Dorian Gray

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Everything posted by Dorian Gray

  1. Bald people have a hair color unless they are completely hairless and even then none is appropriate. I would assert that it is absurd to assert that atheism is NOT a belief. I would concur that it is not a religion or faith, but it most certainly a belief. You have no facts that prove there is no deity and a such you BELIEVE there is none.
  2. finally someone did..i was waiting for it.
  3. Im my shortness, I forget to address the "official" part. They are not "officially" part of the ULC in Modesto that was founded by Kirby Hensley. I am sure there are many in the RCC that don't feel the ICC's are official, or even the "non-catholic" christian faiths and visa versa. Are they a legal church? I haven't seen anything to the contray.
  4. is the really short version First, there was ULC Modesto (founded by Kirby Hensley), which spawned the ULC Monastery (founded by Daniel Zimmerman) as an official affiliate of the Mother Church based out of Tucson Arizona. This affiliation was due to Daniel Zimmerman having previously worked with Kirby Hensley in Modesto. In 2006, there was a bit of a power struggle between Daniel Zimmerman and members of the Monastery’s Board of Directors with George Freeman leading the group attempting to oust Daniel Zimmerman. At this time, ULC Modesto removed affiliation with the group and George Freeman moved the Monastery from Tucson Arizona to Seattle Washington. At this time, the Monastery became a separate church from the original ULC in Modesto but claiming to be more in keeping with Kirby Hensley’s vision. If you look at Ed’s post, it has links about the fall out and both Daniel and George that does not paint them in the most glowing light. The Monastery counters that with a website dedicated to “bashing” the ULC in Modesto. as well as the ULC Seminary are both affiliated with the ULC HQ in Modesto.
  5. I would settle for a world where even if people hated each other, they lived and let live.
  6. Looks the the ACLU is looking it to taking up the KKK's cause. Now that is tolerance!
  7. I wish i could. I dont have the time or space to grow my own.
  8. follow up on the news article cited at the beginning
  9. Ok, that covers behavior...but what about beliefs and ideas?
  10. I find it intresting that folks think the answer to intolerance is to use more intolerance.
  11. We hear things about being tolerant is a good thing! Intolerance is bad. But it seems being intolerant of intolerance is ok. So where we have the facts of this case (as presented in the article): 1. The program is open to any group that makes the commitment and can be revoked by the state for lack of action. 2. A group traditionally known for its intolerance is attempting to become a part of the program. 3. No members of the group (at least for now or that is known, least that would have been reported) have been convicted of a hate crime. 4. This particular chapter is billing itself as the "white" version of the NAACP. 5. There is another state that the courts ruled that they cannot be denied membership in the program ====================================== This all leads to the philosophical debate: How is it best to defeat intolerance? Is meeting intolerance with more intolerance the answer? Does tolerating intolerance undermine the goals of tolerance? Is advocating "tolerance" while purposefully being intolerant of a groups belief's hypocrisy? "I support tolerance, but only if you think like me" is this really tolerance? Please discuss.
  13. I am sure that Marcion believed he was a Christian, and he was infact a Christian who rejected much of the bible.
  14. Patton was absolutely a killer. Murderer would depend on your legal and moral views.
  15. I grew up near the Harley factory and one of my friends' dad described riding a motorcycle is a lot like riding a bicycle...except it is really like riding a bicycle while playing "in the hall of the mountain king" on the piano while careening through the a death row psych ward with all the inmates lose and trying to kill you... Cant say he was wrong..
  16. Well? Who else rides? <---2002 Suzuki Intruder Volusia
  17. Just to be clear...I never said hero or war criminal. I have mentioned it before, that the massive bombing campaign in Europe during WWII would now be an unacceptable act of war.
  18. Strategically not killing them all would have eventually caused their demise. It can be compared to Nakasaki and Hiroshima.
  19. Some come from our natural environment as Fawso pointed out, other are religious based, other still are based on society as a whole.