sway in bright

cold streetlight.

Soft flashing petals swiftly fall

leaving behind

dry bitter stems.

Tear up the roots but the seeds

left behind

fall in the cracks

to rebloom.


Caught within the wind

Autumn's leaves are whispering

You too are the past

And gently the rain

Giggles then comes raging down

Flooding the low ground

Golden light slanting

Through branches colored by time

Soon the cold will come


~ SEE??? See what you all have done? You've made me one of those pain-in-the-ass people!

I don't want to be a pompous 'poet' person...

I like words, they're pretty in how they play & playing with them to explain & exclaim & proclaim emotion in motion,

that's fun.

Please, please don't credit me with more than what I am. I'm just a babbler.

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~ CRAP!!! This is getting nuts now guys... :rolleyes:

I will check-out lulu.com & Gibbs Smith Publishing. OK?

... Sorry you couldn't get to the site Rose, stuff like;

Beautiful young men

bloom like sunflowers

from broken stone.

Sleepily sway in bright

cold streetlight.

Soft flashing petals swiftly fall

leaving behind

dry bitter stems.

Tear up the roots but the seeds

left behind

fall in the cracks

to rebloom.


Caught within the wind

Autumn's leaves are whispering

You too are the past

And gently the rain

Giggles then comes raging down

Flooding the low ground

Golden light slanting

Through branches colored by time

Soon the cold will come


~ SEE??? See what you all have done? You've made me one of those pain-in-the-ass people!

I don't want to be a pompous 'poet' person...

I like words, they're pretty in how they play & playing with them to explain & exclaim & proclaim emotion in motion,

that's fun.

Please, please don't credit me with more than what I am. I'm just a babbler.

Yes but a very talented Babbler...work it girl work it.....

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While my first instinct is to join this parade, my instincts as a writer tell me, No.

I would like nothing better than to sit down with a volume of poetry by Claire, and I have told you so over the years, but until, and unless, you decide you want to go through the agony of publishing, I don't feel it is my place to nag.

All of these people are well-meaning, and are true fans of yours, as I am also. But as you know from going through the process as support to some very eccentric poets, holding hands, offering suggestions, asking just the right questions, it is much like giving birth. The process of getting it there is not fun, although it can be with the right help, but yet, the decision to send it to the printer is the worst agony....

~Now I'm rambling.

Claire I do hope you'll publish a volume of your poetry, but people let's not dim one of the truly bright lights in this forum by asking her to do what she doesn't want to do. Let Claire be Qryos, The Dancing Muse, and the volume of work will emerge when she is ready.

Love and peace my dear,


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